;;; dot-keybinds.el --- -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;;; Commentary: ;; All keybinds. ;;; Code: ;; ----------------------------------------- ;; Useful links ;; Mastering Emacs key bindings ;; https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/mastering-key-bindings-emacs ;; use-package bind key ;; https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package/blob/master/bind-key.el ;; GNU remapping commands ;; https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Remapping-Commands.html ;; GNU binding combinations of modifiers ;; https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/efaq/Binding-combinations-of-modifiers-and-function-keys.html ;; Doom Emacs bindings ;; https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs/blob/develop/modules/config/default/+evil-bindings.el ;; Keybindings and States ;; https://github.com/noctuid/evil-guide#keybindings-and-states ;; General.el ;; https://github.com/noctuid/general.el ;; ----------------------------------------- ;; Disable Native ;; Disable keybinds of native modes that clash with other custom keybinds. (elpaca nil (setup emacs (:global "M-h" nil "M-j" nil "M-k" nil "M-l" nil ))) (elpaca nil (setup org (:bind "M-h" nil "C-M-h" nil ))) (elpaca nil (setup cc-mode (:bind-into c-mode-base-map "M-j" nil "C-M-h" nil ))) (elpaca nil (setup nxml-mode (:bind "M-h" nil ))) ;; ----------------------------------------- ;; Disable Package ;; Disable keybinds of installed packages that clash with other custom keybinds. (elpaca nil (setup evil-states (:bind-into evil-motion-state-map dot/leader-key nil ))) (elpaca nil (setup magit (:evil-bind normal ;; Do not close magit when pressing escape "" nil))) (elpaca nil (setup php-mode (:bind "M-j" nil "C-M-h" nil ))) ;; ----------------------------------------- ;; Set Native ;; Set keybinds to native functionality. ;;; Set Native Global Keybinds (elpaca nil (setup emacs (:global ;; Buffers "C-x C-b" ibuffer "M-w" kill-buffer-and-window ;; Config edit/reload "C-c r" dot/config-reload "C-c v" dot/config-visit ;; Find file "C-x C-f" dot/find-file-in-project-root ;; Split and follow window "C-x 2" split-follow-horizontally "C-x 3" split-follow-vertically ;; Terminal "" ansi-term ;; Universal prefix argument "C-M-u" universal-argument ))) ;;; Set Native Mode Keybinds ;; Dired (elpaca nil (setup dired (:bind [remap dired-find-file] dot/dired-find-file [remap dired-up-directory] dot/dired-up-directory ))) ;; Org (elpaca nil (setup org (:bind "M-c" org-edit-special ))) (elpaca nil (setup org-src (:bind "M-c" org-edit-src-exit "M-k" org-edit-src-abort ))) (elpaca nil (setup org-capture (:bind "M-c" org-capture-finalize "M-w" org-capture-refile "M-k" org-capture-kill ))) ;; ----------------------------------------- ;; Set Package ;; Set keybinds to functionality of installed packages. (elpaca nil (setup emacs (:global ;; Buffers "M-h" centaur-tabs-backward-tab "M-j" centaur-tabs-forward-group "M-k" centaur-tabs-backward-group "M-l" centaur-tabs-forward-tab "M-H" centaur-tabs-move-current-tab-to-left "M-L" centaur-tabs-move-current-tab-to-right "M-\`" evil-switch-to-windows-last-buffer ;; Other "M-s" avy-goto-char-timer "M-x" dot/M-x ))) (elpaca nil (setup company (:bind-into company-active-map ;; Company completion selection "M-n" nil "M-p" nil "M-h" company-abort "M-j" company-select-next "M-k" company-select-previous "M-l" company-complete-selection "" company-abort ))) (elpaca nil (setup evil-ex (:bind-into evil-ex-completion-map ;; Evil command history selection "M-h" abort-recursive-edit "M-j" next-complete-history-element "M-k" previous-complete-history-element "M-l" exit-minibuffer ))) (elpaca nil (setup emacs (:global ;; flyspell-correct [remap ispell-word] flyspell-correct-at-point ; z= ;; Helpful overwrite default help functions [remap describe-command] helpful-command [remap describe-function] helpful-callable [remap