4 changed files with 201 additions and 175 deletions
@ -1,205 +1,78 @@
extern "C" { |
#include <lua/lua.h> |
#include <lua/lualib.h> |
#include <lua/lauxlib.h> |
} |
#include "sol/unsafe_function_result.hpp" |
#include "inferno/assertions.h" |
#include "inferno/file.h" |
#include "inferno/scene/components.h" |
#include "inferno/scene/scene.h" |
#include "inferno/script/lua.h" |
#include "inferno/script/registration.h" |
namespace Inferno { |
void Lua::initialize() |
{ |
m_state = luaL_newstate(); |
// Type registration
// ---------------------------------
Registration::fill(m_state); |
// Add GetComponent()
// Load libraries
// ---------------------------------
constexpr int32_t componentUpValueAmount = 1; |
lua_pushlightuserdata(m_state, this); |
lua_pushcclosure(m_state, Lua::getComponent, componentUpValueAmount); |
lua_setglobal(m_state, "GetComponent"); |
m_state.open_libraries(sol::lib::base); |
// Add Metatable
// Component get functions
// ---------------------------------
luaL_newmetatable(m_state, "ComponentMetatable"); |
m_state.set_function("getTagComponent", [this]() -> TagComponent* { |
return &m_scene->getComponent<TagComponent>(m_entity); |
}); |
constexpr int32_t indexUpValueAmount = 1; |
lua_pushstring(m_state, "__index"); |
lua_pushlightuserdata(m_state, this); |
lua_pushcclosure(m_state, Lua::componentIndex, indexUpValueAmount); |
lua_settable(m_state, -3); // Pops the string and table
m_state.set_function("getTransformComponent", [this]() -> TransformComponent* { |
return &m_scene->getComponent<TransformComponent>(m_entity); |
}); |
constexpr int32_t newIndexUpValueAmount = 1; |
lua_pushstring(m_state, "__newindex"); |
lua_pushlightuserdata(m_state, this); |
lua_pushcclosure(m_state, Lua::componentNewIndex, newIndexUpValueAmount); |
lua_settable(m_state, -3); // Pops the string and table
// (*m_state).set_function("GetComponent", &Lua::getComponentSol);
m_state.set_function("getCameraComponent", [this]() -> CameraComponent* { |
return &m_scene->getComponent<CameraComponent>(m_entity); |
}); |
// Load and Initialize Script
m_state.set_function("getSpriteComponent", [this]() -> SpriteComponent* { |
return &m_scene->getComponent<SpriteComponent>(m_entity); |
}); |
// Load and Initialize script
// ---------------------------------
loadScript(); |
getFunction("LuaScript", "initialize"); |
callFunction(); |
callFunction("LuaScript", "initialize"); |
} |
void Lua::destroy() |
{ |
getFunction("LuaScript", "destroy"); |
callFunction(); |
lua_close(m_state); |
m_state = nullptr; |
callFunction("LuaScript", "destroy"); |
} |
void Lua::update(float deltaTime) |
{ |
getFunction("LuaScript", "update"); |
lua_pushnumber(m_state, deltaTime); // Push float argument
callFunction(1); |
} |
void Lua::valid(int32_t error) |
{ |
ASSERT(error == LUA_OK, "{}", lua_tostring(m_state, -1)); |
m_state["LuaScript"]["transform"] = &m_scene->getComponent<TransformComponent>(m_entity); |
callFunction("LuaScript", "update", deltaTime); |
} |
void Lua::loadScript() |
{ |
std::string script = File::read(m_path); |
int32_t error = luaL_dostring(m_state, script.c_str()); |
valid(error); |
} |
void Lua::getFunction(const char* table, const char* function) |
{ |
Lua::isTable(m_state, table); // Push table
int32_t tableIdx = lua_gettop(m_state); // Get table stack index
lua_pushstring(m_state, function); // Push string
lua_gettable(m_state, -2); // Pop string key, push value
lua_pushvalue(m_state, tableIdx); // Push table
} |
void Lua::callFunction(int32_t parameters) |
{ |
int32_t error = lua_pcall(m_state, parameters + 1, 0, 0); // Call function()
valid(error); |
} |
void Lua::isTable(lua_State* state, int32_t table) |
{ |
ASSERT(lua_istable(state, table)); |
} |
void Lua::isTable(lua_State* state, const char* table) |
{ |
lua_getglobal(state, table); // Push table on the stack
Lua::isTable(state, -1); |
} |
int32_t Lua::getComponent(lua_State* state) // Local scope state, so stack begins at 1!
