# -*-conf-*- #--- General ---# # Kill focused window super + shift + q i3-msg kill # Split container horizontal / vertical super + {h,v} i3-msg split {h,v} # Container layout super + {s,w,e} i3-msg layout {stacking,tabbed,toggle split} #--- Control ---# # Reload i3 config super + shift + r i3-msg restart # Logout super + shift + e prompt.sh "Logout and exit i3?" "i3-msg exit" #--- Window ---# # Fullscreen window super + f i3-msg fullscreen toggle # Focus / move window super + {_,shift} + {Left,Down,Up,Right} i3-msg {focus,move} {left,down,up,right} # Resize window super + alt + {Left,Down,Up,Right} i3-msg resize {shrink width,shrink height,grow height,grow width} \ 10 px or 10 ppt # Floating window super + space i3-msg focus mode_toggle super + shift + space i3-msg floating toggle, sticky disable # Sticky floating window super + shift + f i3-msg fullscreen disable, floating enable, sticky enable; \ $HOME/.scripts/wm/hover.sh #--- Workspace ---# # Switch to workspace super + {0-9} i3-msg workspace $WS{0-9} # Move focused container to workspace super + shift + {0-9} i3-msg move container to workspace $WS{0-9} # Move workspace to monitor super + ctrl + {Left,Right} i3-msg move workspace to output {left,right}