describe-key] helpful-key [remap describe-symbol] helpful-at-point [remap describe-variable] helpful-variable ) (setup which-key (:when-loaded (which-key-add-key-based-replacements "C-h o" "describe-symbol-at-point"))))) ;; LSP (elpaca nil (setup lsp-mode (:bind-into lsp-signature-mode-map "M-j" lsp-signature-next "M-k" lsp-signature-previous ))) ;; Magit (elpaca nil (setup magit (:bind-into magit-log-select-mode-map "M-c" magit-log-select-pick "M-k" magit-log-select-quit ))) ;; Org-roam (elpaca nil (setup org-roam (:bind [down-mouse-1] org-roam-visit-thing ))) ;; Minibuffer completion selection (elpaca nil (setup minibuffer (:bind-into minibuffer-local-map "M-J" next-history-element "M-K" previous-history-element "M-h" abort-recursive-edit "M-i" vertico-quick-insert "M-j" vertico-next "M-k" vertico-previous "M-l" vertico-exit "M-m" vertico-quick-exit "" dot/vertico-backspace "" evil-delete-backward-char-and-join ))) ;; with-editor (elpaca nil (setup with-editor (:bind "M-c" with-editor-finish "M-k" with-editor-cancel ))) ;;; Global evil keymap (elpaca nil (setup evil (:bind-into evil-normal-state-map "C-n" neotree-toggle-in-project-root "C-S-p" evil-paste-pop-next "S-" scroll-down-line "S-" scroll-up-line ) (:bind-into evil-insert-state-map "" dot/evil-insert-shift-left ; "TAB" dot/evil-insert-shift-right ; ) (:bind-into evil-visual-state-map "<" dot/evil-visual-shift-left ; " dot/evil-visual-shift-right ; >gv ) (:bind-into evil-ex-map "e" dot/find-file-in-project-root ))) ;;; Other evil state-related keybinds ;; Custom (M-x customize) (elpaca nil (setup cus-edit (:evil-bind-into normal custom-mode-map [down-mouse-1] widget-button-click ))) ;; Dashboard (elpaca nil (setup dashboard (:evil-bind normal [down-mouse-1] widget-button-click "g" dashboard-refresh-buffer "m" dot/dashboard-goto-bookmarks "p" dot/dashboard-goto-projects "r" dot/dashboard-goto-recent-files ))) ;; Dap (elpaca nil (setup dap-ui (:evil-bind-into normal dap-ui-session-mode-map "D" dap-ui-delete-session ))) ;; Deft (elpaca nil (setup deft (:evil-bind normal [down-mouse-1] widget-button-click "+" deft-new-file-named "-" deft-new-file "a" deft-archive-file "c" deft-filter-clear "d" deft-delete-file "f" deft-find-file "g" deft-refresh "q" kill-this-buffer "R" deft-rename-file "s" deft-filter "ts" '("Toggle search" . deft-toggle-incremental-search) ; which-key "tt" '("Toggle sort" . deft-toggle-sort-method) ; custom string ))) ;; Elfeed (elpaca nil (setup elfeed (:evil-bind-into normal elfeed-search-mode-map "b" elfeed-search-browse-url "c" elfeed-search-clear-filter "gr" '("Refresh buffer" . elfeed-search-update--force) "gR" '("Update feeds" . elfeed-search-fetch) "q" elfeed-search-quit-window "u" elfeed-search-tag-all-unread "U" nil "r" elfeed-search-untag-all-unread ) (:evil-bind-into normal elfeed-show-mode-map "b" elfeed-show-visit "g" elfeed-show-refresh "q" elfeed-kill-buffer "u" elfeed-show-tag--unread "y" elfeed-show-yank ))) ;; Magit (elpaca nil (setup magit (:evil-bind (normal visual) "{" magit-section-backward-sibling "}" magit-section-forward-sibling ))) ;; Minibuffer (elpaca nil (setup minibuffer (:evil-bind-into normal minibuffer-local-map "TAB" vertico-insert "j" vertico-next "k" vertico-previous "" vertico-previous "" vertico-next ) (:evil-bind-into insert minibuffer-local-map "TAB" vertico-insert ))) ;; Mu4e (elpaca nil (setup mu4e (:evil-bind-into normal mu4e-compose-mode-map "q" mu4e-message-kill-buffer "M-c" message-send-and-exit "M-k" mu4e-message-kill-buffer ))) ;; Neotree (elpaca nil (setup neotree (:evil-bind normal "RET" neotree-enter "" neotree-collapse-all ; "c" neotree-create-node "r" neotree-rename-node "d" neotree-delete-node "h" neotree-select-previous-sibling-node "g" neotree-refresh "j" neotree-next-line "k" neotree-previous-line "l" neotree-enter "C" neotree-change-root "H" neotree-hidden-file-toggle "q" neotree-hide ))) ;; Org (elpaca nil (setup