blaze lisp
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

666 lines
18 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2023 Riyyi
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <algorithm> // std::find_if, std::transform
#include <cctype> // std::toupper
#include <iterator> // std::distance, std::next, std::prev
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <span>
#include <string>
#include "ruc/format/color.h"
#include "ruc/format/format.h"
#include "ruc/format/print.h"
#include "ast.h"
#include "env/environment.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "forward.h"
#include "macro.h"
#include "printer.h"
#include "settings.h"
#include "types.h"
#include "util.h"
namespace blaze {
static ValuePtr evalQuasiQuoteImpl(ValuePtr ast);
EVAL_FUNCTION("def!", "symbol value", "Set SYMBOL to the value VALUE.");
ValuePtr Eval::evalDef(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("def!", nodes.size(), 2);
// First argument needs to be a Symbol
VALUE_CAST(symbol, Symbol, nodes.front());
// Eval second argument
m_ast = *std::next(nodes.begin());
m_env = env;
ValuePtr value = evalImpl();
// Dont overwrite symbols after an error
if (Error::the().hasAnyError()) {
return nullptr;
// Modify existing environment
return env->set(symbol->symbol(), value);
EVAL_FUNCTION("defmacro!", "symbol function",
R"(Define SYMBOL as a macro.
When the macro is called, as in (NAME ARGS...),
the FUNCTION (fn* ARGLIST BODY...) is applied to
the list ARGS... as it appears in the expression,
and the result should be a form to be evaluated instead of the original.)");
ValuePtr Eval::evalDefMacro(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("defmacro!", nodes.size(), 2);
// First argument needs to be a Symbol
VALUE_CAST(symbol, Symbol, nodes.front());
// Eval second argument
m_ast = *std::next(nodes.begin());
m_env = env;
ValuePtr value = evalImpl();
VALUE_CAST(lambda, Lambda, value);
// Dont overwrite symbols after an error
if (Error::the().hasAnyError()) {
return nullptr;
// Modify existing environment
return env->set(symbol->symbol(), makePtr<Macro>(*lambda));
EVAL_FUNCTION("describe", "symbol", "Display the full documentation of SYMBOL.");
ValuePtr Eval::evalDescribe(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("describe", nodes.size(), 1);
// First argument needs to be a Symbol
VALUE_CAST(symbol, Symbol, nodes.front());
auto symbol_string = symbol->symbol();
std::string type;
std::string signature;
std::string documentation;
std::string value_string;
bool pretty_print = Settings::the().get("pretty-print") == "1";
auto bold = fg(ruc::format::TerminalColor::None) | ruc::format::Emphasis::Bold;
auto describe = [&]() {
print("{} is a {}.\n\n", symbol_string, type);
if (!signature.empty()) {
pretty_print ? print(bold, "Signature\n") : print("Signature\n");
print("({})\n", signature);
if (!documentation.empty()) {
pretty_print ? print(bold, "\nDocumentation\n") : print("\nDocumentation\n");
print("{}\n", documentation);
if (!value_string.empty()) {
pretty_print ? print(bold, "Value\n") : print("Value\n");
print("{}\n", value_string);
// Verify if symbol is a special form
auto special_form = std::find_if(
[&symbol_string](const SpecialFormParts& special_form_parts) {
return == symbol_string;
// If symbol is not special form, lookup in the environment
ValuePtr value;
if (special_form == s_special_form_parts.end()) {
value = env->get(symbol_string);
if (!value) {
Error::the().add(format("'{}' not found", symbol_string));
return nullptr;
// Variable
if (special_form == s_special_form_parts.end() && !is<Callable>(value.get())) {
type = "variable";
Printer printer;
value_string = format("{}", printer.printNoErrorCheck(value, true));
return nullptr;
signature = pretty_print ? format(fg(ruc::format::TerminalColor::BrightBlue), "{}", symbol_string)
: symbol_string;
// Special form
if (special_form != s_special_form_parts.end()) {
type = "special form";
std::string signature_lower = std::string(special_form->signature);
std::transform(signature_lower.begin(), signature_lower.end(), signature_lower.begin(), ::toupper);
signature += !signature_lower.empty() ? " " : "";
signature += signature_lower;
documentation = special_form->documentation;
return nullptr;
// Function / lambda / macro
if (is<Function>(value.get())) {
type = "function";
auto function = std::static_pointer_cast<Function>(value);
signature += !function->signature().empty() ? " " : "";
signature += function->signature();
documentation = function->documentation();
else if (is<Lambda>(value.get()) || is<Macro>(value.get())) {
type = is<Lambda>(value.get()) ? "function" : "macro";
auto lambda = std::static_pointer_cast<Lambda>(value);
auto bindings = lambda->bindings();
std::string binding;
for (size_t i = 0; i < bindings.size(); ++i) {
binding = bindings[i];
std::transform(binding.begin(), binding.end(), binding.begin(), ::toupper);
signature += " " + binding;
auto body = lambda->body();
if (is<String>(body.get())) {
documentation = std::static_pointer_cast<String>(body)->data();
else if (is<List>(body.get())) {
VALUE_CAST(list, List, body);
if (list->size() > 1) {
auto second = list->nodesRead()[1];
if (is<String>(second.get())) {
documentation = std::static_pointer_cast<String>(second)->data();
return nullptr;
EVAL_FUNCTION("fn*", "args [docstring] body...", R"(Return an anonymous function.
