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Neovim: WIP on navigation workflow

Riyyi 1 month ago
  1. 1
  2. 1
  3. 35
  4. 213
  5. 11
  6. 38
  7. 9
  8. 3
  9. 29
  10. 586


@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
"gitsigns.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5f808b5e4fef30bd8aca1b803b4e555da07fc412" },
"lazy.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "7c493713bc2cb392706866eeba53aaef6c8e9fc6" },
"lspkind.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "d79a1c3299ad0ef94e255d045bed9fa26025dab6" },
"lspsaga.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "2710a0ad97b5aaff404cd4756c296df454b3f726" },
"lualine.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "2a5bae925481f999263d6f5ed8361baef8df4f83" },
"neodev.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "46aa467dca16cf3dfe27098042402066d2ae242d" },
"neogit": { "branch": "master", "commit": "40038473707c54a846bd11ecaf5933dd45858972" },


@ -1,4 +1,5 @@


@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
local F = require("core.functions")
--- Commands ---
@ -13,10 +15,9 @@ vim.cmd [[
--- Autocommands ---
-- Cut off trailing whitespace and trailing blank lines
local core = require("core.functions")
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufWritePre" }, {
pattern = "*",
callback = core.trim_buffer,
callback = F.trim_buffer,
-- Highlight on yank
@ -29,14 +30,24 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
-- Show message when autosaving
local group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup('autosave', {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('User', {
pattern = 'AutoSaveWritePost',
group = group,
callback = function(opts)
if ~= nil then
local filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(
vim.notify("Wrote " .. filename, vim.log.levels.INFO)
local autosave_group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("autosave", {})
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
pattern = "AutoSaveWritePost",
group = autosave_group,
callback = function(opts)
if ~= nil then
local filename = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(
vim.notify("Wrote " .. filename, vim.log.levels.INFO)
-- Create an autocommand for full window buffers
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWinEnter", {
-- callback = require("core.buffers").add_buffer
callback = function()
desc = "Track all full window buffers visited",


@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
local F = require("core.functions")
-- Module for managing buffers, these are used for navigation
local M = {}
-- Buffer table structure:
-- {
-- "Group" = { "buffer1", "buffer2", active_index = 1 }
-- }
M.buffers = {}
M.buffer_default_group = "Other"
M.buffer_matcher = {
-- match = truthy, function() -> thruthy, or string matching buffer filename
-- group = string, function() -> string
{ match = F.find_project_root, group = F.find_project_root },
{ match = true, group = "Other" }, -- default
local get_buffer_name = function()
local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
local buffer_name = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buf)
if not buffer_name or buffer_name == "" then return nil end
return buffer_name
M.add_buffer = function()
local buffer_name = get_buffer_name()
if not buffer_name then return end
-- Evaluate group
local eval_group = function(config_group)
if not config_group then return M.buffer_default_group end
if type(config_group) == "function" then return config_group() end
return config_group
-- Add if buffer does not exist yet
local add = function(config_group)
local group = eval_group(config_group)
if not M.buffers[group] then M.buffers[group] = {} end
for i, buffer in ipairs(M.buffers[group]) do
if buffer == buffer_name then
M.buffers[group]["active_index"] = i
return group, i
table.insert(M.buffers[group], buffer_name)
local count = #M.buffers[group]
M.buffers[group]["active_index"] = count
return group, count
-- Walk matcher configuration
local matcher = M.buffer_matcher or {}
if matcher and type(matcher) == "function" then