org (:evil-bind normal "RET" dot/org-ret-at-point ) (:evil-bind insert "RET" evil-ret ) (:evil-bind-into motion org-agenda-mode-map "RET" org-agenda-switch-to ))) ;; Wdired (elpaca nil (setup wdired (:evil-bind (normal insert) "M-c" wdired-finish-edit "M-k" wdired-abort-changes ))) ;; ----------------------------------------- ;; Set leader key ;; General.el ~leader key binds. ;;; Global Leader (elpaca nil (setup general (:when-loaded (general-create-definer space-leader :prefix dot/leader-key :non-normal-prefix dot/leader-alt-key :global-prefix dot/leader-alt-key :states '(normal visual insert motion emacs) :keymaps 'override) ; prevent leader keybindings from ever being overridden (space-leader "SPC" '(dot/M-x :which-key "Execute command") "RET" '(consult-bookmark :which-key "Go to bookmark") ;; Apps "a" '(:ignore t :which-key "apps") "a d" '(deft :which-key "Deft") "a e" '(elfeed :which-key "Elfeed") ;; Buffer / bookmark "b" '(:ignore t :which-key "buffer/bookmark") "b a" '(auto-revert-mode :which-key "Auto revert buffer") "b b" '(consult-buffer :which-key "Switch buffer") "b d" '(dashboard-refresh-buffer :which-key "Dashboard") "b k" '(kill-current-buffer :which-key "Kill buffer") "b m" '(bookmark-set :which-key "Make bookmark") "b n" '(evil-buffer-new :which-key "New empty buffer") "b r" '(revert-buffer :which-key "Revert buffer") "b s" '(basic-save-buffer :which-key "Save buffer") "b B" '(ibuffer :which-key "List buffers") "b C" '(dot/centaur-tabs-buffer-cleanup :which-key "Cleanup buffers") "b M" '(bookmark-delete :which-key "Delete bookmark") "b S" '(evil-write-all :which-key "Save all buffers") "b " '(previous-buffer :which-key "Previous buffer") "b " '(next-buffer :which-key "Next buffer") ;; Comments "c" '(:ignore t :which-key "comment/config") "c c" '(evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-lines :which-key "Toggle comment") "c p" '(evilnc-comment-or-uncomment-paragraphs :which-key "Toggle comment paragraph") "c y" '(evilnc-comment-and-kill-ring-save :which-key "Comment and copy") ;; Elisp "e" '(:ignore t :which-key "elisp") "e ;" '(eval-expression :which-key "Evaluate expression") "e b" '(eval-buffer :which-key "Evaluate buffer") "e e" '(eval-last-sexp :which-key "Evaluate last sexp") "e r" '(eval-region :which-key "Evaluate region") "e t" '(dot/reload-theme :which-key "Reload theme") ;; File "f" '(:ignore t :which-key "file") "f d" '(dired :which-key "Find directory") "f f" '(dot/find-file-in-project-root :which-key "Find file") "f o" '(ff-find-other-file :which-key "Find header/source file") "f r" '(consult-recent-file :which-key "Find recent file") "f R" '(rename-file-and-buffer :which-key "Rename file") "f s" '(basic-save-buffer :which-key "Save file") "f S" '(write-file :which-key "Save file as...") "f u" '(dot/sudo-find-file :which-key "Sudo find file") "f U" '(dot/sudo-this-file :which-key "Sudo this file") "f e" '(:ignore t :which-key "emacs") "f e c" '(dot/config-visit :which-key "Config visit") "f e f" '(dot/find-file-emacsd :which-key "Find emacs file") "f e r" '(dot/config-reload :which-key "Config reload") ;; Go to "g" '(:ignore t :which-key "goto") "g b" '(consult-bookmark :which-key "Go to bookmark") "g f" '(consult-flycheck :which-key "Go to flycheck error") "g m" '(consult-mark :which-key "Go to marker") ;; Help "h" '(:keymap help-map :which-key "help") "h o" '(:ignore t :which-key "describe-symbol-at-point") ;; Insert "i" '(:ignore t :which-key "insert") "i b" '(dot/indent-buffer :which-key "Indent buffer") "i f" '(fill-region :which-key "Reflow region") "i F" '(fill-paragraph :which-key "Reflow paragraph") "i r" '(indent-region :which-key "Indent region") "i s" '(dot/evil-normal-sort-paragraph :which-key "Sort paragraph") "i S" '(dot/insert-spaces-until-column :which-key "Insert spaces") "i y" '(yas-insert-snippet :which-key "Insert yasnippet") ;; Notes "n" '(:ignore t :which-key "notes") "n