Browse Source

Update color definitions

Riyyi 6 years ago
  1. 29
  2. 16
  3. 10


@ -21,11 +21,11 @@ exec --no-startup-id thunar
exec --no-startup-id xss-lock -- $HOME/.scripts/wm/ & exec --no-startup-id xss-lock -- $HOME/.scripts/wm/ &
# Colors # Colors
set $bgcolor #404552 set_from_resource $bgcolor Wmcolor.bgcolor #000000
set $bgcolor-inactive #2b2e39 set_from_resource $bgcolor_inactive Wmcolor.bgcolor_Inactive #000000
set $bgcolor-urgent #dc7a43 set_from_resource $bgcolor_urgent Wmcolor.bgcolor_Urgent #000000
set $text-color #ffffff set_from_resource $fgcolor Wmcolor.fgcolor #000000
set $textcolor-inactive #676e7d set_from_resource $fgcolor_inactive Wmcolor.fgcolor_Inactive #000000
# Xresources colors # Xresources colors
set_from_resource $darkblack color0 #000000 set_from_resource $darkblack color0 #000000
@ -47,24 +47,25 @@ set_from_resource $white color15 #000000
set $transparent #00000000 set $transparent #00000000
# Window colors # Window colors
# border background text indicator # border background text indicator
client.focused $textcolor-inactive $textcolor-inactive $white $darkgreen client.focused $fgcolor_inactive $fgcolor_inactive $white $darkgreen
client.unfocused $bgcolor-inactive $bgcolor-inactive $darkwhite $darkgreen client.unfocused $bgcolor_inactive $bgcolor_inactive $darkwhite $darkgreen
client.focused_inactive $bgcolor-inactive $bgcolor-inactive $darkwhite $darkgreen client.focused_inactive $bgcolor_inactive $bgcolor_inactive $darkwhite $darkgreen
client.urgent $bgcolor-urgent $bgcolor-urgent $white $darkgreen client.urgent $bgcolor_urgent $bgcolor_urgent $white $darkgreen
bar { bar {
colors { colors {
background $bgcolor-inactive background $bgcolor_inactive
separator $darkwhite separator $darkwhite
statusline $white statusline $white
# border background text # border background text
focused_workspace $bgcolor $bgcolor $white focused_workspace $bgcolor $bgcolor $white
inactive_workspace $bgcolor-inactive $bgcolor-inactive $darkwhite inactive_workspace $bgcolor_inactive $bgcolor_inactive $darkwhite
active_workspace $bgcolor-inactive $bgcolor-inactive $darkwhite active_workspace $bgcolor_inactive $bgcolor_inactive $darkwhite
urgent_workspace $bgcolor-urgent $bgcolor-urgent $white urgent_workspace $bgcolor_urgent $bgcolor_urgent $white
} }
font pango:DejaVu Sans, FontAwesome5Free Solid, FontAwesome5Brands 8 font pango:DejaVu Sans, FontAwesome5Free Solid, FontAwesome5Brands 8
# position top
status_command i3blocks -c $HOME/.config/i3/blocks status_command i3blocks -c $HOME/.config/i3/blocks
#strip_workspace_numbers yes #strip_workspace_numbers yes
tray_output primary tray_output primary


@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
! Colors ! Colors
! special ! special
*.foreground: #c5c8c6 *.foreground: #c5c8c6
*.background: #1c1c1c *.background: #1c1c1c
*.cursorColor: #c5c8c6 *.cursorColor: #c5c8c6
! black ! black
*.color0: #282a2e *.color0: #282a2e
*.color8: #373b41 *.color8: #373b41
! red ! red
*.color1: #a54242 *.color1: #a54242
*.color9: #cc6666 *.color9: #cc6666
! green ! green
*.color2: #8c9440 *.color2: #8c9440
*.color10: #b5bd68 *.color10: #b5bd68
! yellow ! yellow
*.color3: #de935f *.color3: #de935f
*.color11: #f0c674 *.color11: #f0c674
! blue ! blue
*.color4: #5f819d *.color4: #5f819d
*.color12: #81a2be *.color12: #81a2be
! magenta ! magenta
*.color5: #85678f *.color5: #85678f
*.color13: #b294bb *.color13: #b294bb
! cyan ! cyan
*.color6: #5e8d87 *.color6: #5e8d87
*.color14: #8abeb7 *.color14: #8abeb7
! white ! white
*.color7: #707880 *.color7: #707880
*.color15: #c5c8c6 *.color15: #c5c8c6
! i3-wm colors
Wmcolor.bgcolor: #404552
Wmcolor.bgcolor_Inactive: #2b2e39
Wmcolor.bgcolor_Urgent: #dc7a43
Wmcolor.fgcolor: #ffffff
Wmcolor.fgcolor_Inactive: #676e7d
Xcursor.theme: capitaine-cursors Xcursor.theme: capitaine-cursors
! Font config ! Font config


@ -31,8 +31,12 @@ setxkbmap -option ''
# Swap capslock with escape # Swap capslock with escape
setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape
# Export Xresources colors # Export terminal colors
COLORS="$(xrdb -query | grep '^*.color' | sort -V | awk '{print $NF}')" $(xrdb -query | awk '/^*.color/{print "export " toupper(substr($1, 3, length($1) - 3)) "=" $2}')
$(echo "$COLORS" | awk '$0 = "export COLOR" NR - 1 "=" $0') # Example: *.color0: #282a2e -> export COLOR0=#282a2e
# Export wm colors
$(xrdb -query | awk '/Wmcolor./{print "export " toupper(substr($1, 9, length($1) - 9)) "=" $2}')
# Example: Wmcolor.bgcolor: #404552 -> export BGCOLOR=#404552
exec i3 exec i3
