Make a Lisp
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

322 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2023 Riyyi
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include <iterator> // sd::advance, std::next, std::prev
#include <list>
#include <memory> // std::static_pointer_cast
#include <span> // std::span
#include <string>
#include "ast.h"
#include "environment.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "eval.h"
#include "forward.h"
#include "types.h"
namespace blaze {
Eval::Eval(ASTNodePtr ast, EnvironmentPtr env)
: m_ast(ast)
, m_env(env)
// -----------------------------------------
#define EVAL_LET(ast, nodes, env) \
{ \
if (nodes.size() != 2) { \
Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: let*, {}", nodes.size())); \
return nullptr; \
} \
auto first_argument = *nodes.begin(); \
auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin()); \
/* First argument needs to be a List or Vector */ \
if (!is<Collection>(first_argument.get())) { \
Error::the().add(format("wrong argument type: collection, '{}'", first_argument)); \
return nullptr; \
} \
/* Get the nodes out of the List or Vector */ \
std::list<ASTNodePtr> binding_nodes; \
auto bindings = std::static_pointer_cast<Collection>(first_argument); \
binding_nodes = bindings->nodes(); \
/* List or Vector needs to have an even number of elements */ \
size_t count = binding_nodes.size(); \
if (count % 2 != 0) { \
Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: {}, {}", "let* bindings", count)); \
return nullptr; \
} \
/* Create new environment */ \
auto let_env = Environment::create(env); \
for (auto it = binding_nodes.begin(); it != binding_nodes.end(); std::advance(it, 2)) { \
/* First element needs to be a Symbol */ \
if (!is<Symbol>(*it->get())) { \
Error::the().add(format("wrong argument type: symbol, '{}'", *it)); \
return nullptr; \
} \
std::string key = std::static_pointer_cast<Symbol>(*it)->symbol(); \
ASTNodePtr value = evalImpl(*std::next(it), let_env); \
let_env->set(key, value); \
} \
/* TODO: Remove limitation of 3 arguments */ \
/* Eval all values in this new env, return last sexp of the result */ \
ast = second_argument; \
env = let_env; \
continue; /* TCO */ \
#define EVAL_DO(ast, nodes, env) \
{ \
if (nodes.size() == 0) { \
Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: do, {}", nodes.size())); \
return nullptr; \
} \
/* Evaluate all nodes except the last */ \
for (auto it = nodes.begin(); it != std::prev(nodes.end(), 1); ++it) { \
evalImpl(*it, env); \
} \
/* Eval last node */ \
ast = nodes.back(); \
continue; /* TCO */ \
#define EVAL_IF(ast, nodes, env) \
{ \
if (nodes.size() != 2 && nodes.size() != 3) { \
Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: if, {}", nodes.size())); \
return nullptr; \
} \
auto first_argument = *nodes.begin(); \
auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin()); \
auto third_argument = (nodes.size() == 3) ? *std::next(std::next(nodes.begin())) : makePtr<Value>(Value::Nil); \
auto first_evaluated = evalImpl(first_argument, env); \
if (!is<Value>(first_evaluated.get()) \
|| std::static_pointer_cast<Value>(first_evaluated)->state() == Value::True) { \
ast = second_argument; \
continue; /* TCO */ \
} \
else { \
ast = third_argument; \
continue; /* TCO */ \
} \
void Eval::eval()
m_ast = evalImpl(m_ast, m_env);
ASTNodePtr Eval::evalImpl(ASTNodePtr ast, EnvironmentPtr env)
while (true) {
if (ast == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
if (env == nullptr) {
env = m_env;
if (!is<List>(ast.get())) {
return evalAst(ast, env);
auto list = std::static_pointer_cast<List>(ast);
if (list->empty()) {
return ast;
// Special forms
auto nodes = list->nodes();
if (is<Symbol>(nodes.front().get())) {
auto symbol = std::static_pointer_cast<Symbol>(nodes.front())->symbol();
if (symbol == "def!") {
return evalDef(nodes, env);
if (symbol == "let*") {
EVAL_LET(ast, nodes, env);
