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Engine: Remove unused utility classes

Riyyi 2 years ago
  1. 113
  2. 48
  3. 62
  4. 321
  5. 240
  6. 51
  7. 19


@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <csignal> // raise
#include <cstdint> // uint32_t
#include <cstdio> // fflush
#include <cstring> // strlen
#include <fstream> // ifstream
#include <string>
#include "inferno/core.h"
#include "inferno/io/log.h"
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Asserts
// Check if SIGTRAP is available
#ifdef SIGTRAP
// Non-standard function macro
#ifdef GCC
#elif MSVC
#define FUNCTION_MACRO __func__ // C99
// ##__VA_ARGS__ is a non-standard GCC extension, C++20 introduces __VA_OPT__
#define ASSERT(expr, ...) (static_cast<bool>(expr) ? (void)0 : Inferno::__assert_fail(#expr, __FILE__, __LINE__, FUNCTION_MACRO, ##__VA_ARGS__))
#define ASSERT(expr, ...) (static_cast<void>(0))
#define CRASH() Inferno::__crash();
namespace Inferno {
inline void __crash()
asm volatile("int $0x03");
// FIXME: Doesnt print to stderr
template<typename... P>
inline void __assert_fail(const char* assertion, const char* file, uint32_t line, const char* function, P&&... parameters)
// Get the line that caused the error
std::ifstream source(file);
std::string content;
if (source.is_open()) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; std::getline(source, content); ++i) {
if (i == line - 1) {
// Replace tab indentation with spaces
size_t tabs = content.find_first_not_of('\t');
if (tabs > 0 && tabs < content.size()) {
content = std::string(tabs * 4, ' ') + content.substr(tabs);
// Find the assertion in the line
size_t column = content.find_first_of(assertion);
size_t assertionLength = strlen(assertion);
if (column == std::string::npos) {
column = content.find_first_not_of(' ');
assertionLength = content.length() - column;
// Error message
dbgln(false, "\033[0;1m{}:{}:{}: ", file, line, column + 1);
dangerln(false, "error: ");
dbgln(false, "assertion failed");
if (sizeof...(P) > 0) {
dbgln(false, ": ");
dbgln(Log::None, false, std::forward<P>(parameters)...);
// Code line
dbgln("\n {} | {}\033[31;1m{}\033[0m{}", line,
content.substr(0, column), // Whitespace at front
content.substr(column, assertionLength), // Error portion
content.substr(column + assertionLength)); // Rest of the line
// Arrow pointer
dbgln(" {} | {}\033[31;1m^{}\033[0m",
std::string(std::to_string(line).length(), ' '), // Line number spacing
std::string(column, ' '), // Content spacing
std::string(assertionLength - 1, '~')); // Arrow pointer
fflush(stdout); // FIXME: stdout is buffered, strerr is not so wouldnt need this
} // namespace Inferno


@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
#include <ios> // std::ios
#include <memory> // std::make_unique
#include "ruc/meta/assert.h"
#include "inferno/io/file.h"
namespace Inferno {
std::shared_ptr<char[]> File::raw(const std::string& path)
// Create input stream object and open file
std::ifstream file(path);
VERIFY(file.is_open(), "File could not open '{}'", path);
// Get length of the file
int32_t length = File::length(path, file);
// Allocate memory filled with zeros
auto buffer = std::shared_ptr<char[]>(new char[length + 1]);
// Fill buffer with file contents, length);
// Null termination
buffer[length] = '\0';
return buffer;
std::string File::read(const std::string& path)
// Create string from the buffer and return
return std::string(raw(path).get());
int32_t File::length(const std::string& path, std::ifstream& file)
file.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
int32_t length = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
VERIFY(length != -1, "File could not determine length '{}'", path);
return length;
} // namespace Inferno


@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <fstream> // std::ifstream, std::ofstream
#include <iomanip> // std::setfill, std::setw
#include <memory> // std::shared_ptr
#include <string> // std::string
#include "inferno/core.h"
#include "inferno/io/log.h"
#include "ruc/meta/assert.h"
namespace Inferno {
class File {
static std::shared_ptr<char[]> raw(const std::string& path);
static std::string read(const std::string& path);
static int32_t length(const std::string& path, std::ifstream& file);
template<typename T>
static bool ioRead(T* t, const std::string& path)
std::ifstream file(path);
VERIFY(file.is_open(), "File could not open '{}'", path);
if (!file.is_open()) {
return false;
try {
file >> *t;
catch (...) {
return false;
return true;
template<typename T>
static bool ioWrite(T* t, const std::string& path)
std::ofstream file(path);
VERIFY(file.is_open(), "File could not open! {}", path);
if (!file.is_open()) {
return false;
try {
// Write file with single tabs, nicely formatted
file << std::setfill('\t') << std::setw(1) << *t << std::endl;
catch (...) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace Inferno


