#!/bin/sh # Tracks dotfiles and packages # Depends: GNU getopt, (pacman, pacman-contrib) / (dpkg, apt) # User-config # -------------------------------------- # File which holds all installed packages packageFile="packages" # Files that are stored in the repository but shouldn't get copied (regex) excludeFiles="${0#??}|$packageFile|.*.md$|.*README.org$|.git|screenshot.png" # Directories that are treated like a system directory (/) (regex) systemDir='boot|etc|usr/share' # Arch User Repository helper program name (needs pacman flag compatibility!) aurHelper="trizen" # -------------------------------------- b="$(tput bold)" red="$(tput setf 4)" n="$(tput sgr0)" if [ "$(dirname "$0")" != "." ]; then echo "${b}${red}Error:${n} please run this script from the directory it resides." >&2 exit 1 fi help() { (cat << EOF .TH DOTFILES.SH 1 "2021-08-22" "dotfiles.sh 0.9" "dotfiles.sh Manual" .SH NAME dotfiles.sh \- config file and package tracking utility .SH SYNOPSIS .B ./dotfiles.sh .I OPERATION .RI [ OPTION ...]\& .RI [ TARGET ...] .SH DESCRIPTION dotfiles.sh is a config file and package tracking utility that tracks installed packages on a Linux system. It features listing and tracking of config files and packages, and the ability to install the tracked packages. Currently, package tracking is only supported on APT and Pacman based distributions. Invoking dotfile.sh involves specifying an operation with any potential options and targets to operate on. A \fItarget\fR is usually a file name, directory or a package name. Targets can be provided as command line arguments. Additionally, if a single hyphen (-) is passed as an argument, targets will be read from stdin. .SH OPERATIONS .TP .BR \-F ", " \-\-file Operate on config files. This operation allows you to sync config files between the system and the dotfiles directory. In the first case, if no file names are provided in the command line, all files will be selected. See File Options below. .TP .BR \-P ", " \-\-package Operate on packages. This operation allows you to track installed packages and reinstall them. In the first case, if no package names are provided in the command line, all packages will be selected. See Package Options below. .TP .BR \-h ", " \-\-help Display usage message and exit. .SH FILE OPTIONS (APPLY TO -F) .TP .BR \-a ", " \-\-add Add selected file \fIpaths\fR to the dotfiles directory. .TP .BR \-l ", " \-\-pull Pull every (selected) \fIfile\fR from the system to the dotfiles directory. .TP .BR \-s ", " \-\-push Push every (selected) \fIfile\fR from the dotfiles directory to the system. .SH PACKAGE OPTIONS (APPLY TO -P) .TP .BR \-a ", " \-\-aur-install Install all AUR packages of the stored list. .TP .BR \-i ", " \-\-install Install all official packages of the stored list. .TP .BR \-s ", " \-\-store Stores a list of all installed packages on the system. .SH EXAMPLES Usage examples: $ \fB./dotfiles.sh\fR -Fa ~/.zshrc /etc/zsh/zshenv .br \h'4'Add config files to the dotfiles directory $ \fB./dotfiles.sh\fR -Pia .br \h'4'Install all tracked official and AUR packages .SH AUTHOR Riyyi EOF ) | man -l - } # Exit if no option is provided [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && help && exit 1 # Files # -------------------------------------- getFileList() { fileList="$(find . -type f -o -type l \ | awk -v e="^./($excludeFiles)" '$0 !~ e { print $0 }')" } separateFileList() { [ -z "$fileList" ] && getFileList match="^./($systemDir)/" # Filter system directories and remove leading ./ from filepaths homeFileList="$(echo "$fileList" \ | awk -v m="$match" '$0 !