Inferno Game Engine
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* Copyright (C) 2022 Riyyi
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <cstdint> // uint32_t
#include <memory> // std::shared_ptr
#include "entt/entity/registry.hpp" // entt::entity, entt::registry
#include "glm/ext/matrix_float4x4.hpp" // glm::mat4
#include "ruc/format/format.h"
namespace Inferno {
class Camera;
class Texture;
class Scene {
void initialize();
void update(float deltaTime);
void render();
void destroy();
uint32_t createEntity(const std::string& name = "");
void destroyEntity(uint32_t entity);
glm::mat4 cameraProjectionView();
void validEntity(uint32_t entity) const;
template<typename... T>
[[nodiscard]] bool hasComponent(uint32_t entity) const
return m_registry->has<T...>(entt::entity { entity });
template<typename... T>
[[nodiscard]] bool anyComponent(uint32_t entity) const
return m_registry->any<T...>(entt::entity { entity });
// @Todo Should replace be allowed? could trigger memory leaks with nativescript
template<typename T, typename... P>
T& addComponent(uint32_t entity, P&&... parameters) const
return m_registry->emplace_or_replace<T>(entt::entity { entity }, std::forward<P>(parameters)...);
template<typename T>
size_t removeComponent(uint32_t entity) const
return m_registry->remove_if_exists<T>(entt::entity { entity });
// @Todo Should replace be allowed? could trigger memory leaks with nativescript
template<typename T, typename... P>
T& getComponent(uint32_t entity, P&&... parameters) const
return m_registry->get_or_emplace<T>(entt::entity { entity }, std::forward<P>(parameters)...);
// const entt::registry& registry() const { return m_registry; }
std::shared_ptr<entt::registry> registry() const { return m_registry; }
std::shared_ptr<Texture> m_texture;
std::shared_ptr<Texture> m_texture2;
std::shared_ptr<entt::registry> m_registry;
} // namespace Inferno
struct ruc::format::Formatter<entt::entity> : Formatter<uint32_t> {
void format(Builder& builder, entt::entity value) const;
// @Todo
// - Convert registry to stack variable
// - Convert registry to scene pointer in systems