matcher = matcher()
if #matcher == 0 then add(M.buffer_default_group) end
for _, config in ipairs(M.buffer_matcher) do
if type(config.match) == "function" and config.match() then
return add(
-- Match path's filename
if type(config.match) == "string" and config.match == buffer_name:match("([^/]+)$") then
return add(
if type(config.match) == "boolean" and config.match then
return add(
return add(M.buffer_default_group)
local get_group_from_buffer = function(buffer_name)
for group, buffers in pairs(M.buffers) do
for i, buffer in ipairs(buffers) do
if buffer == buffer_name then return group, i end
return nil
local buffer_action_in_active_group = function(action, direction)
local buffer_name = get_buffer_name()
if not buffer_name then return end
local group, index = get_group_from_buffer(buffer_name)
if not group then group, index = M.add_buffer() end
local buffers = M.buffers[group]
if #buffers < 2 then return end
-- Determine the other index
local other_index = index + direction
if index == 1 and direction == -1 then
other_index = #buffers
elseif index == #buffers and direction == 1 then
other_index = 1
if action == "move" then
for _, buffer in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do
-- Remove inactive buffers
if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_loaded(buffer) then
for i, group_buffer in ipairs(buffers) do
if buffer == group_buffer then
table.remove(buffers, i)
if i > 1 and i <= other_index then
other_index = other_index - 1
goto continue
-- Make buffer active
if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(buffer) == buffers[other_index] then
buffers.active_index = other_index
elseif action == "swap" then
local tmp = buffers[other_index]
buffers[other_index] = buffers[index]
buffers[index] = tmp
M.buffers[group] = buffers
M.buffer_move_left = function()
buffer_action_in_active_group("move", -1)
M.buffer_move_right = function()
buffer_action_in_active_group("move", 1)
M.buffer_swap_left = function()
buffer_action_in_active_group("swap", -1)
M.buffer_swap_right = function()
buffer_action_in_active_group("swap", 1)
-- Group move
local buffer_group_move = function(direction)
local buffer_name = get_buffer_name()
if not buffer_name then return end
-- TODO: How to get groups deterministically?
-- Get active group from the current buffer
-- Check groups bounds
-- Change active group
M.buffer_group_move_up = function()
M.buffer_group_move_down = function()
-- TODO: functions that can
-- v Navigate buffer left
-- v Navigate buffer right
-- - Navigate group up (use active_index when swapping)
-- - Navigate group down
-- v Move buffer left
-- v Move buffer right
-- - Remove buffer from currently active group (decrease active_index)
return M
-- (cond
-- ((string-equal "*" (substring (buffer-name) 0 1)) "Emacs")
-- ((or (memq major-mode '(magit-process-mode
-- magit-status-mode
-- magit-diff-mode
-- magit-log-mode
-- magit-file-mode
-- magit-blob-mode
-- magit-blame-mode))
-- (string= (buffer-name) "COMMIT_EDITMSG")) "Magit")
-- ((project-current) (dot/project-project-name))
-- ((memq major-mode '(org-mode
-- emacs-lisp-mode)) "Org Mode")
-- ((derived-mode-p 'dired-mode) "Dired")
-- ((derived-mode-p 'prog-mode
-- 'text-mode) "Editing")
-- (t "Other")))))


@ -32,11 +32,14 @@ M.find_project_root = function()
local directory = current_directory
while directory ~= "/" do
local git_directory = directory .. "/.git"
local project_file = directory .. "/.project"
local git_path = vim.loop.fs_stat(directory .. "/.git")
if git_path then
return directory:gsub("/$", "") -- remove trailing slash
if vim.fn.isdirectory(git_directory) == 1 or vim.fn.filereadable(project_file) == 1 then
return directory
local project_file = vim.loop.fs_stat(directory .. "/.project")
if project_file and project_file.type == "file" then
return directory:gsub("/$", "") -- remove trailing slash
directory = vim.fn.fnamemodify(directory, ":h")


@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ return {
{ --
dependencies = {
-- Improve the built-in LSP UI
-- Additional lua configuration, makes Nvim stuff amazing!
