* Website Website, written in Typescript. * Usage ** Setup Install dependencies: #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ bun install #+END_SRC ** Development Server Start the development server on =http://localhost:3000=: #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ bun run dev $ bun run dev -o # automatically open in the browser #+END_SRC ** Production Build for production: #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ bun run build # for server-side rendering or hybrid $ bun run generate # for static site generation #+END_SRC Locally preview production build: #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ bun run preview # requires building first! #+END_SRC Reference: [[https://nuxt.com/docs/getting-started/deployment#client-side-only-rendering][nuxt/docs/deployment#client-side-only-rendering]] * Libraries - [[https://github.com/vuejs/core][Vue3]] JavaScript framework - [[https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt][Nuxt]] Vue framework - [[https://github.com/vuejs/pinia][Pinia]] State management - [[https://github.com/primefaces/primevue][PrimeVue]] Vue component library - [[https://github.com/colinhacks/zod][Zod]] Schema validation - [[https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript][Typescript]] Static types in JavaScript - [[https://github.com/eslint/eslint][ESLint]] Code analyses tool ** Package Reproduction The following bun commands have been run to fill the =package.json=: #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ bun x nuxi@latest init website # Development $ bun nuxi module add eslint $ bun install --dev typescript $ bun install --dev @vue/language-server $ bun install --dev @vue/typescript-plugin $ bun install -g typescript $ bun install -g @vue/language-server $ bun install -g @vue/typescript-plugin # Pinia $ bun install @pinia/nuxt # also add it to nuxt.config modules! $ bun install pinia-plugin-persistedstate # same as above # PrimeVue $ bun install primevue primeicons @primevue/themes @primevue/forms $ bun install --dev @primevue/nuxt-module # Zod $ bun install zod # UUID $ bun install uuid #+END_SRC