if (symbol == "do") {
EVAL_DO(ast, nodes, env);
if (symbol == "if") {
EVAL_IF(ast, nodes, env);
if (symbol == "fn*") {
return evalFn(nodes, env);
auto evaluated_list = std::static_pointer_cast<List>(evalAst(ast, env));
if (evaluated_list == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
// Regular list
if (is<Lambda>(evaluated_list->nodes().front().get())) {
auto evaluated_nodes = evaluated_list->nodes();
// car
auto lambda = std::static_pointer_cast<Lambda>(evaluated_nodes.front());
// cdr
ast = lambda->body();
env = Environment::create(lambda, evaluated_nodes);
continue; // TCO
// Function call
return apply(evaluated_list);
ASTNodePtr Eval::evalAst(ASTNodePtr ast, EnvironmentPtr env)
if (ast == nullptr || env == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
ASTNode* ast_raw_ptr = ast.get();
if (is<Symbol>(ast_raw_ptr)) {
auto result = env->get(std::static_pointer_cast<Symbol>(ast)->symbol());
if (!result) {
Error::the().add(format("'{}' not found", ast));
return nullptr;
return result;
else if (is<Collection>(ast_raw_ptr)) {
std::shared_ptr<Collection> result = nullptr;
(is<List>(ast_raw_ptr)) ? result = makePtr<List>() : result = makePtr<Vector>();
auto nodes = std::static_pointer_cast<Collection>(ast)->nodes();
for (auto node : nodes) {
ASTNodePtr eval_node = evalImpl(node, env);
if (eval_node == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
return result;
else if (is<HashMap>(ast_raw_ptr)) {
auto result = makePtr<HashMap>();
auto elements = std::static_pointer_cast<HashMap>(ast)->elements();
for (auto& element : elements) {
ASTNodePtr element_node = evalImpl(element.second, env);
if (element_node == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
result->addElement(element.first, element_node);
return result;
return ast;
ASTNodePtr Eval::evalDef(const std::list<ASTNodePtr>& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
if (nodes.size() != 2) {
Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: def!, {}", nodes.size()));
return nullptr;
auto first_argument = *nodes.begin();
auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin());
// First element needs to be a Symbol
if (!is<Symbol>(first_argument.get())) {
Error::the().add(format("wrong argument type: symbol, {}", first_argument));
return nullptr;
std::string symbol = std::static_pointer_cast<Symbol>(first_argument)->symbol();
ASTNodePtr value = evalImpl(second_argument, env);
// Dont overwrite symbols after an error
if (Error::the().hasAnyError()) {
return nullptr;
// Modify existing environment
return env->set(symbol, value);
#define ARG_COUNT_CHECK(name, comparison, size) \
if (comparison) { \
Error::the().add(format("wrong number of arguments: {}, {}", name, size)); \
return nullptr; \
#define AST_CHECK(type, value) \
if (!is<type>(value.get())) { \
Error::the().add(format("wrong argument type: {}, {}", #type, value)); \
return nullptr; \
#define AST_CAST(type, value, variable) \
AST_CHECK(type, value) \
auto variable = std::static_pointer_cast<type>(value);
ASTNodePtr Eval::evalFn(const std::list<ASTNodePtr>& nodes, EnvironmentPtr env)
ARG_COUNT_CHECK("fn*", nodes.size() != 2, nodes.size());
auto first_argument = *nodes.begin();
auto second_argument = *std::next(nodes.begin());
// First element needs to be a List or Vector
AST_CAST(Collection, first_argument, collection);
std::vector<std::string> bindings;
for (auto node : collection->nodes()) {
// All nodes need to be a Symbol
AST_CAST(Symbol, node, symbol);
return makePtr<Lambda>(bindings, second_argument, env);
ASTNodePtr Eval::apply(std::shared_ptr<List> evaluated_list)
if (evaluated_list == nullptr) {
return nullptr;
auto nodes = evaluated_list->nodes();
if (!is<Function>(nodes.front().get())) {
Error::the().add(format("invalid function: {}", nodes.front()));
return nullptr;
// car
auto function = std::static_pointer_cast<Function>(nodes.front())->function();
// cdr
return function(nodes);
} // namespace blaze