This is a collection of dotfiles and scripts for my bspwm setup
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

56 lines
1.3 KiB

# Cache the lock image
if [ ! -f "$LOCK" ]; then
touch "$LOCK"
# Get the resolution of the primary monitor
RES="$(xrandr -q | grep ' connected primary' \
| grep -Eo '[0-9]{3,4}x[0-9]{3,4}' | head -c -1)"
# Generate lock image
convert "$(dirname "$0")/lock.png" -background none -gravity center -extent "$RES" "$LOCK"
# Disable screensaver
revert() {
xset s off
xset -dpms
# Set screensaver to 30 seconds
trap revert HUP INT TERM
xset +dpms dpms 30 30 30
# >>> hostname=arch-desktop
# <<<
# >>> hostname=arch-laptop
# radius=46
# ringWidth="5.0"
# <<<
i3lock -n -i "$LOCK" -B 6 -S 1 -e \
--radius="$radius" \
--ring-width="$ringWidth" \
--verif-color=00000000 \
--wrong-color=00000000 \
--time-color=00000000 \
--date-color=00000000 \
--layout-color=00000000 \
--inside-color=00000000 \
--insidever-color=00000000 --insidewrong-color=00000000 \
--ring-color=00000000 \
--ringver-color=FFFFFFC0 --ringwrong-color=DA2825C0 \
--keyhl-color=FFFFFFC0 --bshl-color=DA2825C0 \
--line-color=00000000 --separator-color=00000000 \
-k \
--time-size=64 --date-size=24 \
--time-str="%I:%M %p" --date-str="%A, %B %e" \
--time-pos="ix:iy-250" --date-pos="ix:iy-200" \
--time-color=FFFFFFC0 --date-color=FFFFFFC0