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Emulator: Implement Accumulator rotate opcodes

Riyyi 3 years ago
  1. 91
  2. 2


@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ void CPU::update()
case 0x04: inc(); break;
case 0x05: dec8(); break;
case 0x06: ldi8(); break;
case 0x07: ra(); break;
case 0x08: ldr16(); break;
case 0x09: addr16(); break;
case 0x0a: ldr8(); break;
@ -79,11 +80,13 @@ void CPU::update()
case 0x0c: inc(); break;
case 0x0d: dec8(); break;
case 0x0e: ldi8(); break;
case 0x0f: ra(); break;
case 0x11: ldi16(); break;
case 0x12: ldr8(); break;
case 0x14: inc(); break;
case 0x15: dec8(); break;
case 0x16: ldi8(); break;
case 0x17: ra(); break;
case 0x18: jrs8(); break;
case 0x19: addr16(); break;
case 0x1a: ldr8(); break;
@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ void CPU::update()
case 0x1c: inc(); break;
case 0x1d: dec8(); break;
case 0x1e: ldi8(); break;
case 0x1f: ra(); break;
case 0x20: jrs8(); break;
case 0x21: ldi16(); break;
case 0x22: ldr8(); break;
@ -638,6 +642,93 @@ void CPU::ldr8()
m_wait_cycles += 4;
// Rotate accumulator
void CPU::ra()
// Make sure we only look at the bottom 8 bits
m_a = m_a & 0xff;
uint8_t opcode = pcRead();
switch (opcode) {
case 0x07: // RLCA
// Rotates A to the left with bit 7 being moved to bit 0 and also stored
// into the carry
// ┌──────────────┐
// │ ┌─────────┐ │
// C <─┴─│7 <── 0│<─┘
// └─────────┘
// A
// Copy bit 7 into carry flag
m_cf = (m_a & 0x80) == 0x80;
// Rotate register A left
m_a = (m_a << 1) | (m_a >> 7);
case 0x0f: // RRCA
// Rotates A to the right with bit 0 being moved to bit 7 and also
// stored into the carry
// ┌──────────────┐
// │ ┌─────────┐ │
// └─>│7 ──> 0│─┴─> C
// └─────────┘
// A
// Copy bit 0 into carry flag
m_cf = (m_a & 0x1) == 0x1;
// Rotate register A right
m_a = (m_a << 7) | (m_a >> 1);
case 0x17: { // RLA
// Rotates A to the left with the carry's value put into bit 0 and bit 7
// is put into the carry
// ┌────────────────────┐
// │ ┌─────────┐ │
// └─ C <──│7 <── 0│<─┘
// └─────────┘
// A
uint32_t old_carry = m_cf != 0;
m_cf = (m_a & 0x80) == 0x80; // Copy bit 7 into carry flag
// Rotate register A left through carry
m_a = (m_a << 1) | old_carry;
case 0x1f: { // RRA
// Rotates A to the right with the carry's value put into bit 7 and bit 0
// is put into the carry
// ┌────────────────────┐
// │ ┌─────────┐ │
// └─>│7 ──> 0│──> C ─┘
// └─────────┘
// A
uint32_t old_carry = m_cf != 0;
m_cf = (m_a & 0x1) == 0x1; // Copy bit 0 into carry flag
// Rotate register A right through carry
m_a = (old_carry << 7) | (m_a >> 1);
// RLCA/RRCA/RLA/RRA, Flags: 0 0 0 C
m_wait_cycles += 4;
// Set flags
m_zf = 0;
m_nf = 0;
m_hf = 0;
void CPU::cp()
uint8_t opcode = pcRead();


@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ public:
// -------------------------------------
// Bit Shift Instructions
void ra();
// -------------------------------------
// Load Instructions