~ m { print substr($0, 3) }')" # Filter non-system directories and remove leading ./ from filepaths systemFileList="$(echo "$fileList" \ | awk -v m="$match" '$0 ~ m { print substr($0, 3) }')" } filterFileList() { if [ -z "$homeFileList" ] || [ -z "$systemFileList" ]; then separateFileList fi # Filter on provided file name homeFileListLoop="$(echo "$homeFileList" | grep "^$1")" systemFileListLoop="$(echo "$systemFileList" | grep "^$1")" } fileAdd() { [ -z "$1" ] && exit 1 file="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "$1")")/$(basename "$1")" fileCutHome="$(echo "$file" \ | awk -v m="^$HOME/" '$0 ~ m { print substr($0, length(m)) }')" # /home// if [ -n "$fileCutHome" ]; then mkdir -p "$(pwd)/$(dirname "$fileCutHome")" cp -a "$file" "$(pwd)/$fileCutHome" # / else mkdir -p "$(pwd)/$(dirname "$file")" sudo cp -a "$file" "$(pwd)/$file" fi } filePull() { filterFileList "$1" for file in $homeFileListLoop; do # /home// -> dotfiles/ cp -a "$HOME/$file" "$(pwd)/$file" done for file in $systemFileListLoop; do # / -> dotfiles/ sudo cp -a "/$file" "$(pwd)/$file" done } filePush() { filterFileList "$1" for file in $homeFileListLoop; do # dotfiles/ -> /home// mkdir -p "$(dirname "$HOME/$file")" cp -a "$(pwd)/$file" "$HOME/$file" done for file in $systemFileListLoop; do # dotfiles/ -> / sudo mkdir -p "$(dirname "/$file")" sudo cp -a "$(pwd)/$file" "/$file" done } files() { if [ "$1" = "list" ] || [ "$1" = "" ]; then [ -z "$fileList" ] && getFileList # Remove leading ./ from filepaths echo "$fileList" | sed 's/^\.\///' | grep "$2" elif [ "$1" = "add" ]; then fileAdd "$2" elif [ "$1" = "pull" ]; then filePull "$2" elif [ "$1" = "push" ]; then filePush "$2" fi } # Packages # -------------------------------------- osDetect() { id="$(sed -nE 's/^ID=(.*)/\1/p' /etc/os-release)" idLike="$(sed -nE 's/^ID_LIKE=(.*)/\1/p' /etc/os-release)" if [ "$id" = "arch" ]; then os="arch" elif echo "$idLike" | grep -q 'arch'; then os="arch" elif [ "$id" = "debian" ] || [ "$id" = "ubuntu" ]; then os="debian" elif echo "$idLike" | grep -q 'debian'; then os="debian" elif echo "$idLike" | grep -q 'ubuntu'; then os="debian" else echo "${b}${red}Error:${n} unsupported operating system." >&2 exit 1 fi } osDependencies() { if [ "$os" = "arch" ]; then binaryDependencyPair=" pacman:pacman pactree:pacman-contrib " elif [ "$os" = "debian" ]; then binaryDependencyPair=" apt-cache:apt apt-mark:apt dpkg-query:dpkg " fi for pair in $binaryDependencyPair; do binary="$(echo "$pair" | cut -d ':' -f 1)" if ! command -v "$binary" > /dev/null; then dependency="$(echo "$pair" | cut -d ':' -f 2)" echo "${b}${red}Error:${n} required dependency '$dependency' is missing." >&2 exit 1 fi done } getPackageList() { if [ "$os" = "arch" ]; then filterList="$( (pacman -Qqg base base-devel; pactree -u base | tail -n +2) | sort)" packageList="$(pacman -Qqe | grep -vx "$filterList" | sort)" elif [ "$os" = "debian" ]; then installedList="$(dpkg-query --show --showformat='${Package}\t${Priority}\n')" filterList="$(echo "$installedList" | grep -E 'required|important|standard' | cut -f 1)" installedList="$(echo "$installedList" | cut -f 1)" installedManuallyList="$(awk '/Commandline:.* install / && !