#include #include "macro.h" #include "ruc/shell.h" #include "testcase.h" #include "testsuite.h" bool runShell(const char* command, std::string* output = nullptr) { stdout = test::TestSuite::the().outputNull(); ruc::Shell $; auto exec = $(command); if (output) { *output = exec.output(); } stdout = test::TestSuite::the().outputStd(); return !exec.status() ? true : false; } // ----------------------------------------- TEST_CASE(ShellCommand) { // Pipe test, grep section of the echo command, return true std::string output = ""; auto result = runShell("echo 'Hello World!' | grep --only-matching 'Hello'", &output); EXPECT_EQ(result, true); EXPECT_EQ(output, "Hello\n"); // Return false result = runShell("exit 1"); EXPECT_EQ(result, false); // Return false result = runShell("failure() { return 1; }; failure"); EXPECT_EQ(result, false); }