#!/bin/sh help() { B=$(tput bold) U=$(tput smul) N=$(tput sgr0) cat << EOF ${B}NAME${N} monctl.sh - monitor manager ${B}SYNOPSIS${N} ${B}monctl.sh${N} [${U}OPTION${N}] [${U}ARG(S)${N}] ${B}OPTIONS${N} ${B}a*${N} ${U}width${N} ${U}height${N} ${U}hertz${N} ${U}name${N} Setup single monitor with new mode. ${B}p*${N} ${U}name${N} ${U}mode${N} Setup single primary monitor. ${B}ARGS${N} width Pixel width of the monitor. height Pixel height of the monitor. hertz Refresh rate of the monitor. name Xrandr name of the monitor. EOF } # Exit if no option is provided [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && help && exit 1 # Set required X variables export DISPLAY=:0 export XAUTHORITY="$XDG_DATA_HOME/xorg/Xauthority" update() { sleep 4 # Reconfigure desktops "$HOME"/.scripts/wm/desktops.sh sleep 1 # Restart panel "$HOME"/.scripts/panel/polybar.sh & # Reload wallpaper "$HOME"/.scripts/wm/wallpaper.sh & } auto() { [ "$#" != "4" ] && return 1 # Add mode to primary monitor OUTPUT="$(xrandr -q)" if ! echo "$OUTPUT" | grep -Fq "$1x$2_$3.00"; then eval xrandr --newmode $(cvt "$1" "$2" "$3" | awk '/Modeline/{ $1=""; print $0 }') xrandr --addmode "$4" "$1x$2_$3.00" fi primary "$4" "--mode $1x$2_$3.00" } primary() { [ "$#" != "1" ] && [ "$#" != "2" ] && return 1 MODE=${2:-"--auto"} # Get all connected monitors CONNECTED="$(xrandr -q | awk '/ connected/{ print $1 }')" # Disable all other monitors eval xrandr --output "$1" "$MODE" --primary \ "$(echo "$CONNECTED" | grep -vx "$1" | awk '{ print "--output", $1, "--off" }' | tr '\n' ' ')" # Post monitor change update } [ $OPTIND -ge 2 ] && shift $((OPTIND - 2)) case "$1" in a*) shift 1 auto "$@" ;; p*) shift 1 primary "$@" ;; *) help exit 1 ;; esac