-- C# "Goto Definition" with decompilation support
@ -73,6 +75,7 @@ return {
config = function()
-- Setup neovim Lua configuration
require("lspsaga").setup() -- ?? does this do anything with doc hover
-- Vim process
@ -103,6 +106,39 @@ return {
["textDocument/definition"] = require('omnisharp_extended').handler,
ts_ls = {
init_options = {
plugins = {
name = '@vue/typescript-plugin',
location = '/home/rick/.cache/.bun/install/global/node_modules/@vue/language-server',
languages = { 'vue' },
filetypes = { 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'javascript.jsx', 'typescript', 'typescriptreact', 'typescript.tsx', 'vue', },
-- filetypes = { 'typescript', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'typescriptreact', 'vue' },
-- requires: bun install -g typescript-language-server
-- TODO: Update which-key config, maybe other packages
-- Sources:
volar = {
-- init_options = {
-- vue = {
-- hybridMode = false,
-- },
-- },
-- volar = {
-- -- init_options = {
-- -- typescript = {
-- -- serverPath = '/home/rick/.cache/.bun/install/global/node_modules/typescript/lib//tsserverlibrary.js'
-- -- }
-- -- },
-- -- filetypes = {'typescript', 'javascript', 'javascriptreact', 'typescriptreact', 'vue', 'json'}
-- },
-- nvim-cmp supports additional completion capabilities, so broadcast that to servers
@ -114,6 +150,8 @@ return {
capabilities = capabilities,
on_attach = require("keybinds").lspconfig_on_attach,
-- P(server)
-- P(opts)


@ -297,8 +297,13 @@ M.vc_select_repo = function()
M.vc_status = function()
-- Open the repository of the current file
require("neogit").open({ cwd = "%:p:h" })
if F.find_project_root() then
-- Open the repository of the current file
require("neogit").open({ cwd = "%:p:h" })
-- Pick a project to open
return M


@ -160,6 +160,9 @@ M.lspconfig_on_attach = function(_, bufnr)
nnoremap("<leader>lf", F.lsp_format_buffer, "Format buffer")
nnoremap("<leader>lr", vim.lsp.buf.rename, "Rename")
nnoremap("<leader>ld", "<cmd>Lspsaga hover_doc<CR>", "Show documentation")
-- vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>ld", "<cmd>Lspsaga hover_doc<CR>", { desc = "Show documentation" })
F.wk("<leader>lg", "goto", bufnr)
nnoremap("<leader>lga", builtin.lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols, "Workspace symbols")
nnoremap("<leader>lgd", vim.lsp.buf.declaration, "Declaration")


@ -64,8 +64,21 @@ return {
globalstatus = true,
sections = {
lualine_b = { "branch" },
lualine_x = { "diagnostics", "encoding", "fileformat", "filetype" },
lualine_a = { "mode" },
lualine_b = { "encoding", "filename" },
lualine_c = {
-- TODO: nvim alternate file stuff and closing files is busted
fmt = function()
local path = require("core.functions").find_project_root() or ""
return path:match("([^/]+)$")
lualine_x = { "diagnostics", "fileformat" },
lualine_y = { "filetype" },
lualine_z = { "progress", "location" },
@ -80,14 +93,6 @@ return {
opts = {
config = {
header = {
-- " ",
-- " ███╗ ██╗███████╗ ██████╗ ██╗ ██╗██╗███╗ ███╗ ",
-- " ████╗ ██║██╔════╝██╔═══██╗██║ ██║██║████╗ ████║ ",
-- " ██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██║ ██║██║ ██║██║██╔████╔██║ ",
-- " ██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██║ ██║╚██╗ ██╔╝██║██║╚██╔╝██║ ",
-- " ██║ ╚████║███████╗╚██████╔╝ ╚████╔╝ ██║██║ ╚═╝ ██║ ",
-- " ╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═══╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ",
-- "____________________________________________________",
" . . ",
" ';;,. ::' ",
" ,:::;,, :ccc, ",
@ -101,7 +106,9 @@ return {
" .;ooo: ;cclooo:. ",
" .;oc 'coo;. ",
" .' .,. ",
" _______________________________________________________",
shortcut = {


@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# /etc/tlp.conf - TLP user configuration (version 1.7.0)
# See full explanation:
# Copyright (c) 2024 Thomas Koch <linrunner at> and others.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# Settings are read in the following order:
# 1. Intrinsic defaults
# 2. /etc/tlp.d/*.conf - Drop-in customization snippets
# 3. /etc/tlp.conf - User configuration (this file)
# Notes:
# - In case of identical parameters, the last occurence has precedence
# - This also means, parameters enabled here will override anything else
# - However you may append values to a parameter already defined as intrinsic
# default or in a previously read file: use PARAMETER+="add values"
# - IMPORTANT: all parameters here are disabled; remove the leading '#' if you
# like to enable a feature without default or have a value different from the
# default
# - Default *: intrinsic default that is effective when the parameter is missing
# or disabled by a leading '#'; use PARAM="" to disable an intrinsic default
# - Default <none>: do nothing or use kernel/hardware defaults
# - IMPORTANT: parameters must always be specified pairwise i.e. for
# both AC and BAT. Omitting one of the two makes the set value effective for
# both power sources, since a change only occurs when different values are
# defined.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tlp - Parameters for power saving
# Set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable TLP.
# Default: 1
# Control how warnings about invalid settings are issued:
# 0=disabled,
# 1=background tasks (boot, resume, change of power source) report to syslog,
# 2=shell commands report to the terminal (stderr),
# 3=combination of 1 and 2
# Default: 3
# Colorize error, warning, notice and success messages. Colors are specified
# with ANSI codes:
# 1=bold black, 90=grey, 91=red, 92=green, 93=yellow, 94=blue, 95=magenta,
# 96=cyan, 97=white.
# Other colors are possible, refer to:
# Colors must be specified in the order "<error> <warning> <notice> <success>".
# By default, errors are shown in red, warnings in yellow, notices in bold
# and success in green.
# Default: "91 93 1 92"
#TLP_MSG_COLORS="91 93 1 92"
