Config file and package tracking utility
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
2.4 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2022 Riyyi
* SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#pragma once
#include <cstdio> // FILE, stderr, stdout
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "util/format/format.h"
#include "util/format/print.h"
#include "util/timer.h"
namespace Util::Format {
static Util::Timer s_timer;
enum class LogType : uint8_t {
Trace, // White
Debug, // Purple
Success, // Green
Info, // Blue
Warn, // Bold yellow
Error, // Bold red
Critical, // Bold on red
std::string formatTimeElapsed();
std::string formatType(LogType type);
#define LOG_FUNCTION(name, file, type) \
template<size_t N, typename... Parameters> \
void name(const char(&format)[N], const Parameters&... parameters) \
{ \
print(file, "{}", formatTimeElapsed()); \
print(file, "{}", formatType(type)); \
VariadicParameters variadicParameters { parameters... }; \
print(file, format, variadicParameters); \
print(file, "\n"); \
LOG_FUNCTION(trace, stdout, LogType::Trace);
LOG_FUNCTION(debug, stdout, LogType::Debug);
LOG_FUNCTION(success, stdout, LogType::Success);
LOG_FUNCTION(info, stdout, LogType::Info);
LOG_FUNCTION(warn, stderr, LogType::Warn);
LOG_FUNCTION(error, stderr, LogType::Error);
LOG_FUNCTION(critical, stderr, LogType::Critical);
// -----------------------------------------
class LogOperatorStyle {
LogOperatorStyle(FILE* file, LogType type);
virtual ~LogOperatorStyle();
Builder& builder() { return m_builder; }
FILE* m_file;
LogType m_type;
std::stringstream m_stream;
Builder m_builder;
template<typename T>
const LogOperatorStyle& operator<<(const LogOperatorStyle& logOperatorStyle, const T& value)
_format(const_cast<LogOperatorStyle&>(logOperatorStyle).builder(), value);
return logOperatorStyle;
LogOperatorStyle trace();
LogOperatorStyle debug();
LogOperatorStyle success();
LogOperatorStyle info();
LogOperatorStyle warn();
LogOperatorStyle error();
LogOperatorStyle critical();
} // namespace Util::Format
namespace Util {
using Util::Format::critical;
using Util::Format::debug;
using Util::Format::error;
using Util::Format::info;
using Util::Format::success;
using Util::Format::trace;
using Util::Format::warn;
} // namespace Util