<?php namespace App\Controllers; use App\Classes\Config; use App\Classes\Http\Http; use App\Classes\Session; use App\Model\ConfigModel; class CacheController extends PageController { /** * Maximum amount of files that can be purged on a single request */ public static int $purgeLimit = 30; public function cacheAction(): void { $config = $this->getConfigValues(); $this->router->service()->config = $config; $this->router->service()->csrfToken = Session::token(); $this->router->service()->purgeUrl = $this->url . '/purge'; $this->router->service()->toggleUrl = $this->url . '/toggle'; parent::view(); } public function purgeAction(): void { if (!$this->validatePostRequest()) { return; } $token = Config::c('CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN'); $zone = Config::c('CLOUDFLARE_ZONE'); $url = "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/$zone/purge_cache"; if (!_exists($_POST, 'type')) { return; } $bodies = []; switch($_POST['type']) { case 'css-js': $body = self::generateUrls(['css', 'js']); $chunks = array_chunk($body['files'], self::$purgeLimit); foreach($chunks as $chunk) { $bodies[]['files'] = $chunk; } break; case 'fonts-images': $body = self::generateUrls(['fonts', 'img', 'media']); $chunks = array_chunk($body['files'], self::$purgeLimit); foreach($chunks as $chunk) { $bodies[]['files'] = $chunk; } break; case 'all': $bodies[] = ['purge_everything' => true]; break; default: return; } $response = null; foreach($bodies as $body) { $response = (new Http)->withToken($token) ->asJson() ->acceptJson() ->post($url, $body); if (empty($response->body()) || !json_decode($response->body(), true)['success']) { break; } } if ($response) { echo $response->body(); } } public function toggleAction(): void { if (!$this->validatePostRequest()) { return; } $token = Config::c('CLOUDFLARE_TOKEN'); $zone = Config::c('CLOUDFLARE_ZONE'); $url = "https://api.cloudflare.com/client/v4/zones/$zone/settings/development_mode"; $config = $this->getConfigValues(); $currentState = $config['CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_ENABLED']; $response = (new Http)->withToken($token) ->asJson() ->acceptJson() ->patch($url, [ 'value' => $currentState == '1' ? 'off' : 'on', ]); $this->saveConfigValues($response->body()); echo $response->body(); } //-------------------------------------// private function validatePostRequest(): bool { if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'GET') { parent::throw404(); } if (Config::c('CLOUDFLARE_ENABLED') != '1') { return false; } if (!Session::validateToken($_POST)) { return false; } return true; } private static function generateUrls(array $directories): array { $result = []; foreach ($directories as $directory) { $files = array_diff(scandir($directory), ['..', '.']); foreach ($files as $file) { $result['files'][] = Config::c('APP_URL') . "/$directory/$file"; } } return $result; } private static function getConfigValues(): array { $result = []; $config = [ 'CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_ENABLED' => '0', 'CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_UPDATED_AT' => '', 'CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_EXPIRES_IN' => '', ]; foreach ($config as $key => $value) { $result[$key] = ConfigModel::firstOrCreate( ['key' => $key], ['value' => $value] )->value; } if ($result['CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_ENABLED']) { $expiresIn = $result['CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_EXPIRES_IN']; $updatedAt = $result['CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_UPDATED_AT']; $expiresAtObject = new \DateTime($updatedAt); $expiresAt = $expiresAtObject ->modify("+ $expiresIn seconds") ->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $nowObject = new \DateTime('now'); $now = $nowObject->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if ($now >= $expiresAt) { ConfigModel::updateOrCreate( ['key' => 'CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_ENABLED'], ['value' => 0]); $result['CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_ENABLED'] = 0; } else { $result['enabled-remaining'] = $expiresAtObject->modify( '- ' . $nowObject->getTimestamp() . ' seconds' )->format('H:i:s'); } } return $result; } private static function saveConfigValues(string $response): void { $decodedResponse = json_decode($response, true); if ($decodedResponse['success'] == true) { $state = $decodedResponse['result']['value']; $expiresIn = $decodedResponse['result']['time_remaining']; $updatedAt = $decodedResponse['result']['modified_on']; $updatedAtFormatted = (new \DateTime($updatedAt))->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); ConfigModel::updateOrCreate( ['key' => 'CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_ENABLED'], ['value' => $state == 'on' ? 1 : 0]); ConfigModel::updateOrCreate( ['key' => 'CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_EXPIRES_IN'], ['value' => $expiresIn]); ConfigModel::updateOrCreate( ['key' => 'CLOUDFLARE_DEVELOPMENT_MODE_UPDATED_AT'], ['value' => $updatedAtFormatted]); } } }