diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index e69de29..b91fca2 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +# Dotfiles + +This is a collection of dotfiles and scripts for my i3 setup, previewed below: + +![Screenshot](screenshot.png) + +### Software: + +All packages that are manually installed via pacman -S, dependencies not included. + + -- installed during installation + base + base-devel + sudo + iw + wpa_supplicant + dialog + -- installed after booting into system + git + openssh + pacaur + xorg-server + xorg-xinit + xorg-xrandr + xorg-xbacklight + xf86-video-intel + i3-gaps + rofi + feh + i3blocks + i3lock-color-git (AUR) + acpi + playerctl + alsa-utils + sysstat + screenfetch + scrot + imagemagick + rxvt-unicode + zsh + zsh-completions + libx264 + ttf-dejavu + firefox + libnotify + pulseaudio + pulseaudio-alsa + pavucontrol + thunar + thunar-volman + gvfs + tumbler + ffmpegthumbnailer + poppler-glib + gtk-theme-arc-git (AUR) + arc-icon-theme-git (AUR) + moka-icon-theme-git (AUR) + lxappearance + ntfs-3g + exfat-utils + gedit + thunderbird + qbittorrent + filezilla + tlp + smartmontools + x86_energy_perf_policy + intel-ucode + mpv + youtube-dl + rtmpdump + xarchiver + zip + unzip + unrar + p7zip + texlive-most + gvfs-mtp + gvfs-gphoto2 + chromium + zathura + zathura-pdf-mupdf + gpicview + python2-setuptools + python2-click-5.1 (AUR) + platformio (AUR) + vim + +### Configuration: + +Below are all the system changes that were made.
+<> = variable
+() = action + +Predictable network interface names: + + ln -s /dev/null /etc/systemd/network/99-default.link + +Give wheel users sudo permission: + + nano /etc/sudoers + (uncomment)%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL + +Add user: + + useradd -m -G wheel -s /bin/bash + passwd + +Installing pacaur: + + gpg --recv-keys + + git clone cower + cd cower + makepkg -si + cd .. + + git clone pacaur + cd pacaur + makepkg -si + cd .. + + pacaur -S cower pacaur + rm -rf cower pacaur + +Switch shell to zsh: + + chsh -s /bin/zsh + +Pacman colors: + + nano /etc/pacman.conf + (uncomment)Color + +Thunar automount: + + (inside Thunar menu) -> Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Configure -> Check first two boxes under 'Removable Storage' + +Git: + + git config --global user.email "" + git config --global user.name "" + +Tlp: + + systemctl enable tlp.service + systemctl enable tlp-sleep.service + + nano /etc/default/tlp + (edit)SOUND_POWER_SAVE_ON_BAT=0 + +Trim: + + systemctl enable fstrim.timer + +Clock internet sync: + + timedatectl set-ntp true + +Mail gpg: + + gpg --decrypt | gpg --import + gpg --search-keys