Todo app
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

122 lines
3.8 KiB

import Elementary
import ElementaryHTMX
import ElementaryHTMXSSE
import ElementaryHTMXWS
import Fluent
import Vapor
import VaporElementary
struct TodoController: RouteCollection {
func boot(routes: RoutesBuilder) throws {"todos") { todos in
todos.get(use: index) create)":id") { todo in
todo.delete(use: delete)
}"sort") { todo in
todo.get(use: sort)
func index(req: Request) async throws -> HTMLResponse {
let state = try getState(request: req) = "todos"
state.todos.table.sort["title"] = state.todos.table.sort["title"] ?? .ascending
let todos = try await todos(db: req.db, title: state.todos.table.sort["title"]!)
state.todos.table.todos = todos
state.todos.table.refresh = false
return HTMLResponse {
MainLayout(title: "Todos") {
TodosPage(table: state.todos.table)
func create(req: Request) async throws -> HTMLResponse {
do {
try TodoDTO.validate(content: req)
} catch let error as ValidationsError {
return HTMLResponse {
name: "todos-form", target: "todos", errors: ["title": error.description])
let todo = try req.content.decode(TodoDTO.self).toModel()
try await req.db)
let state = try getState(request: req)
let todos = try await todos(db: req.db, title: state.todos.table.sort["title"] ?? .ascending)
state.todos.table.todos = todos
state.todos.table.refresh = true
return HTMLResponse {
// Return the empty form
TodosFormComponent(name: "todos-form", target: "todos")
// Also update the todos table
TodosTableComponent(state: state.todos.table) // TODO: Put component names inside variables
func delete(req: Request) async throws -> HTMLResponse {
guard let uuid = hexToUUID(hex: req.parameters.get("id")!),
let todo = try await Todo.find(uuid, on: req.db)
else {
throw Abort(.notFound)
try await todo.delete(on: req.db)
return HTMLResponse {} // TODO: Return 204 No Content
struct Sort: Content {
let title: String
func sort(req: Request) async throws -> HTMLResponse {
let state = try getState(request: req)
let sort = try req.query.decode(Sort.self)
state.todos.table.sort["title"] = sort.title == "descending" ? .descending : .ascending
let todos = try await todos(db: req.db, title: state.todos.table.sort["title"]!)
state.todos.table.todos = todos
state.todos.table.refresh = true
return HTMLResponse {
TodosTableComponent(state: state.todos.table)
// -------------------------------------
private func todos(db: any Database, title: DatabaseQuery.Sort.Direction = .ascending) async throws -> [TodoDTO] {
try await Todo.query(on: db).sort("title", title).all().map { $0.toDTO() }
private func hexToUUID(hex: String) -> UUID? {
var uuid: String = hex.replacingOccurrences(of: "-", with: "")
guard uuid.count == 32 else { return nil }
uuid.insert("-", at: uuid.index(uuid.startIndex, offsetBy: 8))
uuid.insert("-", at: uuid.index(uuid.startIndex, offsetBy: 12 + 1))
uuid.insert("-", at: uuid.index(uuid.startIndex, offsetBy: 16 + 2))
uuid.insert("-", at: uuid.index(uuid.startIndex, offsetBy: 20 + 3))
return UUID(uuidString: uuid)