/APT::/ { print $NF }' /var/log/apt/history.log)" installedManuallyList="$( (echo "$installedManuallyList"; apt-mark showmanual) | sort -u)" packageList="$(echo "$installedManuallyList" | grep -x "$installedList" | grep -vx "$filterList")" fi } packageInstall() { if [ "$os" = "arch" ]; then # Grab everything off enabled official repositories that is in the list repoList="$(pacman -Ssq | grep -xf $packageFile)" if [ "$1" = "aur-install" ]; then # Determine which packages in the list are from the AUR aurList="$(grep -vx "$repoList" < $packageFile)" # Install AUR packages echo "$aurList" | xargs --open-tty "$aurHelper" -Sy --needed --noconfirm elif [ "$1" = "install" ]; then # Install packages echo "$repoList" | xargs --open-tty sudo pacman -Sy --needed fi elif [ "$os" = "debian" ]; then # Grab everything off enabled official repositories that is in the list repoList="$(apt-cache search .* | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | grep -xf $packageFile)" # Install packages echo "$repoList" | xargs --open-tty sudo apt install fi } packages() { # If unset if [ -z "$os" ]; then osDetect osDependencies fi if [ "$1" = "list" ] || [ "$1" = "" ]; then [ -z "$packageList" ] && getPackageList echo "$packageList" | grep "$2" elif [ "$1" = "store" ]; then [ -z "$packageList" ] && getPackageList echo "$packageList" > "$packageFile" elif [ "$1" = "aur-install" ]; then packageInstall "aur-install" elif [ "$1" = "install" ]; then packageInstall "install" fi } # Option parsing # -------------------------------------- script="$(basename "$0")" parsed="$(getopt --options "hFPails" \ --longoptions "help,file,package,add,aur-install,install,pull,push,store" \ -n "$script" -- "$@" 2>&1)" result="$?" # Exit if invalid option is provided if [ "$result" -ne 0 ]; then echo "$parsed" | head -n 1 >&2 echo "Try './$script --help' for more information." >&2 exit 1 fi eval set -- "$parsed" while true; do case "$1" in -h | --help) help exit ;; -F | --file) if [ -n "$mode" ]; then echo "${b}${red}Error:${n} only one operation may be used at a time." >&2 exit 1 fi mode="file" shift ;; -P | --package) if [ -n "$mode" ]; then echo "${b}${red}Error:${n} only one operation may be used at a time." >&2 exit 1 fi mode="package" shift ;; -a | --add | --aur-install) [ "$mode" = "file" ] && options="${options}add " [ "$mode" = "package" ] && options="${options}aur-install " shift ;; -i | --install) options="${options}install " shift ;; -l | --pull) options="${options}pull " shift ;; -s | --push | --store) [ "$mode" = "file" ] && options="${options}push " [ "$mode" = "package" ] && options="${options}store " shift ;; --) shift break ;; *) break ;; esac done # Target parsing # -------------------------------------- targets="$*" targetsNoHyphen="$(echo "$targets" | sed -E 's/(^-$|\s-|-\s)//g; s/(\s-\s)/ /;')" # Read targets from stdin if [ "$targets" != "$targetsNoHyphen" ]; then if [ -t 0 ]; then echo "${b}${red}Error:${n} argument '-' specified without input on stdin." >&2 exit 1 fi eval set -- "$targetsNoHyphen $(cat /dev/stdin)" fi # Execute # -------------------------------------- if [ -z "$mode" ]; then echo "${b}${red}Error:${n} no operation specified (use -h for help)" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ "$mode" = "file" ]; then if [ -z "$options" ]; then files "list" "$@" exit fi for option in $options; do if [ -z "$*" ]; then if [ "$option" = "add" ];then echo "${b}${red}Error:${n} no files or directories selected to add." >&2 exit 1 fi files "$option" continue fi for path; do files "$option" "$path" done done fi if [ "$mode" = "package" ]; then if [ -z "$options" ]; then packages "list" "$@" exit fi for option in $options; do packages "$option" done fi