Simple 2D RPG made in C++ and SFML
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
2.4 KiB

#include "map.h"
void TileSet::Clear() {
while (this->tile.size() > 0) {
delete this->tile[this->tile.size() - 1];
TileSet::~TileSet() {
this->tileSet = new TileSet();
this->layer1 = new Layer();
void Map::Render(sf::RenderWindow* window) {
// Get render section
sf::Vector2f renderWidth = sf::Vector2f((window->getView().getCenter().x - window->getSize().x / 2) / this->tilewidth,
(window->getView().getCenter().x + window->getSize().x / 2) / this->tilewidth);
sf::Vector2f renderHeight = sf::Vector2f((window->getView().getCenter().y - window->getSize().y / 2) / this->tileheight,
(window->getView().getCenter().y + window->getSize().y / 2) / this->tileheight);
// Render map
int index;
sf::Sprite tile;
for (int y = renderHeight.x; y < renderHeight.y; y++) {
for (int x = renderWidth.x; x < renderWidth.y; x++) {
index = this->layer1->data[y][x];
if(index != 0) {
tile.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x * this->tileSet->tileWidth, y * this->tileSet->tileHeight));
delete this->tileSet;
delete this->layer1;
//void drawMap(sf::RenderWindow* window)
// sf::Sprite tile;
// int itr = 0;
// int location;
// int maxWidth = nearbyint((view.getCenter().x + view.getSize().x / 2) / map->tileSet->tileWidth) + 1;
// int minWidth = nearbyint((view.getCenter().x - view.getSize().x / 2) / map->tileSet->tileWidth) - 1;
// int maxHeight = nearbyint((view.getCenter().y + view.getSize().y / 2) / map->tileSet->tileHeight) + 1;
// int minHeight = nearbyint((view.getCenter().y - view.getSize().y / 2) / map->tileSet->tileHeight) - 1;
// for (int y = minHeight; y < maxHeight && y < map->height; y++)
// {
// if (y < 0)
// {
// y = 0;
// }
// for (int x = minWidth; x < maxWidth && x < map->width; x++)
// {
// if (x < 0)
// {
// x = 0;
// }
// location = map->data[y][x];
// if (location != 0)
// {
// tile.setTexture(*map->tileSet->data[location]);
// tile.setPosition(sf::Vector2f(x * map->tileSet->tileWidth, y * map->tileSet->tileHeight));
// window->draw(tile);
// }
// itr++;
// }
// }