283 lines
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283 lines
6.4 KiB
4 years ago
namespace App\Classes;
use App\Model\MediaModel;
class Media {
public static $pagination = 20;
public static $directory = 'media';
public static function errorMessage(int $errorCode): string
// https://www.php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.errors.php
$errorMessages = [
0 => 'Uploaded with success.',
1 => 'Uploaded file exceeds the maximum upload size. (1)', // php.ini
2 => 'Uploaded file exceeds the maximum upload size. (2)', // HTML Form
3 => 'Uploaded file was only partially uploaded.',
4 => 'No file was uploaded.',
6 => 'Missing a temporary folder.',
7 => 'Failed to write file to disk.',
8 => 'A PHP extension stopped the file upload.',
9 => 'User was not logged in.',
10 => 'Missing media folder.',
11 => 'Uploaded file has invalid MIME type.',
12 => 'Uploaded file exceeds the maximum upload size. (3)', // Media.php
13 => 'Uploaded file already exists.',
14 => 'DB entry creation failed.',
15 => 'Moving file from temporary location failed.',
return $errorMessages[$errorCode];
public static function deleteMedia(int $id): bool
if (!User::check()) {
return false;
$media = MediaModel::find($id);
if (!$media->exists()) {
return false;
// Delete file
$file = self::$directory . '/' . $media->filename . '.' . $media->extension;
if (file_exists($file)) {
return $media->delete();
public static function uploadMedia(bool $overwrite = false): int
// Check if User is logged in
if (!User::check()) {
return 9;
// Check if "media" directory exists
if (!is_dir(self::$directory) && !mkdir(self::$directory, 0755)) {
return 10;
$files = $_FILES['file'];
// Check for file errors
foreach ($files['error'] as $error) {
if ($error != 0) {
return $error;
if (!Media::checkMimeType($files['type'], $files['tmp_name'])) {
return 11;
if (!Media::checkSize($files['size'])) {
return 12;
// Append random string to filename that already exists
$nameExt = Media::duplicateName($files['name'], $overwrite);
// Check if the file already exists
$hash = Media::hashExists($files['tmp_name']);
if (!$hash[0]) {
return 13;
$count = count($files['name']);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
$filename = $nameExt[0][$i];
$extension = $nameExt[1][$i];
$md5 = $hash[1][$i];
$tmpName = $files['tmp_name'][$i];
// Store record
$media = MediaModel::create([
'filename' => $filename,
'extension' => $extension,
'md5' => $md5,
if (!$media->exists()) {
return 14;
// Store image
$name = self::$directory . '/'. $filename . '.' . $extension;
if (!move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $name)) {
return 15;
// After storing successfully, remove old entries with duplicate names
if ($overwrite) {
Media::destroyDuplicates($filename, $extension);
return 0;
private static function checkMimeType(array $fileTypes, array $fileTmpNames): bool
$allowedMimeType = [
// .tar.gz
// .tar.xz
// .doc
// .xls
// .ppt
// .docx
// .xlsx
// .pptx
// Files type check
$count = count($fileTypes);
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
if ($fileTypes[$i] != mime_content_type($fileTmpNames[$i]) ||
!in_array($fileTypes[$i], $allowedMimeType)) {
return false;
return true;
private static function checkSize(array $fileSizes): bool
// Files should not exceed 10MiB
foreach ($fileSizes as $fileSize) {
if ($fileSize > 10485760) {
return false;
return true;
private static function duplicateName(array $filenames, bool $overwrite): array
// Split name from extension
$names = [];
$extensions = [];
foreach ($filenames as $name) {
$dotPos = strrpos($name, '.');
$names[] = substr($name, 0, $dotPos);
$extensions[] = substr($name, $dotPos + 1);
// Early return if names are specified to be overwritten
if ($overwrite) {
return [$names, $extensions];
// Get duplicate filenames
$in1 = str_repeat('?, ', count($names) - 1) . '?';
$in2 = str_repeat('?, ', count($extensions) - 1) . '?';
$data = array_merge($names, $extensions);
$duplicates = MediaModel::selectAll(
'*', "WHERE filename IN ($in1) AND extension IN ($in2)", $data, '?'
foreach ($filenames as $key => $filename) {
$hasDuplicate = false;
foreach ($duplicates as $duplicate) {
if ($filename == $duplicate['filename'] . '.' . $duplicate['extension']) {
$hasDuplicate = true;
// Append to filename if there are duplicates
if ($hasDuplicate) {
$names[$key] = $names[$key] . '-' . _randomStr(5);
return [$names, $extensions];
private static function hashExists(array $fileTmpNames): array
$md5 = [];
foreach ($fileTmpNames as $tmpName) {
$md5[] = md5_file($tmpName);
// If exact file already exists
$in = str_repeat('?, ', count($md5) - 1) . '?';
$exists = MediaModel::selectAll(
'*', "WHERE md5 IN ($in)", $md5, '?'
if (!empty($exists)) {
return [false];
return [true, $md5];
private static function destroyDuplicates(string $filename, string $extension): void
$media = MediaModel::selectAll(
'*', 'WHERE filename = ? AND extension = ? ORDER BY id ASC',
[$filename, $extension], '?'
if (!_exists($media)) {
foreach ($media as $key => $value) {
// Dont delete the new entry
if ($key === array_key_last($media)) {
// @Todo
// - If a file fails to store in the loop, destruct all files of that request, by tracking all IDs