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Emulator: Add support for negative numbers to DAA opcode

Riyyi 3 years ago
  1. 47
  2. 1


@ -527,35 +527,44 @@ void CPU::daa()
// bits) of a byte (a byte, since it is 8 bits has two nibbles) to store
// a decimal digit.
// Example: 64 split on each number gives a 6 and a 4, so 0110 0100 as a BCD
uint8_t higher_nibble = m_a & 0xf0;
uint8_t lower_nibble = m_a & 0xf;
// Step 1: Check lower nibble of the BCD stored in A.
// Step 1: Check upper nibble of the BCD stored in A.
// If it is greater than decimal 9 or the carry flag is set
// (meaning that the upper nibble value is > 15),
// add decimal 6 to the upper nibble to make it wrap around and set carry flag to 1
// Step 2: Check lower nibble of the BCD stored in A.
// If it is greater than decimal 9 or half carry flag is set
// (meaning that the lower nibble value is > 15),
// add decimal 6 to the lower nibble to make it wrap around
if (lower_nibble > 9 || m_hf) {
lower_nibble += 6;
higher_nibble += isCarry(m_a, 6, 0x10);
// Step 2: Check higher nibble (after addition of the carry from the lower nibble).
// If it is greater than decimal 9 or the carry flag is set
// (meaning that the upper nibble value is > 15),
// add decimal 6 to the upper nibble to make it wrap around and set carry flag to 1
uint32_t new_carry = 0;
if (higher_nibble > 9 || m_cf) {
higher_nibble += 6;
new_carry = 1;
if (!m_nf) {
if (m_cf || m_a > 0x99) {
m_a += 0x60;
if (m_hf || (m_a & 0xf) > 0x9) {
m_a += 0x6;
else {
if (m_cf) {
m_a -= 0x60;
if (m_hf) {
m_a -= 0x6;
// Carry flag
m_cf = (m_a & 0x100) == 0x100;
// Set Accumulator to the correct BCD representation
m_a = higher_nibble | lower_nibble;
m_a = m_a & 0xff;
// Set flags
m_zf = m_a == 0;
m_zf = (m_a == 0);
m_hf = 0;
m_cf = new_carry;


@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ public:
void add8();
void and8();
void cp();
void daa();
void dec8();
void inc8();
void or8();
