#ifndef INPUTMANAGER_H #define INPUTMANAGER_H #include #include class InputManager { public: InputManager(); ~InputManager(); enum Input { Left = 0, Right, Up, Down, KeyCount ///< Keep last -- the total number of inputs }; sf::Keyboard::Key KeyboardConfiguration(Input key); int JoystickConfiguration(Input key); void JoystickAxisConfiguration(Input key, sf::Joystick::Axis& axis, float& position); bool IsKeyBoardPressed(sf::Keyboard::Key); bool IsJoystickPressed(unsigned int joystick, unsigned int button); bool IsJoystickAxis(unsigned int joystick, sf::Joystick::Axis axis, float position); bool IsPressed(Input key, unsigned int joystick = 0); }; extern InputManager inputManager; #endif // INPUTMANAGER_H //bool sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Escape) //bool sf::Joystick::isButtonPressed(0, 1); //float sf::Joystick::getAxisPosition(0, sf::Joystick::Y);