# Operation mode when no power supply can be detected: AC, BAT.
# Concerns some desktop and embedded hardware only.
# Default: <none>
# Operation mode select: 0=depend on power source, 1=always use TLP_DEFAULT_MODE
# Note: use in conjunction with TLP_DEFAULT_MODE=BAT for BAT settings on AC.
# Default: 0
# Power supply classes to ignore when determining operation mode: AC, USB, BAT.
# Separate multiple classes with spaces.
# Note: try on laptops where operation mode AC/BAT is incorrectly detected.
# Default: <none>
# Seconds laptop mode has to wait after the disk goes idle before doing a sync.
# Non-zero value enables, zero disables laptop mode.
# Default: 0 (AC), 2 (BAT)
# Dirty page values (timeouts in secs).
# Default: 15 (AC), 60 (BAT)
# Select a CPU scaling driver operation mode.
# Intel CPU with intel_pstate driver:
# active, passive.
# AMD Zen 2 or newer CPU with amd-pstate driver as of kernel 6.3/6.4(*):
# active, passive, guided(*).
# Default: <none>
# Select a CPU frequency scaling governor.
# Intel CPU with intel_pstate driver or
# AMD CPU with amd-pstate driver in active mode ('amd-pstate-epp'):
# performance, powersave(*).
# Intel CPU with intel_pstate driver in passive mode ('intel_cpufreq') or
# AMD CPU with amd-pstate driver in passive or guided mode ('amd-pstate') or
# Intel, AMD and other CPU brands with acpi-cpufreq driver:
# conservative, ondemand(*), userspace, powersave, performance, schedutil(*).
# Use tlp-stat -p to show the active driver and available governors.
# Important:
# Governors marked (*) above are power efficient for *almost all* workloads
# and therefore kernel and most distributions have chosen them as defaults.
# You should have done your research about advantages/disadvantages *before*
# changing the governor.
# Default: <none>
# Set the min/max frequency available for the scaling governor.
# Possible values depend on your CPU. For available frequencies see
# the output of tlp-stat -p.
# Notes:
# - Min/max frequencies must always be specified for both AC *and* BAT
# - Not recommended for use with the intel_pstate driver, use
# CPU_MIN/MAX_PERF_ON_AC/BAT below instead
# Default: <none>
# Set CPU energy/performance policies EPP and EPB:
# performance, balance_performance, default, balance_power, power.
# Values are given in order of increasing power saving.
# Requires:
# * Intel CPU
# EPP: Intel Core i 6th gen. or newer CPU with intel_pstate driver
# EPB: Intel Core i 2nd gen. or newer CPU with intel_pstate driver
# EPP and EPB are mutually exclusive: when EPP is available, Intel CPUs
# will not honor EPB. Only the matching feature will be applied by TLP.
# * AMD Zen 2 or newer CPU
# EPP: amd-pstate driver in active mode ('amd-pstate-epp') as of kernel 6.3
# Default: balance_performance (AC), balance_power (BAT)
# Set Intel CPU P-state performance: 0..100 (%).
# Limit the max/min P-state to control the power dissipation of the CPU.
# Values are stated as a percentage of the available performance.
# Requires Intel Core i 2nd gen. or newer CPU with intel_pstate driver.
# Default: <none>
# Set the CPU "turbo boost" (Intel) or "turbo core" (AMD) feature:
# 0=disable, 1=allow.
# Allows to raise the maximum frequency/P-state of some cores if the
# CPU chip is not fully utilized and below it's intended thermal budget.
# Note: a value of 1 does *not* activate boosting, it just allows it.
# Default: <none>
# Set CPU dynamic boost feature:
# 0=disable, 1=enable.
# Improve performance by increasing minimum P-state limit dynamically
# whenever a task previously waiting on I/O is selected to run.
# Requires Intel Core i 6th gen. or newer CPU: intel_pstate driver in active mode.
# Note: AMD CPUs currently have no tunable for this.
# Default: <none>
# Kernel NMI Watchdog:
# 0=disable (default, saves power), 1=enable (for kernel debugging only).
# Default: 0
# Select platform profile:
# performance, balanced, low-power.
# Controls system operating characteristics around power/performance levels,
# thermal and fan speed. Values are given in order of increasing power saving.
# Note: check the output of tlp-stat -p to determine availability on your
# hardware and additional profiles such as: balanced-performance, quiet, cool.
# Default: <none>
# System suspend mode:
# s2idle: Idle standby - a pure software, light-weight, system sleep state,
# deep: Suspend to RAM - the whole system is put into a low-power state,
# except for memory, usually resulting in higher savings than s2idle.
# CAUTION: changing suspend mode may lead to system instability and even
# data loss. As for the availability of different modes on your system,
# check the output of tlp-stat -s. If unsure, stick with the system default
# by not enabling this.
# Default: <none>
# Define disk devices on which the following DISK/AHCI_RUNTIME parameters act.
# Separate multiple devices with spaces.
# Devices can be specified by disk ID also (lookup with: tlp diskid).
# Default: "nvme0n1 sda"
#DISK_DEVICES="nvme0n1 sda"
# Disk advanced power management level: 1..254, 255 (max saving, min, off).
# Levels 1..127 may spin down the disk; 255 allowable on most drives.
# Separate values for multiple disks with spaces. Use the special value 'keep'
# to keep the hardware default for the particular disk.
# Default: 254 (AC), 128 (BAT)
# Exclude disk classes from advanced power management (APM):
# sata, ata, usb, ieee1394.
# Separate multiple classes with spaces.
# CAUTION: USB and IEEE1394 disks may fail to mount or data may get corrupted
# with APM enabled. Be careful and make sure you have backups of all affected
# media before removing 'usb' or 'ieee1394' from the denylist!
# Default: "usb ieee1394"
# Hard disk spin down timeout:
# 0: spin down disabled
# 1..240: timeouts from 5s to 20min (in units of 5s)
# 241..251: timeouts from 30min to 5.5 hours (in units of 30min)
# See 'man hdparm' for details.
# Separate values for multiple disks with spaces. Use the special value 'keep'
# to keep the hardware default for the particular disk.
# Default: <none>
# Select I/O scheduler for the disk devices.
# Multi queue (blk-mq) schedulers:
# mq-deadline(*), none, kyber, bfq
# Single queue schedulers:
# deadline(*), cfq, bfq, noop
# (*) recommended.
# Separate values for multiple disks with spaces. Use the special value 'keep'
# to keep the kernel default scheduler for the particular disk.
# Notes:
# - Multi queue (blk-mq) may need kernel boot option 'scsi_mod.use_blk_mq=1'
# and 'modprobe mq-deadline-iosched|kyber|bfq' on kernels < 5.0
# - Single queue schedulers are legacy now and were removed together with
# the old block layer in kernel 5.0
# Default: keep
#DISK_IOSCHED="mq-deadline mq-deadline"
