Inferno Game Engine
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

320 lines
6.6 KiB

#include "inferno/assert.h"
#include "inferno/io/log.h"
#include <cstddef> // size_t
#include <cstdio> // fwrite, snprintf
#include <cstdlib> // malloc, free
#include <cstring> // memcpy, strlen
#include <string> // std::string
#include <string_view> // std::string_view
namespace Inferno {
// Free buffer memory
if (m_capacity > sizeof(m_buffer.stack)) {
void BufferedLogStream::grow(size_t bytes) const
// Bitwise & ~ example, we use 127 as binary starts at 0
// 0b001111111 127 ~
// 0b100000100 260 &
// -----------
// 0b110000000 384
// 0b100000100 260 &
// -----------
// 0b100000000 256
// Buffer is increased in chunks of 128 bytes
size_t newCapacity = (m_count + bytes + BUFFER_SIZE - 1) & ~(BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
unsigned char* newBuffer = static_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(newCapacity));
// Copy the non-heap data into the new buffer
if (m_capacity <= sizeof(m_buffer.stack)) {
memcpy(newBuffer, m_buffer.stack, m_count);
// Copy old heap-buffer data into the new buffer, free old heap-buffer
else if (m_buffer.heap) {
memcpy(newBuffer, m_buffer.heap, m_count);
m_buffer.heap = newBuffer;
m_capacity = newCapacity;
// -----------------------------------------
if (m_type != Log::None) {
const char* clear = "\033[0m";
write(clear, strlen(clear));
if (m_newline) {
char newline = '\n';
write(&newline, 1);
fwrite(buffer(), 1, count(), stdout);
void DebugLogStream::color() const
const char* color = "";
if (m_type == Log::Info) {
color = "\x1B[34m";
else if (m_type == Log::Warn) {
color = "\x1B[33m";
else if (m_type == Log::Danger) {
color = "\x1B[31m";
else if (m_type == Log::Success) {
color = "\x1B[32m";
else if (m_type == Log::Comment) {
color = "\x1B[37m";
write(color, strlen(color));
// -----------------------------------------
char terminator = '\0';
write(&terminator, 1);
*m_fill = std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer()));
// -----------------------------------------
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const char* value)
if (value == nullptr) {
stream.write("(null)", 6);
return stream;
stream.write(value, strlen(value));
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const unsigned char* value)
if (value == nullptr) {
stream.write("(null)", 6);
return stream;
stream.write(value, strlen((const char*)value));
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const std::string& value)
stream.write(value.c_str(), value.length());
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const std::string_view& value)
stream.write(, value.length());
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, char value)
stream.write(&value, 1);
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, unsigned char value)
stream.write(&value, 1);
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, int value)
// return stream << std::to_string(value);
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%ld", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long long int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lld", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, unsigned int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long unsigned int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long long unsigned int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%llu", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, double value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4f", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, float value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4f", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const void* value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%p", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, bool value)
return stream << (value ? "true": "false");
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, Log value)
switch (value) {
case Log::None:
return stream << "Log";
case Log::Info:
return stream << "Info";
case Log::Warn:
return stream << "Warn";
case Log::Danger:
return stream << "Danger";
case Log::Success:
return stream << "Success";
case Log::Comment:
return stream << "Comment";
return stream;
// -----------------------------------------
DebugLogStream dbg()
return {};
DebugLogStream dbg(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(newline);
DebugLogStream info()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Info);
DebugLogStream warn()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Warn);
DebugLogStream danger()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Danger);
DebugLogStream success()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Success);
DebugLogStream comment()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Comment);
DebugLogStream info(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Info, newline);
DebugLogStream warn(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Warn, newline);
DebugLogStream danger(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Danger, newline);
DebugLogStream success(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Success, newline);
DebugLogStream comment(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Comment, newline);
// -----------------------------------------
void dbgln(Log type, bool newline)
(void)type, DebugLogStream(newline);
void dbgln(Log type, bool newline, const char* format)
DebugLogStream(type, newline) << format;
// -----------------------------------------
StringLogStream str(std::string* fill)
return StringLogStream(fill);