#!/bin/sh # Vim plugin manager # Depends: git #---- BASE="$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/pack" #---- DIR="$BASE/plugins" LIST="$BASE/list" START="$DIR/start" OPT="$DIR/opt" help() { B=$(tput bold) U=$(tput smul) N=$(tput sgr0) cat << EOF ${B}NAME${N} vimplugin.sh - vim plugin manager ${B}SYNOPSIS${N} ${B}vimplugin.sh${N} [${U}OPTION${N}] [${U}COMMAND${N}] [<${U}ARG${N}>...] ${B}OPTIONS${N} ${B}-h${N} Display usage message and exit. ${B}COMMANDS${N} ${B}init${N} Creates all the required directories/files. ${B}install${N} ${U}URL${N} <${U}LOCATION${N}> Install a new plugin from a valid GitHub ${U}URL${N}. Store this plugin in <${U}LOCATION${N}> (start/opt), default to start. ${B}list${N} <${U}NUMBER${N}> Print all the installed plugins. If <${U}NUMBER${N}> is provided, print only the plugin in that position. ${B}remove${N} Remove plugin, pick from selection menu. ${B}update${N} Install/update all plugins stored in the config file. EOF } # Exit if no option is provided [ "$#" -eq 0 ] && help && exit 1 SCRIPT="$(basename "$0")" # Option handling while getopts ':h?' opt; do case $opt in h) help exit 0 ;; \?) echo "$SCRIPT: invalid option '$OPTARG'" echo "Try '$SCRIPT -h' for more information." exit 1 ;; esac done init() { sudo mkdir -p "$START" sudo mkdir -p "$OPT" sudo touch "$LIST" if [ ! -s "$LIST" ]; then # Append to empty file sudo sh -c 'echo "start:" >> '"$LIST" sudo sh -c 'echo "opt:" >> '"$LIST" fi } install() { # Check if correct git URL if [ -z "$(echo "$1" | sed -nr \ 's/^https:\/\/github\.com\/(.*\/.*).git$/\1/p')" ]; then echo "$SCRIPT: url invalid: $1" else # cd to correct directory if called from the CLI if [ -z "$2" ]; then # Default is directory 'start' cd "$START" || exit elif [ "$2" = "start" ]; then cd "$START" || exit elif [ "$2" = "opt" ]; then cd "$OPT" || exit fi REPO="$(basename "$1" .git)" if [ -d "$REPO" ]; then cd "$REPO" || exit sudo git pull --force 1> /dev/null cd ".." echo "Updated: $REPO" else sudo git clone "$1" 2> /dev/null # Add git URL to config file if [ -z "$2" ]; then # Append before 'opt:' sudo sed -i '/opt:/ i '"$1" "$LIST" elif [ "$2" = "start" ]; then # Append before 'opt:' sudo sed -i '/opt:/ i '"$1" "$LIST" elif [ "$2" = "opt" ]; then # Append at the end of the file sudo sed -i '$ a '"$1" "$LIST" fi echo "Installed: $REPO" fi fi } list() { if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "Listing all installed plugins.." fi PLUGIN="$(find "$DIR" -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 \ | sort | awk -F '/' '{ print $(NF-1)"/"$NF }')" NUM=0 for p in $PLUGIN; do NUM=$((NUM + 1)) if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "$NUM) $p" elif [ "$NUM" = "$1" ]; then echo "$p" fi done } remove() { list printf "Enter the number to remove: " read -r OPTION if [ -z "$(echo "$OPTION" | sed -nr 's/^([0-9]+)$/\1/p')" ]; then echo "Please select a number" else TO_REMOVE="$(list "$OPTION")" if [ -n "$TO_REMOVE" ]; then sudo rm -rf "$DIR/$TO_REMOVE" sudo sed -i '/'"$(basename "$TO_REMOVE")"'\.git/d' "$LIST" echo "Removed plugin: $TO_REMOVE" fi fi } update() { echo "Updating.." init cd "$START" || exit while read -r l; do if [ "$l" = "start:" ]; then cd "$START" || exit elif [ "$l" = "opt:" ]; then cd "$OPT" || exit else install "$l" "script" fi done < "$LIST" } # Command handling shift $((OPTIND - 1)) case "$1" in init | install | list | remove | update) "$1" "$2" "$3" ;; *) echo "$SCRIPT: invalid command '$1'" echo "Try '$SCRIPT -h' for more information." exit 1 ;; esac