import Vapor public func getState(request: Request) throws -> UserState { guard let state =[UserStateKey.self] else { throw Abort(.internalServerError) } return state } public final class StateMiddleware: AsyncMiddleware { public func respond(to request: Request, chainingTo next: AsyncResponder) async throws -> Response { // This code is run *before* the route endpoint code var setCookie: Bool = true let uuid: UUID if let sessionID = request.cookies["SWIFTSESSID"]?.string, let sessionUUID = UUID(uuidString: sessionID) { setCookie = false uuid = sessionUUID if !request.application.manager.states.keys.contains(uuid.uuidString) { request.application.manager.states[uuid.uuidString] = UserState() } } else { uuid = UUID() // Register a new user state into the application storage // request.application.manager.states[uuid.uuidString] = UserState() } // Provide the user state to the request[UserStateKey.self] = request.application.manager.states[uuid.uuidString] let response = try await next.respond(to: request) // This code is run *after* the route endpoint code if setCookie { response.cookies["SWIFTSESSID"] = HTTPCookies.Value( string: uuid.uuidString, path: "/", isSecure: true, isHTTPOnly: true ) } return response } }