Inferno Game Engine
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#ifndef WINDOW_H
#define WINDOW_H
#include <functional> // std::function
#include <memory> // std::shared_ptr
#include <string> // std::string
struct GLFWwindow;
namespace Inferno {
class Context;
class Event;
struct WindowProperties {
std::string title { "Inferno" };
int width = 1280;
int height = 720;
std::string fullscreen { "windowed" }; // windowed/fullscreen/borderless
bool vsync = true;
class Window {
virtual ~Window();
// -----------------------------------------
void initialize();
void update();
void render();
void destroy();
// -----------------------------------------
void setWindowMonitor();
bool shouldClose() const;
void setShouldClose(bool close) const;
inline float getAspect() const { return static_cast<float>(m_properties.width) / static_cast<float>(m_properties.height); }
inline int getWidth() const { return m_properties.width; }
inline int getHeight() const { return m_properties.height; }
inline bool isVSync() const { return m_properties.vsync; }
inline GLFWwindow* getWindow() const { return m_window; }
inline const std::shared_ptr<Context>& getContext() const { return m_context; }
inline void setEventCallback(std::function<void(Event&)> callback) { m_eventCallback = callback; }
WindowProperties m_properties;
GLFWwindow* m_window;
std::shared_ptr<Context> m_context;
std::function<void(Event&)> m_eventCallback;
static unsigned char s_windowCount;
#endif // WINDOW_H