a" '(org-agenda :which-key "Org agenda") "n r" '(:ignore t :which-key "org-roam") "n r c" '(org-roam-capture :which-key "Capture") "n r C" '(org-roam-db-sync :which-key "Build cache") "n r f" '(org-roam-node-find :which-key "Find node") "n r g" '(org-roam-graph :which-key "Show graph") "n r i" '(org-roam-node-insert :which-key "Insert") "n r I" '(dot/org-roam-node-insert-immediate :which-key "Insert (without capture)") "n r r" '(org-roam-buffer-toggle :which-key "Toggle buffer") "n r s" '(org-roam-ui-mode :which-key "Toggle server") ;; Project "p" '(:keymap project-prefix-map :which-key "project") "p b" '(consult-project-buffer :which-key "project-switch-buffer") "p f" '(consult-project-extra-find :which-key "project-find-file") "p g" '(consult-grep :which-key "project-find-regexp") ;; Quit "q" '(:ignore t :which-key "quit") "q q" '(save-buffers-kill-terminal :which-key "Quit Emacs") "q Q" '(save-buffers-kill-emacs :which-key "Quit Emacs (and daemon)") "q f" '(delete-frame :which-key "Close frame") "q o" '(delete-other-frames :which-key "Close other frames") ;; Search "s" '(:ignore t :which-key "search") "s a" '(avy-goto-char-timer :which-key "Avy goto char") "s f" '(consult-find :which-key "Search file") "s l" '(avy-goto-line :which-key "Avy goto line") "s p" '(consult-grep :which-key "Search project") "s q" '(evil-ex-nohighlight :which-key "Stop search") "s s" '(dot/consult-line-no-fuzzy :which-key "Search buffer") "s S" '(consult-line-multi :which-key "Search all buffers") ;; Tabs / toggle "t" '(:ignore t :which-key "tabs/toggle") "t f" '(dot/toggle-fringe :which-key "Toggle fringe") "t g" '(centaur-tabs-switch-group :which-key "Switch tab group") "t h" '(centaur-tabs-backward-group :which-key "Tab backward group") "t j" '(centaur-tabs-select-end-tab :which-key "Tab select first") "t k" '(centaur-tabs-select-beg-tab :which-key "Tab select last") "t l" '(centaur-tabs-forward-group :which-key "Tab forward group") "t n" '(neotree-toggle-in-project-root :which-key "Toggle Neotree") "t s" '(dot/flyspell-toggle :which-key "Toggle spell checker") "t w" '(visual-line-mode :which-key "Toggle line wrapping") ;; Update packages "U" '(elpaca-update-all :which-key "Update packages") ;; Version control "v" '(:ignore t :which-key "git") "v b" '(magit-branch-checkout :which-key "Magit switch branch") "v B" '(magit-blame-addition :which-key "Magit blame") "v C" '(magit-clone :which-key "Magit clone") "v F" '(magit-fetch :which-key "Magit fetch") "v L" '(magit-log :which-key "Magit log") "v s" '(magit-show-commit :which-key "Magit show commit") "v S" '(magit-stage-file :which-key "Stage file") "v U" '(magit-unstage-file :which-key "Unstage file") "v v" '(magit-status :which-key "Magit status") "v V" '(magit-status-here :which-key "Magit status here") "v c" '(:ignore t :which-key "create") "v c c" '(magit-commit-create :which-key "Commit") "v c b" '(magit-branch-and-checkout :which-key "Branch") "v c r" '(magit-init :which-key "Initialize repo") "v f" '(:ignore t :which-key "file") "v f c" '(magit-find-git-config-file :which-key "Find gitconfig file") "v f D" '(magit-file-delete :which-key "Delete file") "v f f" '(magit-find-file :which-key "Find file") "v f R" '(magit-file-rename :which-key "Rename file") "v l" '(:ignore t :which-key "list") "v l r" '(magit-list-repositories :which-key "List repositories") "v l s" '(magit-list-submodules :which-key "List submodules") "v r" '(dot/magit-select-repo :which-key "Select repo") ;; Window "w" '(:ignore t :which-key "window") "w +" '(evil-window-increase-height :which-key "Increase window height") "w -" '(evil-window-decrease-height :which-key "Decrease window height") "w <" '(evil-window-decrease-width :which-key "Decrease window width") "w =" '(balance-windows :which-key "Balance windows") "w >" '(evil-window-increase-width :which-key "Increase window width") "w _" '(evil-window-set-height :which-key "Maximize window height") "w