ARGS should take the form of an argument list or vector.
DOCSTRING is an optional documentation string.
If present, it should describe how to call the function.
BODY should be a list of Lisp expressions.)");
ValuePtr Eval::evalFn(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_AT_LEAST("fn*", nodes.size(), 2);
// First element needs to be a List or Vector
VALUE_CAST(collection, Collection, nodes.front());
const auto& collection_nodes = collection->nodesRead();
std::vector<std::string> bindings;
for (const auto& node : collection_nodes) {
// All nodes need to be a Symbol
VALUE_CAST(symbol, Symbol, node);
// If more than one s-exp in lambda body, wrap in list
if (nodes.size() > 2) {
auto first = std::next(nodes.begin());
auto last = std::prev(nodes.end());
auto body_nodes = ValueVector(std::distance(first, last) + 2); = makePtr<Symbol>("do");
std::copy(first, nodes.end(), body_nodes.begin() + 1);
auto body = makePtr<List>(body_nodes);
return makePtr<Lambda>(bindings, body, env);
return makePtr<Lambda>(bindings, *std::next(nodes.begin()), env);
// -----------------------------------------
// (quasiquoteexpand x)
EVAL_FUNCTION("quasiquoteexpand", "arg", ""); // TODO
ValuePtr Eval::evalQuasiQuoteExpand(const ValueVector& nodes)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("quasiquoteexpand", nodes.size(), 1);
return evalQuasiQuoteImpl(nodes.front());
EVAL_FUNCTION("quote", "arg", "Return the ARG, without evaluating it. (quote x) yields x.");
ValuePtr Eval::evalQuote(const ValueVector& nodes)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("quote", nodes.size(), 1);
return nodes.front();
EVAL_FUNCTION("try*", "body... [catch]", R"(Eval BODY allowing exceptions to get caught.
CATCH should take the form of (catch* binding handler).
The BODY is evaluated, if it throws an exception, then form CATCH is
handled by creating a new environment that binds the symbol BINDING
to the value of the exception that was thrown. Finally, HANDLER is evaluated.)");
ValuePtr Eval::evalTry(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_AT_LEAST("try*", nodes.size(), 1);
// Is last node a catch* block
bool is_last_node_catch = false;
std::span<const ValuePtr> catch_nodes;
if (nodes.size() >= 2 && is<List>(nodes.back().get())) {
VALUE_CAST(list, List, nodes.back());
catch_nodes = list->nodesRead();
if (!list->empty() && is<Symbol>(catch_nodes.front().get())) {
VALUE_CAST(catch_symbol, Symbol, catch_nodes.front());
if (catch_symbol->symbol() == "catch*") {
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("catch*", catch_nodes.size() - 1, 2);
is_last_node_catch = true;
// Dont have to eval on malformed (catch*)
if (Error::the().hasAnyError()) {
return nullptr;
// Try
ValuePtr result;
auto end = (!is_last_node_catch) ? nodes.end() : std::prev(nodes.end(), 1);
for (auto it = nodes.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
m_ast = *it;
m_env = env;
result = evalImpl();
if (!Error::the().hasAnyError()) {
return result;
// Catch
if (!is_last_node_catch) {
return nullptr;
// Get the error message
auto error = (Error::the().hasOtherError())
? makePtr<String>(Error::the().otherError())
: Error::the().exception();
VALUE_CAST(catch_binding, Symbol, (*std::next(catch_nodes.begin())));
// Create new Environment that binds 'binding' to the value of the exception
auto catch_env = Environment::create(env);
catch_env->set(catch_binding->symbol(), error);
// Evaluate 'handler' using the new Environment
m_ast = catch_nodes.back();
m_env = catch_env;
return evalImpl();
// -----------------------------------------
EVAL_FUNCTION("and", "args...", R"(Eval ARGS until one of them yields nil, then return nil.