{ |
ASSERT(lua_gettop(state) == 1, "Lua called with wrong amount of arguments"); |
ASSERT(lua_islightuserdata(state, lua_upvalueindex(1)), "Lua did not receive required lightuserdata"); |
Lua* self = static_cast<Lua*>(lua_touserdata(state, lua_upvalueindex(1))); |
// Verify parameter
std::string componentName = lua_tostring(state, -1); |
ASSERT(lua_isstring(state, -1), "Lua did not receive correct parameter"); |
// Create userdata
/*void* pointer =*/ lua_newuserdatauv(state, sizeof(0), 2); // Push userdata
ASSERT(lua_isuserdata(state, -1), "Lua could not create userdata"); |
// Get component
void* component = nullptr; |
if (componentName.compare("CameraComponent") == 0) { |
component = static_cast<void*>(&self->m_scene->getComponent<CameraComponent>(self->m_entity)); |
} |
// Add metatable to userdata
luaL_getmetatable(state, "ComponentMetatable"); // Push table
ASSERT(lua_istable(state, -1), "Lua could not find metatable"); |
lua_setmetatable(state, -2); // Pop table, set it as metatable onto userdata
// Add uservalues to userdata
lua_pushstring(state, componentName.c_str()); // Push string
lua_setiuservalue(state, -2, 1); // Pop value, set it as the n-th uservalue onto userdata
lua_pushlightuserdata(state, component); // Push pointer
lua_setiuservalue(state, -2, 2); // Pop value, set it as the n-th uservalue onto userdata
return 1; // Return amount of stack items pushed
auto result = m_state.script(script.c_str(), |
[](lua_State*, sol::protected_function_result pfr) { return pfr; }); |
ASSERT(result.valid(), "Lua script {}", ((sol::error)result).what()); |
} |
int32_t Lua::componentIndex(lua_State* state) // Local scope state, so stack begins at 1!
sol::table Lua::getTable(const char* name) |
{ |
ASSERT(lua_gettop(state) == 2, "Lua called with wrong amount of arguments"); |
ASSERT(lua_isuserdata(state, -2)); // 1 // <component>.x
ASSERT(lua_isstring(state, -1)); // 2 // component.<x>
// ASSERT(lua_islightuserdata(state, lua_upvalueindex(1)), "Lua did not receive required lightuserdata");
// Lua* self = static_cast<Lua*>(lua_touserdata(state, lua_upvalueindex(1)));
lua_getiuservalue(state, 1, 1); // Push the n-th uservalue from userdata
ASSERT(lua_isstring(state, -1), "Lua did not receive component type correctly"); |
std::string componentName = lua_tostring(state, -1); |
if (componentName.compare("CameraComponent") == 0) { |
lua_getiuservalue(state, 1, 2); // Push the n-th uservalue from userdata
ASSERT(lua_islightuserdata(state, -1), "Lua did not receive component pointer correctly"); |
CameraComponent* component = (CameraComponent*)lua_touserdata(state, -1); |
std::string index = lua_tostring(state, 2); |
if (index.compare("fov") == 0) { |
lua_pushnumber(state, component->fov); |
return 1; |
} |
else { |
} |
} |
return 0; |
} |
int32_t Lua::componentNewIndex(lua_State* state) // Local scope state, so stack begins at 1!
{ |
ASSERT(lua_gettop(state) == 3, "Lua called with wrong amount of arguments"); |
ASSERT(lua_isuserdata(state, -3)); // 1 // <component>.x = thing
ASSERT(lua_isstring(state, -2)); // 2 // component.<x> = thing
// Value we want to set -1 // 3 // component.x = <thing>
lua_getiuservalue(state, 1, 1); // Push the n-th uservalue from userdata
ASSERT(lua_isstring(state, -1), "Lua did not receive component type correctly"); |
std::string componentName = lua_tostring(state, -1); |
if (componentName.compare("CameraComponent") == 0) { |
lua_getiuservalue(state, 1, 2); // Push the n-th uservalue from userdata
ASSERT(lua_islightuserdata(state, -1), "Lua did not receive component pointer correctly"); |
CameraComponent* component = (CameraComponent*)lua_touserdata(state, -1); |
std::string index = lua_tostring(state, 2); |
if (index.compare("fov") == 0) { |
component->fov = lua_tonumber(state, 3); |
} |
else { |
} |
} |
return 0; |
sol::table table = m_state[name]; |
ASSERT(table.valid(), "Lua table does not exist"); |
return table; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#include "glm/ext/vector_float2.hpp" // glm::vec2 |
#include "glm/ext/vector_float3.hpp" // glm::vec3 |
#include "glm/ext/vector_float4.hpp" // glm::vec4 |
#include "inferno/scene/components.h" |
#include "inferno/script/registration.h" |
namespace Inferno { |
void Registration::fill(sol::state_view &state) |
{ |
glm(state); |
component(state); |
} |
void Registration::glm(sol::state_view& state) |
{ |
auto vec2 = state.new_usertype<glm::vec2>( |
"vec2", |
sol::call_constructor, sol::constructors<glm::vec2(), glm::vec2(float), glm::vec2(float, float)>(), |
