/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Riyyi * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include // sd::advance, std::next, std::prev #include #include // std::static_pointer_cast #include // std::span #include #include "ast.h" #include "environment.h" #include "error.h" #include "eval.h" #include "forward.h" #include "types.h" namespace blaze { Eval::Eval(ValuePtr ast, EnvironmentPtr env) : m_ast(ast) , m_env(env) { } // ----------------------------------------- void Eval::eval() { m_ast_stack = std::stack(); m_env_stack = std::stack(); m_ast_stack.push(m_ast); m_env_stack.push(m_env); m_ast = evalImpl(); } ValuePtr Eval::evalImpl() { ValuePtr ast = nullptr; EnvironmentPtr env = nullptr; while (true) { if (m_ast_stack.size() == 0) { return nullptr; } if (m_env_stack.size() == 0) { m_env_stack.push(m_env); } ast = m_ast_stack.top(); env = m_env_stack.top(); m_ast_stack.pop(); m_env_stack.pop(); if (!is(ast.get())) { return evalAst(ast, env); } auto list = std::static_pointer_cast(ast); if (list->empty()) { return ast; } // Special forms auto nodes = list->nodes(); if (is(nodes.front().get())) { auto symbol = std::static_pointer_cast(nodes.front())->symbol(); nodes.pop_front(); if (symbol == "def!") { return evalDef(nodes, env); } if (symbol == "let*") { evalLet(nodes, env); continue; // TCO } if (symbol == "quote") { return evalQuote(nodes, env); } if (symbol == "quasiquote") { evalQuasiQuote(nodes, env); continue; // TCO } if (symbol == "quasiquoteexpand") { return evalQuasiQuoteExpand(nodes, env); } if (symbol == "do") { evalDo(nodes, env); continue; // TCO } if (symbol == "if") { evalIf(nodes, env); continue; // TCO } if (symbol == "fn*") { return evalFn(nodes, env); } } auto evaluated_list = std::static_pointer_cast(evalAst(ast, env)); if (evaluated_list == nullptr) { return nullptr; } // Regular list if (is(evaluated_list->nodes().front().get())) { auto evaluated_nodes = evaluated_list->nodes(); // car auto lambda = std::static_pointer_cast(evaluated_nodes.front()); // cdr evaluated_nodes.pop_front(); m_ast_stack.push(lambda->body()); m_env_stack.push(Environment::create(lambda, evaluated_nodes)); continue; // TCO } // Function call return apply(evaluated_list); } } ValuePtr Eval::evalAst(ValuePtr ast, EnvironmentPtr env) { if (ast == nullptr || env == nullptr) { return nullptr; } Value* ast_raw_ptr = ast.get(); if (is(ast_raw_ptr)) { auto result = env->get(std::static_pointer_cast(ast)->symbol()); if (!result) { Error::the().add(format("'{}' not found", ast)); return nullptr; } return result; } else if (is(ast_raw_ptr)) { std::shared_ptr result = nullptr; (is(ast_raw_ptr)) ? result = makePtr() : result = makePtr(); auto nodes = std::static_pointer_cast(ast)->nodes(); for (auto node : nodes) { m_ast_stack.push(node); m_env_stack.push(env); ValuePtr eval_node = evalImpl(); if (eval_node == nullptr) { return nullptr; } result->add(eval_node); } return result; } else if (is(ast_raw_ptr)) { auto result = makePtr(); auto elements = std::static_pointer_cast(ast)->elements(); for (auto& element : elements) { m_ast_stack.push(element.second); m_env_stack.push(env); ValuePtr element_node = evalImpl(); if (element_node == nullptr) { return nullptr; } result->add(element.first, element_node); } return result; } return ast; } ValuePtr Eval::evalDef(const std::list& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env) { if (nodes.size() != 2) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: def!, {}", nodes.size())); return nullptr; } auto first_argument = *nodes.begin(); auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin()); // First element needs to be a Symbol if (!is(first_argument.get())) { Error::the().add(format("wrong argument type: symbol, {}", first_argument)); return nullptr; } std::string symbol = std::static_pointer_cast(first_argument)->symbol(); m_ast_stack.push(second_argument); m_env_stack.push(env); ValuePtr value = evalImpl(); // Dont overwrite symbols after an error if (Error::the().hasAnyError()) { return nullptr; } // Modify existing environment return env->set(symbol, value); } ValuePtr Eval::evalQuote(const std::list& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env) { if (nodes.size() != 1) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: quote, {}", nodes.size())); return nullptr; } return nodes.front(); } static bool isSymbol(ValuePtr value, const std::string& symbol) { if (!is(value.get())) { return false; } auto valueSymbol = std::static_pointer_cast(value)->symbol(); if (valueSymbol != symbol) { return false; } return true; } static ValuePtr startsWith(ValuePtr ast, const std::string& symbol) { if (!is(ast.get())) { return nullptr; } auto nodes = std::static_pointer_cast(ast)->nodes(); if (nodes.empty() || !isSymbol(nodes.front(), symbol)) { return nullptr; } if (nodes.size() != 2) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: {}, {}", symbol, nodes.size() - 1)); return nullptr; } return *std::next(nodes.begin()); } static ValuePtr evalQuasiQuoteImpl(ValuePtr ast) { if (is(ast.get()) || is(ast.get())) { auto quoted_list = makePtr(); quoted_list->add(makePtr("quote")); quoted_list->add(ast); return quoted_list; } if (!is(ast.get())) { return ast; } // `~2 or `(unquote 2) const auto unquote = startsWith(ast, "unquote"); // x if (unquote) { return unquote; } // `~@(list 2 2 2) or `(splice-unquote (list 2 2 2)) const auto splice_unquote = startsWith(ast, "splice-unquote"); // (list 2 2 2) if (splice_unquote) { return splice_unquote; } ValuePtr result = makePtr(); auto nodes = std::static_pointer_cast(ast)->nodes(); // `() or `(1 ~2 3) or `(1 ~@(list 2 2 2) 3) for (auto it = nodes.rbegin(); it != nodes.rend(); ++it) { const auto elt = *it; auto list = makePtr(); const auto splice_unquote = startsWith(elt, "splice-unquote"); // (list 2 2 2) if (splice_unquote) { list->add(makePtr("concat")); list->add(splice_unquote); list->add(result); result = list; // (cons 1 (concat (list 2 2 2) (cons 3 ()))) continue; } list->add(makePtr("cons")); list->add(evalQuasiQuoteImpl(elt)); list->add(result); result = list; // (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 ()))) } if (is(ast.get())) { return result; } // Wrap Vector in (vec) auto vector = makePtr(); vector->add(makePtr("vec")); vector->add(result); return vector; } void Eval::evalQuasiQuote(const std::list& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env) { if (nodes.size() != 1) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: quasiquote, {}", nodes.size())); return; } auto result = evalQuasiQuoteImpl(nodes.front()); m_ast_stack.push(result); m_env_stack.push(env); return; // TCO } ValuePtr Eval::evalQuasiQuoteExpand(const std::list& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env) { if (nodes.size() != 1) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: quasiquoteexpand, {}", nodes.size())); return nullptr; } return evalQuasiQuoteImpl(nodes.front()); } void Eval::evalLet(const std::list& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env) { if (nodes.size() != 2) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: let*, {}", nodes.size())); return; } auto first_argument = *nodes.begin(); auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin()); // First argument needs to be a List or Vector if (!is(first_argument.get())) { Error::the().add(format("wrong argument type: list, '{}'", first_argument)); return; } // Get the nodes out of the List or Vector std::list binding_nodes; auto bindings = std::static_pointer_cast(first_argument); binding_nodes = bindings->nodes(); // List or Vector needs to have an even number of elements size_t count = binding_nodes.size(); if (count % 2 != 0) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: {}, {}", "let* bindings", count)); return; } // Create new environment auto let_env = Environment::create(env); for (auto it = binding_nodes.begin(); it != binding_nodes.end(); std::advance(it, 2)) { // First element needs to be a Symbol if (!is(*it->get())) { Error::the().add(format("wrong argument type: symbol, '{}'", *it)); return; } std::string key = std::static_pointer_cast(*it)->symbol(); m_ast_stack.push(*std::next(it)); m_env_stack.push(let_env); ValuePtr value = evalImpl(); let_env->set(key, value); } // TODO: Remove limitation of 3 arguments // Eval all values in this new env, return last sexp of the result m_ast_stack.push(second_argument); m_env_stack.push(let_env); return; // TCO } void Eval::evalDo(const std::list& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env) { if (nodes.size() == 0) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: do, {}", nodes.size())); return; } // Evaluate all nodes except the last for (auto it = nodes.begin(); it != std::prev(nodes.end(), 1); ++it) { m_ast_stack.push(*it); m_env_stack.push(env); evalImpl(); } // Eval last node m_ast_stack.push(nodes.back()); m_env_stack.push(env); return; // TCO } void Eval::evalIf(const std::list& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env) { if (nodes.size() != 2 && nodes.size() != 3) { Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: if, {}", nodes.size())); return; } auto first_argument = *nodes.begin(); auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin()); auto third_argument = (nodes.size() == 3) ? *std::next(std::next(nodes.begin())) : makePtr(Constant::Nil); m_ast_stack.push(first_argument); m_env_stack.push(env); auto first_evaluated = evalImpl(); if (!is(first_evaluated.get()) || std::static_pointer_cast(first_evaluated)->state() == Constant::True) { m_ast_stack.push(second_argument); m_env_stack.push(env); return; // TCO } m_ast_stack.push(third_argument); m_env_stack.push(env); return; // TCO } #define ARG_COUNT_CHECK(name, comparison, size) \ if (comparison) { \ Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: {}, {}", name, size)); \ return nullptr; \ } #define AST_CHECK(type, value) \ if (!is(value.get())) { \ Error::the().add(format("wrong argument type: {}, {}", #type, value)); \ return nullptr; \ } #define AST_CAST(type, value, variable) \ AST_CHECK(type, value) \ auto variable = std::static_pointer_cast(value); ValuePtr Eval::evalFn(const std::list& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env) { ARG_COUNT_CHECK("fn*", nodes.size() != 2, nodes.size()); auto first_argument = *nodes.begin(); auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin()); // First element needs to be a List or Vector AST_CAST(Collection, first_argument, collection); std::vector bindings; for (auto node : collection->nodes()) { // All nodes need to be a Symbol AST_CAST(Symbol, node, symbol); bindings.push_back(symbol->symbol()); } return makePtr(bindings, second_argument, env); } ValuePtr Eval::apply(std::shared_ptr evaluated_list) { if (evaluated_list == nullptr) { return nullptr; } auto nodes = evaluated_list->nodes(); if (!is(nodes.front().get())) { Error::the().add(format("invalid function: {}", nodes.front())); return nullptr; } // car auto function = std::static_pointer_cast(nodes.front())->function(); // cdr nodes.pop_front(); return function(nodes); } } // namespace blaze