#!/bin/sh # General audio management RELOAD="$HOME/.scripts/panel/volume.sh" [ -z "$2" ] && NUM="2" || NUM="$2" help() { B=$(tput bold) N=$(tput sgr0) cat << EOF ${B}NAME${N} mediacontrol - control the volume of the system ${B}SYNOPSIS${N} ./mediacontrol.sh [] ${B}DESCRIPTION${N} Commands can be truncated, i.e. \`${B}mediacontrol.sh t${N}\` for \`${B}mediacontrol.sh toggle${N}\` Arguments need to be of numeric value. ${B}COMMANDS${N} ${B}u*, up ${N} ${B}d*, down ${N} ${B}s*, set ${N} ${B}t*, toggle${N} ${B}m*, mute${N} ${B}n*, notmute${N} ${B}getv*, getvolume${N} ${B}getm*, getmute${N} EOF } case "$1" in u*) pamixer --increase "$NUM" ; $RELOAD ;; d*) pamixer --decrease "$NUM" ; $RELOAD ;; s*) pamixer --set-volume "$NUM" ; $RELOAD ;; t*) [ "$(pamixer --get-mute)" = "false" ] && \ pamixer --mute || pamixer --unmute ; $RELOAD ;; m*) pamixer --mute ; $RELOAD ;; n*) pamixer --unmute ; $RELOAD ;; getv*) pamixer --get-volume ;; getm*) pamixer --get-mute ;; *) help ;; esac