#+TITLE: Worklog #+AUTHOR: Riyyi #+LANGUAGE: en #+OPTIONS: toc:nil Register worklog entries to the Jira API. ** Getting started *** Clone #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ git clone https://github.com/riyyi/worklog #+END_SRC *** Build instructions #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ go build #+END_SRC *** Usage #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ worklog --help worklog - process a worklog file Usage: worklog [--decl MONTH] [--process] [--issues] FILE Positional arguments: FILE the file to perform the action on Options: --decl MONTH, -d MONTH Generate travel declaration table --process, -p Process specified file and call Jira API --issues, -i Store issues in specified file --help, -h display this help and exit #+END_SRC ** Gitignore #+BEGIN_SRC sh $ git update-index --assume-unchanged src/secrets.go #+END_SRC