The remaining args are not evalled at all.
If no arg yields nil, return the last arg's value.)");
void Eval::evalAnd(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
ValuePtr result = makePtr<Constant>(Constant::True);
for (auto node : nodes) {
m_ast = node;
m_env = env;
result = evalImpl();
if (is<Constant>(result.get())) {
VALUE_CAST(constant, Constant, result, void());
if (constant->state() == Constant::Nil || constant->state() == Constant::False) {
m_ast = makePtr<Constant>(Constant::Nil);
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
m_ast = result;
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
EVAL_FUNCTION("do", "body...", "Eval BODY forms sequentially and return value of the last one.");
void Eval::evalDo(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_AT_LEAST("do", nodes.size(), 1, void());
// Evaluate all nodes except the last
for (auto it = nodes.begin(); it != std::prev(nodes.end(), 1); ++it) {
m_ast = *it;
m_env = env;
// Eval last node
m_ast = nodes.back();
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
EVAL_FUNCTION("if", "COND THEN [ELSE]", R"(If COND yields non-nil, do THEN, else do ELSE.
Returns the value of THEN or the value of ELSE.
Both THEN and ELSE must be one expression.
If COND yields nil, and there is no ELSE, the value is nil.)");
void Eval::evalIf(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_BETWEEN("if", nodes.size(), 2, 3, void());
auto first_argument = *nodes.begin();
auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin());
auto third_argument = (nodes.size() == 3) ? *std::next(std::next(nodes.begin())) : makePtr<Constant>(Constant::Nil);
m_ast = first_argument;
m_env = env;
auto first_evaluated = evalImpl();
if (!is<Constant>(first_evaluated.get())
|| std::static_pointer_cast<Constant>(first_evaluated)->state() == Constant::True) {
m_ast = second_argument;
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
m_ast = third_argument;
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
EVAL_FUNCTION("let*", "varlist body", R"(Bind variables accoring to VARLIST then eval BODY.
The value of the BODY form is returned.
VARLIST is a list or vector with an even amount of elements,
where each odd number is a symbol gets bind the even element.
All even elements are evalled before any symbols are bound.)");
void Eval::evalLet(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("let*", nodes.size(), 2, void());
// First argument needs to be a List or Vector
VALUE_CAST(bindings, Collection, nodes.front(), void());
const auto& binding_nodes = bindings->nodesRead();
// List or Vector needs to have an even number of elements
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_EVEN("bindings", binding_nodes.size(), void());
// Create new environment
auto let_env = Environment::create(env);
for (auto it = binding_nodes.begin(); it != binding_nodes.end(); std::advance(it, 2)) {
// First element needs to be a Symbol
VALUE_CAST(elt, Symbol, (*it), void());
std::string key = elt->symbol();
m_ast = *std::next(it);
m_env = let_env;
ValuePtr value = evalImpl();
let_env->set(key, value);
// TODO: Remove limitation of 3 arguments
// Eval all arguments in this new env, return last sexp of the result
m_ast = *std::next(nodes.begin());
m_env = let_env;
return; // TCO
// -----------------------------------------
// (x y z)
static bool isMacroCall(ValuePtr ast, EnvironmentPtr env)
auto list = dynamic_cast<List*>(ast.get());
if (list == nullptr || list->empty()) {
return false;
auto front = list->front().get();
if (!is<Symbol>(front)) {
return false;
auto symbol = dynamic_cast<Symbol*>(front)->symbol();
auto value = env->get(symbol).get();
if (!is<Macro>(value)) {
return false;
return true;
EVAL_FUNCTION("macroexpand-1", "expression", "Macroexpand EXPRESSION and pretty-print its value.");
void Eval::evalMacroExpand1(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("macroexpand-1", nodes.size(), 1, void());
if (!isMacroCall(nodes.front(), env)) {
m_ast = nodes.front();
m_env = env;
auto list = std::static_pointer_cast<List>(nodes.front());
auto value = env->get(std::static_pointer_cast<Symbol>(list->front())->symbol());
auto lambda = std::static_pointer_cast<Lambda>(value);
m_ast = lambda->body();
m_env = Environment::create(lambda, list->rest());
return; // TCO
// -----------------------------------------
EVAL_FUNCTION("or", "args...", R"(Eval ARGS until one of them yields non-nil, then return that value.
