#!/bin/sh PIPE="$XDG_CACHE_HOME/mpv/umpv_fifo" help() { B=$(tput bold) U=$(tput smul) N=$(tput sgr0) cat << EOF ${B}NAME${N} play - mpv playback functions ${B}SYNOPSIS${N} ${B}play${N} [${U}OPTION${N}] [${U}ARGS${N}...] ${B}DESCRIPTION${N} play is a script to manage different mpv viewing bahavior. If no ${U}URLS${N} argument is provided, it is read from clipboard instead. The queue option starts a mpv window with a playlist, which all videos of subsequent queue calls get added to. ${B}OPTIONS${N} ${B}help${N} Display usage message and exit. [${B}play${N}] [${U}URLS${N}...] (default) Plays videos in a new mpv window. ${B}shuffle${N} [${U}URLS${N}...] Shuffle audio playlist (disables video playback). ${B}queue${N} [${U}URLS${N}...] Add multiple videos to the unique mpv's queue. EOF } CLIP="$(xclip -se c -o)" play() { MPV="mpv --ytdl-raw-options=external-downloader=aria2c" if [ -z "$1" ]; then MPV="$MPV $CLIP" # Cut off everything after space LINK="$(echo "$CLIP" | sed -nE 's/^(\S+).*/\1/p')" else MPV="$MPV $*" # Determain which argument holds the urls [ "$1" = "${1#-}" ] && DISPLAY="$1" || DISPLAY="$2" # Cut off everything after space LINK="$(echo "$DISPLAY" | sed -nE 's/^(\S+).*/\1/p')" fi notify-send -t 2500 "Loading video: $LINK" # Attempt to load video [ "$($MPV)" ] && notify-send -u critical -t 4000 "Loading video failed.." } shuffle() { # Skip first argument shift 1 mpv --no-video --shuffle \ --ytdl-format='bestaudio[ext=m4a]' \ --ytdl-raw-options='external-downloader=aria2c' \ "${@:-$CLIP}" } queue() { OPTIONS="--no-terminal --force-window --input-file=$PIPE --ytdl-raw-options=external-downloader=aria2c" # Create mpv cache directory DIR="$(dirname "$PIPE")" [ ! -d "$DIR" ] && mkdir -p "$DIR" # Delete named pipe if no umpv is running if ! pgrep -f "mpv $OPTIONS" > /dev/null; then rm -f "$PIPE" fi # Skip first argument shift 1 # Set url to argument if provided, clipboard otherwise URLS="${*:-$CLIP}" if [ -p "$PIPE" ]; then notify-send -t 2500 "Added video to queue.." # Add video to named pipe echo "$URLS" \ | awk -v RS=' ' '{ print "raw loadfile "$1" append" }' > "$PIPE" else # Create named pipe mkfifo "$PIPE" # Play video play "$OPTIONS" "$URLS" rm -f "$PIPE" fi } case "$1" in help) help ;; shuffle) shuffle "$@" ;; queue) queue "$@" ;; *) play "$@" ;; esac