h" '(windmove-left :which-key "Focus window left") "w j" '(windmove-down :which-key "Focus window down") "w k" '(windmove-up :which-key "Focus window up") "w l" '(windmove-right :which-key "Focus window right") "w o" '(delete-other-windows :which-key "Close other windows") "w s" '(split-follow-horizontally :which-key "Split horizontal") "w v" '(split-follow-vertically :which-key "Split vertical") "w w" '(other-window :which-key "Focus other window") "w q" '(dot/centaur-tabs-kill-buffer-or-window :which-key "Close window") "w r" '(winner-redo :which-key "Redo window configuration") "w u" '(winner-undo :which-key "Undo window configuration") "w " '(windmove-left :which-key "Focus window left") "w " '(windmove-right :which-key "Focus window right") "w " '(windmove-up :which-key "Focus window up") "w " '(windmove-down :which-key "Focus window down") ) ;; Evaluated keybinds. (with-eval-after-load 'lsp-mode (space-leader lsp-mode-map "l" lsp-command-map "l = f" '(dot/lsp-format-buffer-or-region :which-key "format buffer or region") )) (with-eval-after-load 'dap-mode (space-leader lsp-mode-map "l d" '(dap-hydra :which-key "DAP hydra") ))))) ;; Source: ;; https://github.com/redguardtoo/emacs.d/blob/master/lisp/init-evil.el#L712 ;; https://github.com/suyashbire1/emacs.d/blob/master/init.el ;;; Local Leader (elpaca nil (setup general (:when-loaded (general-create-definer local-leader :prefix dot/localleader-key :non-normal-prefix dot/localleader-alt-key :global-prefix dot/localleader-alt-key :states '(normal visual insert motion emacs) :keymaps 'override ; prevent leader keybindings from ever being overridden "" '(:ignore t :which-key "") ) (local-leader c++-mode-map "i" '(:ignore t :which-key "insert") "i i" '(dot/copy-cpp-function-implementation :which-key "Copy function implementation") ) (local-leader org-mode-map "'" '(org-edit-special :which-key "Org edit") "e" '(org-export-dispatch :which-key "Org export") "o" '(org-open-at-point :which-key "Org open at point") "q" '(org-set-tags-command :which-key "Org tags") "g" '(:ignore t :which-key "goto") "g o" '(consult-outline :which-key "Org go to heading") "i" '(:ignore t :which-key "insert") "i c" '(org-table-insert-column :which-key "Insert table column") "i h" '(org-table-insert-hline :which-key "Insert table hline") "i H" '(org-table-hline-and-move :which-key "Insert table hline and move") "i r" '(org-table-insert-row :which-key "Insert table row") "i t" '(org-insert-structure-template :which-key "Insert template") "l" '(:ignore t :which-key "links") "l i" '(org-id-store-link :which-key "Store ID link") "l l" '(org-insert-link :which-key "Insert link") "l s" '(org-store-link :which-key "Store link") "l S" '(org-insert-last-stored-link :which-key "Insert stored link") "s" '(:ignore t :which-key "tree/subtree") "s h" '(org-promote-subtree :which-key "Org promote subtree") "s j" '(org-metadown :which-key "Org move subtree down") "s k" '(org-metaup :which-key "Org move subtree up") "s l" '(org-demote-subtree :which-key "Org demote subtree") "s " '(org-promote-subtree :which-key "Org promote subtree") "s " '(org-demote-subtree :which-key "Org demote subtree") "s " '(org-move-subree-up :which-key "Org move subtree up") "s " '(org-move-subtree-down :which-key "Org move subtree down") "t" '(:ignore t :which-key "toggle") "t t" '(org-todo :which-key "Org todo state") "t l" '(org-toggle-link-display :which-key "Org link display") ) (local-leader org-src-mode-map "k" '(org-edit-src-abort :which-key "Org Edit abort")) (local-leader elfeed-search-mode-map "g" '(elfeed-search-update--force :which-key "Elfeed refresh buffer") "G" '(elfeed-search-fetch :which-key "Elfeed update feeds") ) (local-leader elfeed-show-mode-map "g" '(elfeed-show-refresh :which-key "Elfeed refresh buffer") )))) ;; c-fill-paragraph Reflow comment ;; https://youtu.be/hbmV1bnQ-i0?t=1910 (provide 'dot-keybinds) ;;; dot-keybinds.el ends here