The remaining args are not evalled at all.
If all args return nil, return nil.)");
void Eval::evalOr(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
ValuePtr result;
for (auto node : nodes) {
m_ast = node;
m_env = env;
result = evalImpl();
if (!is<Constant>(result.get())) {
m_ast = result;
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
VALUE_CAST(constant, Constant, result, void());
if (constant->state() == Constant::True) {
m_ast = result;
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
m_ast = makePtr<Constant>(Constant::Nil);
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
// -----------------------------------------
static bool isSymbol(ValuePtr value, const std::string& symbol)
if (!is<Symbol>(value.get())) {
return false;
auto value_symbol = std::static_pointer_cast<Symbol>(value)->symbol();
if (value_symbol != symbol) {
return false;
return true;
static ValuePtr startsWith(ValuePtr ast, const std::string& symbol)
if (!is<List>(ast.get())) {
return nullptr;
const auto& nodes = std::static_pointer_cast<List>(ast)->nodesRead();
if (nodes.empty() || !isSymbol(nodes.front(), symbol)) {
return nullptr;
// Dont count the Symbol as part of the arguments
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS(symbol, nodes.size() - 1, 1);
return *std::next(nodes.begin());
static ValuePtr evalQuasiQuoteImpl(ValuePtr ast)
if (is<HashMap>(ast.get()) || is<Symbol>(ast.get())) {
return makePtr<List>(makePtr<Symbol>("quote"), ast);
if (!is<Collection>(ast.get())) {
return ast;
// `~2 or `(unquote 2)
const auto unquote = startsWith(ast, "unquote"); // x
if (unquote) {
return unquote;
// `~@(list 2 2 2) or `(splice-unquote (list 2 2 2))
const auto splice_unquote = startsWith(ast, "splice-unquote"); // (list 2 2 2)
if (splice_unquote) {
return splice_unquote;
ValuePtr result = makePtr<List>();
auto collection = std::static_pointer_cast<Collection>(ast);
// `() or `(1 ~2 3) or `(1 ~@(list 2 2 2) 3)
for (auto it = collection->beginReverse(); it != collection->endReverse(); ++it) {
const auto& elt = *it;
const auto splice_unquote = startsWith(elt, "splice-unquote"); // (list 2 2 2)
if (splice_unquote) {
// (cons 1 (concat (list 2 2 2) (cons 3 ())))
result = makePtr<List>(makePtr<Symbol>("concat"), splice_unquote, result);
// (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 ())))
result = makePtr<List>(makePtr<Symbol>("cons"), evalQuasiQuoteImpl(elt), result);
if (is<List>(ast.get())) {
return result;
// Wrap result in (vec) for Vector types
return makePtr<List>(makePtr<Symbol>("vec"), result);
// (quasiquote x)
EVAL_FUNCTION("quasiquote", "arg", R"()"); // TODO
void Eval::evalQuasiQuote(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_IS("quasiquote", nodes.size(), 1, void());
auto result = evalQuasiQuoteImpl(nodes.front());
m_ast = result;
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
// -----------------------------------------
// (while true body...)
EVAL_FUNCTION("while", "test body...", R"(If TEST yields non-nil, eval BODY... and repeat
The order of execution is thus TEST, BODY, TEST, BODY and so on
until TEST returns nil.
The value of a while form is always nil.)");
void Eval::evalWhile(const ValueVector& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
CHECK_ARG_COUNT_AT_LEAST("while", nodes.size(), 2, void());
// Condition
ValuePtr predicate = *nodes.begin();
m_ast = predicate;
m_env = env;
ValuePtr condition = evalImpl();
while (!is<Constant>(condition.get())
|| std::static_pointer_cast<Constant>(condition)->state() == Constant::True) {
for (auto it = nodes.begin() + 1; it != nodes.end(); ++it) {
m_ast = *it;
m_env = env;
m_ast = predicate;
m_env = env;
condition = evalImpl();
m_ast = makePtr<Constant>();
m_env = env;
return; // TCO
// -----------------------------------------
} // namespace blaze