"x", &glm::vec2::x, "y", &glm::vec2::y, |
"r", &glm::vec2::r, "g", &glm::vec2::g, |
"s", &glm::vec2::s, "t", &glm::vec2::t, |
"__add", addition<glm::vec2, float>(), |
"__sub", subtraction<glm::vec2, float>(), |
"__mul", multiplication<glm::vec2, float>(), |
"__div", division<glm::vec2, float>() |
); |
auto vec3 = state.new_usertype<glm::vec3>( |
"vec3", |
sol::call_constructor, sol::constructors<glm::vec3(), glm::vec3(float), glm::vec3(float, float, float)>(), |
"x", &glm::vec3::x, "y", &glm::vec3::y, "z", &glm::vec3::z, |
"r", &glm::vec3::r, "g", &glm::vec3::g, "b", &glm::vec3::b, |
"s", &glm::vec3::s, "t", &glm::vec3::t, "p", &glm::vec3::p, |
"__add", addition<glm::vec3, float>(), |
"__sub", subtraction<glm::vec3, float>(), |
"__mul", multiplication<glm::vec3, float>(), |
"__div", division<glm::vec3, float>() |
// "__tostring", [](glm::vec3 self) { return self.x; } // Template!!! convert via logstream
); |
auto vec4 = state.new_usertype<glm::vec4>( |
"vec4", |
sol::call_constructor, sol::constructors<glm::vec4(), glm::vec4(float), glm::vec4(float, float, float, float)>(), |
"x", &glm::vec4::x, "y", &glm::vec4::y, "z", &glm::vec4::z, "w", &glm::vec4::w, |
"r", &glm::vec4::r, "g", &glm::vec4::g, "b", &glm::vec4::b, "a", &glm::vec4::a, |
"s", &glm::vec4::s, "t", &glm::vec4::t, "p", &glm::vec4::p, "q", &glm::vec4::q, |
"__add", addition<glm::vec4, float>(), |
"__sub", subtraction<glm::vec4, float>(), |
"__mul", multiplication<glm::vec4, float>(), |
"__div", division<glm::vec4, float>() |
); |
} |
void Registration::component(sol::state_view& state) |
{ |
auto tagComponent = state.new_usertype<TagComponent>("TagComponent", sol::no_constructor); |
tagComponent["tag"] = &TagComponent::tag; |
auto transformComponent = state.new_usertype<TransformComponent>("TransformComponent", sol::no_constructor); |
transformComponent["translate"] = &TransformComponent::translate; |
transformComponent["rotate"] = &TransformComponent::rotate; |
transformComponent["scale"] = &TransformComponent::scale; |
transformComponent["transform"] = &TransformComponent::transform; |
auto cameraComponent = state.new_usertype<CameraComponent>("CameraComponent", sol::no_constructor); |
cameraComponent["type"] = &CameraComponent::type; |
cameraComponent["zoomLevel"] = &CameraComponent::zoomLevel; |
cameraComponent["rotateAxis"] = &CameraComponent::rotateAxis; |
cameraComponent["fov"] = &CameraComponent::fov; |
cameraComponent["pitch"] = &CameraComponent::pitch; |
cameraComponent["yaw"] = &CameraComponent::yaw; |
cameraComponent["up"] = &CameraComponent::up; |
cameraComponent["projection"] = &CameraComponent::projection; |
auto spriteComponent = state.new_usertype<SpriteComponent>("SpriteComponent", sol::no_constructor); |
spriteComponent["color"] = &SpriteComponent::color; |
spriteComponent["texture"] = &SpriteComponent::texture; |
} |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#include "sol/overload.hpp" // sol::overload |
#include "sol/state_view.hpp" // sol::state_view |
namespace Inferno { |
class Registration final { |
public: |
static void fill(sol::state_view& state); |
private: |
static void glm(sol::state_view& state); |
static void component(sol::state_view& state); |
template<typename T, typename V> |
static auto addition() |
{ |
return sol::overload( |
[](const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs + rhs; }, |
[](const T& lhs, const V& rhs) { return lhs + rhs; }, |
[](const V& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs + rhs; } |
); |
} |
template<typename T, typename V> |
static auto subtraction() |
{ |
return sol::overload( |
[](const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs - rhs; }, |
[](const T& lhs, const V& rhs) { return lhs - rhs; }, |
[](const V& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs - rhs; } |
); |
} |
template<typename T, typename V> |
static auto multiplication() |
{ |
return sol::overload( |
[](const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs * rhs; }, |
[](const T& lhs, const V& rhs) { return lhs * rhs; }, |
[](const V& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs * rhs; } |
); |
} |
template<typename T, typename V> |
static auto division() |
{ |
return sol::overload( |
[](const T& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs / rhs; }, |
[](const T& lhs, const V& rhs) { return lhs / rhs; }, |
[](const V& lhs, const T& rhs) { return lhs / rhs; } |
); |
} |
}; |
} |
Reference in new issue