@ -1,321 +0,0 @@
#include <cstddef> // size_t
#include <cstdio> // fwrite, snprintf
#include <cstdlib> // malloc, free
#include <cstring> // memcpy, strlen
#include <string> // std::string
#include <string_view> // std::string_view
#include "ruc/meta/assert.h"
#include "inferno/io/log.h"
namespace Inferno {
// Free buffer memory
if (m_capacity > sizeof(m_buffer.stack)) {
void BufferedLogStream::grow(size_t bytes) const
// Bitwise & ~ example, we use 127 as binary starts at 0
// 0b001111111 127 ~
// 0b100000100 260 &
// -----------
// 0b110000000 384
// 0b100000100 260 &
// -----------
// 0b100000000 256
// Buffer is increased in chunks of 128 bytes
size_t newCapacity = (m_count + bytes + BUFFER_SIZE - 1) & ~(BUFFER_SIZE - 1);
unsigned char* newBuffer = static_cast<unsigned char*>(malloc(newCapacity));
// Copy the non-heap data into the new buffer
if (m_capacity <= sizeof(m_buffer.stack)) {
memcpy(newBuffer, m_buffer.stack, m_count);
// Copy old heap-buffer data into the new buffer, free old heap-buffer
else if (m_buffer.heap) {
memcpy(newBuffer, m_buffer.heap, m_count);
m_buffer.heap = newBuffer;
m_capacity = newCapacity;
// -----------------------------------------
if (m_type != Log::None) {
const char* clear = "\033[0m";
write(clear, strlen(clear));
if (m_newline) {
char newline = '\n';
write(&newline, 1);
fwrite(buffer(), 1, count(), stdout);
void DebugLogStream::color() const
const char* color = "";
if (m_type == Log::Info) {
color = "\x1B[34m";
else if (m_type == Log::Warn) {
color = "\x1B[33m";
else if (m_type == Log::Danger) {
color = "\x1B[31m";
else if (m_type == Log::Success) {
color = "\x1B[32m";
else if (m_type == Log::Comment) {
color = "\x1B[37m";
write(color, strlen(color));
// -----------------------------------------
char terminator = '\0';
write(&terminator, 1);
*m_fill = std::string(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer()));
// -----------------------------------------
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const char* value)
if (value == nullptr) {
stream.write("(null)", 6);
return stream;
stream.write(value, strlen(value));
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const unsigned char* value)
if (value == nullptr) {
stream.write("(null)", 6);
return stream;
stream.write(value, strlen((const char*)value));
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const std::string& value)
stream.write(value.c_str(), value.length());
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const std::string_view& value)
stream.write(, value.length());
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, char value)
stream.write(&value, 1);
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, unsigned char value)
stream.write(&value, 1);
return stream;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, int value)
// return stream << std::to_string(value);
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%ld", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long long int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lld", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, unsigned int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%u", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long unsigned int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%lu", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long long unsigned int value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%llu", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, double value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4f", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, float value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%.4f", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const void* value)
char buffer[32];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%p", value);
return stream << buffer;
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, bool value)
return stream << (value ? "true" : "false");
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, Log value)
switch (value) {
case Log::None:
return stream << "Log";
case Log::Info:
return stream << "Info";
case Log::Warn:
return stream << "Warn";
case Log::Danger:
return stream << "Danger";
case Log::Success:
return stream << "Success";
case Log::Comment:
return stream << "Comment";
return stream;
// -----------------------------------------
DebugLogStream dbg()
return {};
DebugLogStream dbg(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(newline);
DebugLogStream info()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Info);
DebugLogStream warn()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Warn);
DebugLogStream danger()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Danger);
DebugLogStream success()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Success);
DebugLogStream comment()
return DebugLogStream(Log::Comment);
DebugLogStream info(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Info, newline);
DebugLogStream warn(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Warn, newline);
DebugLogStream danger(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Danger, newline);
DebugLogStream success(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Success, newline);
DebugLogStream comment(bool newline)
return DebugLogStream(Log::Comment, newline);
// -----------------------------------------
void dbgln(Log type, bool newline)
(void)type, DebugLogStream(newline);
void dbgln(Log type, bool newline, const char* format)
DebugLogStream(type, newline) << format;
// -----------------------------------------
StringLogStream str(std::string* fill)
return StringLogStream(fill);
} // namespace Inferno


