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Change which-key key order

Riyyi 5 years ago
  1. 86


@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Install and configure packages.
(which-key-add-column-padding 1)
(which-key-max-display-columns nil)
(which-key-min-display-lines 5)
(which-key-sort-order 'which-key-prefix-then-key-order)
(which-key-sort-order 'dot/which-key-prefix-then-key-order-alpha)
(which-key-sort-uppercase-first nil))
(use-package general)
@ -1082,7 +1082,7 @@ Functions that use package functionality.
(defun dot/buffer-cleanup ()
(defun dot/centaur-tabs-buffer-cleanup ()
"Clean up all the hidden buffers."
(dolist (buffer (buffer-list))
@ -1091,7 +1091,7 @@ Functions that use package functionality.
(defun dot/kill-buffer-or-window ()
(defun dot/centaur-tabs-kill-buffer-or-window ()
"Delete window of the current buffer, also kill if the buffer is hidden."
(if (centaur-tabs-hide-tab (buffer-name))
@ -1109,6 +1109,16 @@ Functions that use package functionality.
(switch-to-buffer buffer)))
(with-eval-after-load 'which-key
(defun dot/which-key-prefix-then-key-order-alpha (acons bcons)
"Order y prefix, then lexicographical."
(let ((apref? (which-key--group-p (cdr acons)))
(bpref? (which-key--group-p (cdr bcons))))
(if (not (eq apref? bpref?))
(and (not apref?) bpref?)
(which-key-key-order-alpha acons bcons))))
(defun dashboard-goto-bookmarks ()
"Go to bookmarks."
@ -1400,21 +1410,21 @@ General.el ~leader key binds.
"RET" '(bookmark-jump :which-key "Jump to bookmark")
;; Buffer / bookmark
"b" '(:ignore t :which-key "buffer/bookmark")
"b a" '(auto-revert-mode :which-key "Auto revert buffer")
"b b" '(switch-to-buffer :which-key "Switch buffer")
"b d" '(dot/go-to-dashboard :which-key "Dashboard")
"b k" '(kill-current-buffer :which-key "Kill buffer")
"b m" '(bookmark-set :which-key "Make bookmark")
"b n" '(evil-buffer-new :which-key "New empty buffer")
"b r" '(revert-buffer :which-key "Revert buffer")
"b s" '(basic-save-buffer :which-key "Save buffer")
"b B" '(ibuffer :which-key "List buffers")
"b C" '(dot/buffer-cleanup :which-key "Cleanup buffers")
"b M" '(bookmark-delete :which-key "Delete bookmark")
"b S" '(evil-write-all :which-key "Save all buffers")
"b <left>" '(previous-buffer :which-key "Previous buffer")
"b <right>" '(next-buffer :which-key "Next buffer")
"b" '(:ignore t :which-key "buffer/bookmark")
"b a" '(auto-revert-mode :which-key "Auto revert buffer")
"b b" '(switch-to-buffer :which-key "Switch buffer")
"b d" '(dot/go-to-dashboard :which-key "Dashboard")
"b k" '(kill-current-buffer :which-key "Kill buffer")
"b m" '(bookmark-set :which-key "Make bookmark")
"b n" '(evil-buffer-new :which-key "New empty buffer")
"b r" '(revert-buffer :which-key "Revert buffer")
"b s" '(basic-save-buffer :which-key "Save buffer")
"b B" '(ibuffer :which-key "List buffers")
"b C" '(dot/centaur-tabs-buffer-cleanup :which-key "Cleanup buffers")
"b M" '(bookmark-delete :which-key "Delete bookmark")
"b S" '(evil-write-all :which-key "Save all buffers")
"b <left>" '(previous-buffer :which-key "Previous buffer")
"b <right>" '(next-buffer :which-key "Next buffer")
;; Comments / config
"c" '(:ignore t :which-key "comment/config")
@ -1494,26 +1504,26 @@ General.el ~leader key binds.
"u" '(auto-package-update-now :which-key "Update packages")
;; Window
"w" '(:ignore t :which-key "window")
"w +" '(evil-window-increase-height :which-key "Increase window height")
"w -" '(evil-window-decrease-height :which-key "Decrease window height")
"w <" '(evil-window-decrease-width :which-key "Decrease window width")
"w =" '(balance-windows :which-key "Balance windows")
"w >" '(evil-window-increase-width :which-key "Increase window width")
"w _" '(evil-window-set-height :which-key "Maximize window height")
"w h" '(windmove-left :which-key "Focus window left")
"w j" '(windmove-down :which-key "Focus window down")
"w k" '(windmove-up :which-key "Focus window up")
"w l" '(windmove-right :which-key "Focus window right")
"w o" '(delete-other-windows :which-key "Close other windows")
"w s" '(split-follow-horizontally :which-key "Split horizontal")
"w v" '(split-follow-vertically :which-key "Split vertical")
"w w" '(other-window :which-key "Focus other window")
"w q" '(dot/kill-buffer-or-window :which-key "Close window")
"w <left>" '(windmove-left :which-key "Focus window left")
"w <right>" '(windmove-right :which-key "Focus window right")
"w <up>" '(windmove-up :which-key "Focus window up")
"w <down>" '(windmove-down :which-key "Focus window down")
"w" '(:ignore t :which-key "window")
"w +" '(evil-window-increase-height :which-key "Increase window height")
"w -" '(evil-window-decrease-height :which-key "Decrease window height")
"w <" '(evil-window-decrease-width :which-key "Decrease window width")
"w =" '(balance-windows :which-key "Balance windows")
"w >" '(evil-window-increase-width :which-key "Increase window width")
"w _" '(evil-window-set-height :which-key "Maximize window height")
"w h" '(windmove-left :which-key "Focus window left")
"w j" '(windmove-down :which-key "Focus window down")
"w k" '(windmove-up :which-key "Focus window up")
"w l" '(windmove-right :which-key "Focus window right")
"w o" '(delete-other-windows :which-key "Close other windows")
"w s" '(split-follow-horizontally :which-key "Split horizontal")
"w v" '(split-follow-vertically :which-key "Split vertical")
"w w" '(other-window :which-key "Focus other window")
"w q" '(dot/centaur-tabs-kill-buffer-or-window :which-key "Close window")
"w <left>" '(windmove-left :which-key "Focus window left")
"w <right>" '(windmove-right :which-key "Focus window right")
"w <up>" '(windmove-up :which-key "Focus window up")
"w <down>" '(windmove-down :which-key "Focus window down")
;; winner-redo (built-in window history)
;; winner-undo