# AHCI link power management (ALPM) for SATA disks:
# min_power, med_power_with_dipm(*), medium_power, max_performance.
# (*) recommended.
# Multiple values separated with spaces are tried sequentially until success.
# Default: med_power_with_dipm (AC & BAT)
# Exclude SATA links from AHCI link power management (ALPM).
# SATA links are specified by their host. Refer to the output of
# tlp-stat -d to determine the host; the format is "hostX".
# Separate multiple hosts with spaces.
# Default: <none>
# Runtime Power Management for NVMe, SATA, ATA and USB disks
# as well as SATA ports:
# on=disable, auto=enable.
# Note: SATA controllers are PCIe bus devices and handled by RUNTIME_PM further
# down.
# Default: on (AC), auto (BAT)
# Seconds of inactivity before disk is suspended.
# Note: effective only when AHCI_RUNTIME_PM_ON_AC/BAT is activated.
# Default: 15
# Power off optical drive in UltraBay/MediaBay: 0=disable, 1=enable.
# Drive can be powered on again by releasing (and reinserting) the eject lever
# or by pressing the disc eject button on newer models.
# Note: an UltraBay/MediaBay hard disk is never powered off.
# Default: 0
# Optical drive device to power off
# Default: sr0
# Set the min/max/turbo frequency for the Intel GPU.
# Possible values depend on your hardware. For available frequencies see
# the output of tlp-stat -g.
# Default: <none>
# AMD GPU power management.
# Performance level (DPM): auto, low, high; auto is recommended.
# Note: requires amdgpu or radeon driver.
# Default: auto
# Dynamic power management method (DPM): balanced, battery, performance.
# Note: radeon driver only.
# Default: <none>
# Graphics clock speed (profile method): low, mid, high, auto, default;
# auto = mid on BAT, high on AC.
# Note: radeon driver on legacy ATI hardware only (where DPM is not available).
# Default: default
# Display panel adaptive backlight modulation (ABM) level: 0(off), 1..4.
# Values 1..4 control the maximum brightness reduction allowed by the ABM
# algorithm, where 1 represents the least and 4 the most power saving.
# Notes:
# - Requires AMD Vega or newer GPU with amdgpu driver as of kernel 6.9
# - Savings are made at the expense of color balance
# Default: 0 (AC), 1 (BAT)
# Wi-Fi power saving mode: on=enable, off=disable.
# Default: off (AC), on (BAT)
# Disable Wake-on-LAN: Y/N.
# Default: Y
# Enable audio power saving for Intel HDA, AC97 devices (timeout in secs).
# A value of 0 disables, >= 1 enables power saving.
# Note: 1 is recommended for Linux desktop environments with PulseAudio,
# systems without PulseAudio may require 10.
# Default: 1
# >>> hostname=arch-desktop
# <<<
# >>> hostname=arch-laptop
# <<<
# Disable controller too (HDA only): Y/N.
# Note: effective only when SOUND_POWER_SAVE_ON_AC/BAT is activated.
# Default: Y
# PCIe Active State Power Management (ASPM):
# default(*), performance, powersave, powersupersave.
# (*) keeps BIOS ASPM defaults (recommended)
# Default: <none>
# Runtime Power Management for PCIe bus devices: on=disable, auto=enable.
# Default: on (AC), auto (BAT)
# Exclude listed PCIe device adresses from Runtime PM.
# Note: this preserves the kernel driver default, to force a certain state
# Separate multiple addresses with spaces.
# Use lspci to get the adresses (1st column).
# Default: <none>
#RUNTIME_PM_DENYLIST="11:22.3 44:55.6"
# Exclude PCIe devices assigned to the listed drivers from Runtime PM.
# Note: this preserves the kernel driver default, to force a certain state
# Separate multiple drivers with spaces.
# Default: "mei_me nouveau radeon xhci_hcd", use "" to disable completely.
#RUNTIME_PM_DRIVER_DENYLIST="mei_me nouveau radeon xhci_hcd"
