#!/bin/sh help() { B=$(tput bold) U=$(tput smul) N=$(tput sgr0) cat << EOF ${B}NAME${N} inputctl.sh - input manager ${B}SYNOPSIS${N} ${B}inputctl.sh${N} [${U}OPTION${N}] [${U}ARG${N}] ${B}OPTIONS${N} ${B}-h${N} Display usage message and exit. ${B}-d${N} [${U}ARG${N}] Perform action on touchpad. ${B}-k${N} [${U}ARG${N}] Perform action on keyboard. ${B}-s${N} [${U}ARG${N}] Perform action on touchscreen. ${B}ARGS${N} toggle Toggle input device / keyboard customizations. on Enable input device / keyboard customizations. off Disable input device / keyboard customizations. EOF } # If no option is provided [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && help && exit # Set required X variables export DISPLAY=:0 export XAUTHORITY="$XDG_DATA_HOME/xorg/Xauthority" SCRIPT="$(basename "$0")" # Option handling while getopts ':h?d:k:s:' opt; do case $opt in h) help exit ;; d) dev="SYNA3602:00 0911:5288 Touchpad" ;; k) dev="Keyboard" ;; s) dev="pointer:04F3200A:00 04F3:2373" ;; :) echo "$SCRIPT: option requires an argument '$OPTARG'" echo "Try '$SCRIPT -h' for more information." exit 1 ;; \?) echo "$SCRIPT: invalid option '$OPTARG'" echo "Try '$SCRIPT -h' for more information." exit 1 ;; esac done toggle_device() { STATUS=$(xinput --list-props "$dev" | awk '/Device Enabled/ { print $4 }') [ "$STATUS" -eq 1 ] && xinput --disable "$dev" || xinput --enable "$dev" } keyboard() { [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 if [ "$1" = "toggle" ]; then if setxkbmap -query | grep -q options; then keyboard "off" else keyboard "on" fi elif [ "$1" = "on" ]; then # Swap caps lock with escape setxkbmap -option caps:swapescape # Swap left crtl with left alt # setxkbmap -option ctrl:swap_lalt_lctl # Set touchpad toggle keyboard symbol # xmodmap -e "keycode 93 = XF86iTouch" elif [ "$1" = "off" ]; then # Clear all key mappings setxkbmap -option '' fi } shift $((OPTIND - 2)) # Command handling if [ "$dev" = "Keyboard" ]; then keyboard "$1" else case "$1" in toggle) toggle_device ;; on) xinput --enable "$dev" ;; off) xinput --disable "$dev" ;; esac fi # Useful input diagnostics packages: # - xinput # - xev # - evtest # # - setxkbmap -query # - xmodmap -pke # # Kernel 5.1.4 works properly on my hardware with the i2c_hid module