3 changed files with 164 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
#!/bin/sh |
DIR="/etc/vim/pack/plugins" |
START="$DIR/start" |
OPT="$DIR/opt" |
LIST="/etc/vim/pack/list" |
help() { |
BOLD=$(tput bold) |
NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) |
echo "${BOLD}NAME${NORMAL}" |
echo " vimplugin - vim plugin manager" |
echo "" |
echo " ./vimplugin.sh <command> [<arg1> <arg2>]" |
echo "" |
echo " list <number>" |
echo " Prints all the installed plugins, <number> prints \ |
just the plugin in that position." |
echo "" |
echo " install <url> [\"start\"/\"opt\"]" |
echo " Install a new plugin, <url> need to be a valid \ |
GitHub URL, |
start/opt to install the plugin in the start/opt directory \ |
(default: start)." |
echo "" |
echo " update" |
echo " Installs/updates all plugins from the config file." |
echo "" |
echo " remove" |
echo " Remove plugin, script will prompt a selection menu." |
} |
list() { |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
echo "Listing all installed plugins.." |
fi |
PLUGIN="$(find $DIR -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 \ |
| sort | awk -F '/' '{ print $(NF-1)"/"$NF }')" |
NUM=0 |
for p in $PLUGIN; do |
NUM=$(( NUM + 1 )) |
if [ -z "$1" ]; then |
echo "$NUM) $p" |
elif [ "$NUM" = "$1" ]; then |
echo "$p" |
fi |
done |
} |
install() { |
# Check if correct git URL |
if [ -z "$(echo $1 | sed -nr \ |
's/^https:\/\/github\.com\/(.*\/.*).git$/\1/p')" ]; then |
echo "script: url invalid: $1" |
else |
# cd to correct directory if called from the CLI |
if [ -z "$2" ]; then |
# Default is directory 'start' |
cd "$START" |
elif [ "$2" != script ]; then |
if [ "$2" = "start" ]; then |
cd "$START" |
elif [ "$2" = "opt" ]; then |
cd "$OPT" |
fi |
fi |
REPO="$(basename $1 .git)" |
if [ -d "$REPO" ]; then |
cd "$REPO" |
sudo git pull --force 1> /dev/null |
cd ".." |
echo "Updated: $REPO" |
else |
# @ToDo: Add to config file after cloning the repository |
# Add git URL to config file |
if [ -z "$2" ]; then |
# Append before 'opt:' |
sudo sed -i '/opt:/ i '$1 $LIST |
elif [ "$2" != "script" ]; then |
if [ "$2" = "start" ]; then |
# Append before 'opt:' |
sudo sed -i '/opt:/ i '$1 $LIST |
elif [ "$2" = "opt" ]; then |
# Append at the end of the file |
sudo sed -i '$ a '$1 $LIST |
fi |
fi |
sudo git clone "$1" 2> /dev/null |
echo "Installed: $REPO" |
fi |
fi |
} |
update() { |
echo "Updating.." |
sudo mkdir -p $START |
sudo mkdir -p $OPT |
sudo touch $LIST |
if [ ! -s $LIST ]; then |
# Append to empty file |
sudo sh -c 'echo "start:" >> '$LIST |
sudo sh -c 'echo "opt:" >> '$LIST |
fi |
cd $START |
while read l; do |
if [ "$l" = "start:" ]; then |
cd "$START" |
elif [ "$l" = "opt:" ]; then |
cd "$OPT" |
else |
install $l "script" |
fi |
done < $LIST |
} |
remove() { |
list |
echo "Enter the number to remove: " && read OPTION |
if [ -z "$(echo $OPTION | sed -nr 's/^([0-9]+)$/\1/p')" ]; then |
echo "Please select a number" |
else |
TO_REMOVE="$(list $OPTION)" |
if [ -n "$TO_REMOVE" ]; then |
sudo rm -rf $DIR/$TO_REMOVE |
sudo sed -i '/'"$(basename $TO_REMOVE)"'\.git/d' $LIST |
fi |
fi |
} |
if type "$1" 2> /dev/null | grep -q "function"; then |
"$@" |
else |
echo "script: command not found: $1" |
fi |
Reference in new issue