#+TITLE: mal - Make a Lisp #+AUTHOR: Riyyi #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: toc:nil This is my implementation of the [[https://github.com/kanaka/mal][Make A Lisp]] project, done in C++20. ** Usage *** Run the REPL #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script $ make $ ./blaze #+END_SRC Or #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script $ make run #+END_SRC *** Run mal tests Change the ~#if 0~ macro at the top of the ~stepX.cpp~ to ~#if 1~, then run the test: #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script $ make test0 | less #+END_SRC ** Download *** Clone #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script $ git clone https://github.com/riyyi/blaze $ cd blaze $ git submodule update --init --recursive #+END_SRC Or #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script $ git clone --recursive https://github.com/riyyi/blaze #+END_SRC *** Update #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script $ git pull $ git submodule update --recursive #+END_SRC ** Build instructions #+BEGIN_SRC shell-script $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. && make #+END_SRC