Inferno Game Engine
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

71 lines
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#include <cstdint> // uint32_t
#include <string> // std::string
#include "inferno/io/file.h"
#include "inferno/io/log.h"
#include "inferno/settings.h"
#include "inferno/util/json.h"
namespace Inferno {
const char* Settings::m_path = "assets/settings.json";
SettingsProperties Settings::m_properties = {};
void Settings::initialize()
info() << "Settings initialized";
void Settings::update()
nlohmann::json json;
if (!Json::hasProperty(json, "window")) {
warn() << "Settings has no window section, using default values";
auto window = json["window"];
auto title = Json::parseStringProperty(window, "title", false);
auto width = Json::parseUnsignedProperty(window, "width", false);
auto height = Json::parseUnsignedProperty(window, "height", false);
auto fullscreen = Json::parseStringProperty(window, "fullscreen", false);
auto vsync = Json::parseBoolProperty(window, "vsync", false);
if (title) m_properties.window.title = title.value();
if (width) m_properties.window.width = width.value();
if (height) m_properties.window.height = height.value();
if (fullscreen) m_properties.window.fullscreen = fullscreen.value();
if (vsync) m_properties.window.vsync = vsync.value();
void Settings::destroy()
bool Settings::load(nlohmann::json& json)
File::ioRead(json, m_path);
return true;
bool Settings::save()
nlohmann::json json;
json["window"]["title"] = m_properties.window.title;
json["window"]["width"] = m_properties.window.width;
json["window"]["height"] = m_properties.window.height;
json["window"]["fullscreen"] = m_properties.window.fullscreen;
json["window"]["vsync"] = m_properties.window.vsync;
File::ioWrite(json, m_path);
info() << "Settings saved";
return true;