This is a collection of dotfiles and scripts for my bspwm setup
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3.4 KiB

;;; dot-setup.el --- -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;;; Commentary:
;; Configure SetupEl and keywords.
;;; Code:
;; -----------------------------------------
;; SetupEl
;; Install and load SetupEl immediately
(elpaca setup (require 'setup)
;;; Configure custom macros
(setup-define :load-after
(lambda (&rest features)
(let ((body `(require ',(setup-get 'feature))))
(dolist (feature (nreverse features))
(setq body `(with-eval-after-load ',feature ,body)))
:documentation "Load the current feature after FEATURES.")
(setup-define :autoload
(lambda (func)
(let ((fn (if (memq (car-safe func) '(quote function))
(cadr func)
`(unless (fboundp (quote ,fn))
(autoload (function ,fn) ,(symbol-name (setup-get 'feature)) nil t))))
:documentation "Autoload COMMAND if not already bound."
:repeatable t
:signature '(FUNC ...))
(setup-define :defer
(lambda (secs)
`(if (numberp ,secs)
(run-with-idle-timer ,secs nil (lambda () (require ',(setup-get 'feature))))
:documentation "Defer loading of feature for SECS idle seconds.")
;;; Configure custom macros for evil bindings
(setup-define :with-evil-state
(lambda (states &rest body)
(setup-bind body (states states)))
:documentation "Change the STATE that BODY will bind to."
:indent 1)
(setup-define :evil-bind-impl
(lambda (key command)
`(evil-define-key* ',(setup-get 'states) ,(setup-get 'map) ,key ,command))
:documentation "Bind KEY to COMMAND in the current map."
:after-loaded t
:ensure '(kbd func)
:repeatable t)
(setup-define :evil-bind
(lambda (states &rest keybinds)
`(with-eval-after-load 'evil
(:with-evil-state ,states (:evil-bind-impl ,@keybinds))))
:documentation "Bind KEYBINDS in STATES in the current map.")
(setup-define :evil-bind-into
(lambda (states feature-or-map &rest keybinds)
(if (string-match-p "-map\\'" (symbol-name feature-or-map))
`(:with-map ,feature-or-map (:evil-bind ,states ,@keybinds))
`(:with-feature ,feature-or-map (:evil-bind ,states ,@keybinds))))
:documentation "Bind KEYBINDS in STATE into the map of FEATURE-OR-MAP.
The arguments REST are handled as by `:evil-bind'."
:indent 1)
;;; Add setup.el macro
(defmacro elpaca-setup (order &rest body)
"Execute BODY in `setup' declaration after ORDER is finished.
If the :disabled keyword is present in body, the package is completely ignored.
This happens regardless of the value associated with :disabled.
The expansion is a string indicating the package has been disabled."
(declare (indent 1))
(if (memq :disabled body)
(format "%S :disabled by elpaca-setup" order)
(let ((o order))
(when-let ((ensure (cl-position :ensure body)))
(setq o (if (null (nth (1+ ensure) body)) nil order)
body (append (cl-subseq body 0 ensure)
(cl-subseq body (+ ensure 2)))))
`(elpaca ,o (setup
,(if-let (((memq (car-safe order) '(quote \`)))
(feature (flatten-tree order)))
(cadr feature)
(elpaca--first order))
;; Startup benchmark
(elpaca-setup benchmark-init
(:require benchmark-init)
(add-hook 'elpaca-after-init-hook #'benchmark-init/deactivate)))
(provide 'dot-setup-el)
;;; dot-setup.el ends here