#!/bin/sh # Downloader # Depends: aria2, youtube-dl b=$(tput bold) blue=$(tput setf 1) red=$(tput setf 4) u=$(tput smul) n=$(tput sgr0) help() { cat << EOF ${b}NAME${n} dl - Downloader ${b}SYNOPSIS${n} ${b}dl${n} [${u}OPTION${n}...] [${u}URL${n}...] ${b}DESCRIPTION${n} ${b}dl${n} Download audio/video with youtube-dl, using aria2, for each URL. A ${u}URL${n} of "${b}-${n}" stands for standard input. ${b}OPTIONS${n} ${b}-h${n} Display usage message and exit. ${b}-a${n} Download audio files from ${u}URL${n}. ${b}-b${n} Enable the best video quality. ${b}-t${n} Enable embedding of thumbnails into audio. ${b}-v${n} Download video files from ${u}URL${n}. EOF } # Exit if no option is provided [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && help && exit 1 script="$(basename "$0")" # Option handling while getopts ':h?abtv' opt; do case $opt in h) help exit 0 ;; a) audioDownload="true" ;; b) videoBest="true" ;; t) audioThumbnail="true" ;; v) videoDownload="true" ;; :) echo "$script: option requires an argument '$OPTARG'" echo "Try '$script -h' for more information." exit 1 ;; \?) echo "$script: invalid option '$OPTARG'" echo "Try '$script -h' for more information." exit 1 ;; esac done embedAudioThumbnail() { # Get file name fileName="$(youtube-dl --get-filename "$1")" fileName="${fileName%.*}" # Convert thumbnail to actually be a jpg yes y | ffmpeg -i "${fileName}.webp" "${fileName}_converted.jpg" > /dev/null 2>&1 yes y | ffmpeg -i "${fileName}.jpg" "${fileName}_converted.jpg" > /dev/null 2>&1 # Embed thumbnail into mp3 yes y | ffmpeg -i "${fileName}.mp3" -i "${fileName}_converted.jpg" \ -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -c copy -id3v2_version 3 \ -metadata:s:v title="Album cover" \ -metadata:s:v comment="Cover (front)" \ "${fileName}_embed.mp3" > /dev/null 2>&1 # Remove left over files rm -f "./${fileName}_converted.jpg" "./${fileName}.jpg" "./${fileName}.mp3" mv "${fileName}_embed.mp3" "${fileName}.mp3" } downloadAudio() { [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 [ -n "$audioThumbnail" ] && thumbnail="--write-thumbnail" youtube-dl --format bestaudio/best \ --extract-audio --audio-format mp3 --audio-quality 0 $thumbnail \ --external-downloader aria2c \ --cookies "$HOME/documents/youtube.com-cookies.txt" "$1" [ -n "$audioThumbnail" ] && embedAudioThumbnail "$1" } downloadVideo() { [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 [ -z "$videoBest" ] && videoLimit="[height<=?1080]" youtube-dl --format "bestvideo${videoLimit}+bestaudio/best" \ --external-downloader aria2c \ --cookies "$HOME/documents/youtube.com-cookies.txt" "$1" } handleUrls() { argumentUrls="$(echo "$@" | tr ' ' "\n")" urls="$(echo "$argumentUrls" | sed 's/^-$//')" [ "$argumentUrls" != "$urls" ] && urls="$(printf '%s\n%s' "$urls" "$(cat /dev/stdin)")" parsedUrls="$(echo "$urls" | sed -nE 's#^(https?://\S+\.\S+)$#\1#p')" [ "$urls" != "$parsedUrls" ] && printf '%sReceived invalid URL%s\n' "${b}${red}" "${n}" && exit 1 } startDownloads() { # Start downloads printf "%s::%s Downloading... %s \n" "${b}${blue}" "${n}${b}" "${n}" for url in $parsedUrls; do [ -n "$audioDownload" ] && downloadAudio "$url" [ -n "$videoDownload" ] && downloadVideo "$url" done } shift $((OPTIND - 1)) handleUrls "$@" startDownloads