# Permanently enable/disable Runtime PM for listed PCIe device addresses
# (independent of the power source). This has priority over all preceding
# Runtime PM settings. Separate multiple addresses with spaces.
# Use lspci to get the adresses (1st column).
# Default: <none>
# Set to 0 to disable, 1 to enable USB autosuspend feature.
# Default: 1
# Exclude listed devices from USB autosuspend (separate with spaces).
# Use lsusb to get the ids.
# Note: input devices (usbhid) and libsane-supported scanners are excluded
# automatically.
# Default: <none>
#USB_DENYLIST="1111:2222 3333:4444"
# Exclude audio devices from USB autosuspend:
# 0=do not exclude, 1=exclude.
# Default: 1
# Exclude bluetooth devices from USB autosuspend:
# 0=do not exclude, 1=exclude.
# Default: 0
# Exclude phone devices from USB autosuspend:
# 0=do not exclude, 1=exclude (enable charging).
# Default: 0
# Exclude printers from USB autosuspend:
# 0=do not exclude, 1=exclude.
# Default: 1
# Exclude WWAN devices from USB autosuspend:
# 0=do not exclude, 1=exclude.
# Default: 0
# Allow USB autosuspend for listed devices even if already denylisted or
# excluded above (separate with spaces). Use lsusb to get the ids.
# Default: 0
#USB_ALLOWLIST="1111:2222 3333:4444"
# Restore radio device state (Bluetooth, WiFi, WWAN) from previous shutdown
# on system startup: 0=disable, 1=enable.
# are ignored when this is enabled.
# Default: 0
# Radio devices to disable on startup: bluetooth, nfc, wifi, wwan.
# Separate multiple devices with spaces.
# Default: <none>
#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_STARTUP="bluetooth nfc wifi wwan"
# Radio devices to enable on startup: bluetooth, nfc, wifi, wwan.
# Separate multiple devices with spaces.
# Default: <none>
# Radio devices to enable on AC: bluetooth, nfc, wifi, wwan.
# Default: <none>
#DEVICES_TO_ENABLE_ON_AC="bluetooth nfc wifi wwan"
# Radio devices to disable on battery: bluetooth, nfc, wifi, wwan.
# Default: <none>
#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT="bluetooth nfc wifi wwan"
# Radio devices to disable on battery when not in use (not connected):
# bluetooth, nfc, wifi, wwan.
# Default: <none>
#DEVICES_TO_DISABLE_ON_BAT_NOT_IN_USE="bluetooth nfc wifi wwan"
# Battery Care -- Charge thresholds
# Charging starts when the charger is connected and the charge level
# is below the start threshold. Charging stops when the charge level
# is above the stop threshold.
# Required hardware: Lenovo ThinkPads and select other laptop brands
# are driven via specific plugins
# - Active plugin and support status are shown by tlp-stat -b
# - Vendor specific threshold levels are shown by tlp-stat -b, some
# laptops support only 1 (on)/ 0 (off) instead of a percentage level
# - When your hardware supports a start *and* a stop threshold, you must
# specify both, otherwise TLP will refuse to apply the single threshold
# - When your hardware supports only a stop threshold, set the start
# value to 0
# - Older ThinkPads may require an external kernel module, refer to the
# output of tlp-stat -b
# For further explanation and vendor specific details refer to
# -
# -
# BAT0: Primary / Main / Internal battery
# Note: also use for batteries BATC, BATT and CMB0
# Default: <none>
# Battery charge level below which charging will begin.
# Battery charge level above which charging will stop.
# BAT1: Secondary / Ultrabay / Slice / Replaceable battery
# Note: primary on some laptops
# Default: <none>
# Battery charge level below which charging will begin.
# Battery charge level above which charging will stop.
# Restore charge thresholds when AC is unplugged: 0=disable, 1=enable.
# Default: 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# tlp-rdw - Parameters for the radio device wizard
# Possible devices: bluetooth, wifi, wwan.
# Separate multiple radio devices with spaces.
# Default: <none> (for all parameters below)
# Radio devices to disable on connect.
# Radio devices to enable on disconnect.
# Radio devices to enable/disable when docked.
# Radio devices to enable/disable when undocked.