#!/bin/bash if [ "$(dirname $0)" != "." ]; then echo "Please run this script from the directory it resides." exit fi PACKAGE_FILE="./packages" FILES=$(find . \( -path ./.git -o \ -path ./dotfiles.sh -o \ -path $PACKAGE_FILE -o \ -path ./README.md -o \ -path ./screenshot.png \) -prune -o -type f -print) if [ "$1" == "help" ] || [ "$1" == "" ]; then BOLD=$(tput bold) NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) echo "${BOLD}NAME${NORMAL}" echo " dotfiles - file copy script for this repository" echo "" echo "${BOLD}SYNOPSIS${NORMAL}" echo " ./dotfiles.sh []" echo "" echo "${BOLD}COMMANDS${NORMAL}" echo " list" echo " Prints all the dotfiles added to this directory." echo "" echo " get " echo " Add file to this directory." echo "" echo " pull" echo " For each file in this directory, copy that file \ on the system to this directory." echo "" echo " push" echo " For each file in this directory, copy that file \ to its location on the system." echo "" echo " package [list]" echo " List all the packages installed on the system." echo "" echo " package store" echo " Store the list of all the installed packages on the \ system." echo "" echo " package install" echo " Install all the core packages of the list." elif [ "$1" == "list" ]; then for f in $FILES; do echo $f done elif [ "$1" == "get" ] && [ "$2" != "" ]; then FILE=$(readlink -f $2) FILE_CUT_HOME="$(echo $FILE | sed -nr 's/^\/home\/'$USER'\/(.*)$/\1/p')" # /home// if [ -n "$FILE_CUT_HOME" ]; then mkdir -p $(pwd)/$(dirname $FILE_CUT_HOME) cp $FILE $(pwd)/$FILE_CUT_HOME # / else mkdir -p $(pwd)/$(dirname $FILE) cp $FILE $(pwd)/$FILE fi elif [ "$1" == "pull" ] || [ "$1" == "push" ]; then for f in $FILES; do # Remove the first character (.) from the string f=${f:1} # Resolved symbolic link fr=$(readlink -f $f) # The filepath starts with '/boot/', '/etc/', '/usr/share/' if [ -n "$(echo $fr | sed -nr 's/^(\/(boot|etc|usr\/share)\/).*$/\1/p')" ]; then if [ "$1" == "pull" ]; then sudo cp $fr $(pwd)/$fr else sudo cp $(pwd)/$fr $fr fi else if [ "$1" == "pull" ]; then # cp /home// /home//[/]dotfiles/ cp $HOME$f $(pwd)/$f else cp $(pwd)/$f $HOME$f fi fi done elif [ "$1" == "package" ]; then PACKAGE_LIST=$(comm -23 <(pacman -Qeq | sort) <(pacman -Qgq base base-devel | sort)) if [ "$2" == "list" ] || [ "$2" == "" ]; then echo "$PACKAGE_LIST" elif [ "$2" == "store" ]; then if [ ! -s $PACKAGE_FILE ]; then touch "$PACKAGE_FILE" else truncate -s 0 "$PACKAGE_FILE" fi echo "$PACKAGE_LIST" > "$PACKAGE_FILE" elif [ "$2" == "install" ]; then # Install core packages sudo pacman -S --needed $(comm -12 <(pacman -Slq | sort) <(sort $PACKAGE_FILE)) # For AUR packages, run: -S - < packages fi else echo "./dotfiles.sh: '$1' is not a dotfiles command. \ See './dotfiles.sh help'." fi # @Todo: # get function to support symlinks # push function to push just one file