@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstddef> // size_t
#include <cstring> // memcpy
#include <string> // std::string
#include <string_view> // std::string_view
#include <utility> // std::forward
#define BUFFER_SIZE 128
namespace Inferno {
enum class Log {
// -----------------------------------------
class LogStream {
LogStream() {}
virtual ~LogStream() {}
virtual void write(const char* characters, int length) const = 0;
virtual void write(const unsigned char* characters, int length) const = 0;
// -----------------------------------------
class BufferedLogStream : public LogStream {
BufferedLogStream() {}
virtual ~BufferedLogStream();
inline virtual void write(const char* characters, int length) const override
write(reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(characters), length);
inline virtual void write(const unsigned char* characters, int length) const override
size_t newSize = m_count + length;
if (newSize > m_capacity) {
// Append to buffer
memcpy(buffer() + m_count, characters, length);
m_count = newSize;
inline unsigned char* buffer() const
if (m_capacity <= sizeof(m_buffer.stack)) {
return m_buffer.stack;
return m_buffer.heap;
inline bool empty() const { return m_count == 0; }
inline size_t count() const { return m_count; }
void grow(size_t bytes) const;
mutable size_t m_count { 0 };
mutable size_t m_capacity { BUFFER_SIZE };
union {
mutable unsigned char* heap { nullptr };
mutable unsigned char stack[BUFFER_SIZE];
} m_buffer;
// -----------------------------------------
class DebugLogStream final : public BufferedLogStream {
: m_newline(true)
, m_type(Log::None)
DebugLogStream(bool newline)
: m_newline(newline)
, m_type(Log::None)
DebugLogStream(Log type)
: m_newline(true)
, m_type(type)
DebugLogStream(Log type, bool newline)
: m_newline(newline)
, m_type(type)
virtual ~DebugLogStream() override;
void color() const;
bool m_newline;
Log m_type;
// -----------------------------------------
class StringLogStream final : public BufferedLogStream {
StringLogStream(std::string* fill)
: m_fill(fill)
virtual ~StringLogStream() override;
std::string* m_fill { nullptr };
// -----------------------------------------
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const char* value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const unsigned char* value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const std::string& value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const std::string_view& value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, char value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, unsigned char value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, int value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long int value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long long int value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, unsigned int value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long unsigned int value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, long long unsigned int value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, double value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, float value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, const void* value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, bool value);
const LogStream& operator<<(const LogStream& stream, Log value);
// -----------------------------------------
DebugLogStream dbg();
DebugLogStream info();
DebugLogStream warn();
DebugLogStream danger();
DebugLogStream success();
DebugLogStream comment();
DebugLogStream dbg(bool newline);
DebugLogStream info(bool newline);
DebugLogStream warn(bool newline);
DebugLogStream danger(bool newline);
DebugLogStream success(bool newline);
DebugLogStream comment(bool newline);
// -----------------------------------------
// clang-format off
template<typename... P> void dbgln(const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::None, true, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void infoln(const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Info, true, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void warnln(const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Warn, true, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dangerln(const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Danger, true, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void successln(const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Success, true, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void commentln(const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Comment, true, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dbgln(const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::None, true, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void infoln(const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Info, true, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void warnln(const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Warn, true, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dangerln(const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Danger, true, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void successln(const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Success, true, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void commentln(const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Comment, true, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dbgln(const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::None, true,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void infoln(const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Info, true,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void warnln(const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Warn, true,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dangerln(const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Danger, true,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void successln(const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Success, true,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void commentln(const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Comment, true,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dbgln(bool newline, const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::None, newline, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void infoln(bool newline, const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Info, newline, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void warnln(bool newline, const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Warn, newline, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dangerln(bool newline, const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Danger, newline, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void successln(bool newline, const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Success, newline, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void commentln(bool newline, const char* format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Comment, newline, format, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dbgln(bool newline, const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::None, newline, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void infoln(bool newline, const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Info, newline, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void warnln(bool newline, const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Warn, newline, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dangerln(bool newline, const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Danger, newline, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void successln(bool newline, const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Success, newline, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void commentln(bool newline, const std::string& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Comment, newline, format.c_str(), std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dbgln(bool newline, const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::None, newline,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void infoln(bool newline, const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Info, newline,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void warnln(bool newline, const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Warn, newline,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void dangerln(bool newline, const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Danger, newline,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void successln(bool newline, const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Success, newline,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
template<typename... P> void commentln(bool newline, const std::string_view& format, P&&... parameters) { dbgln(Log::Comment, newline,, std::forward<P>(parameters)...); }
// clang-format on
// -----------------------------------------
void dbgln(Log type, bool newline);
void dbgln(Log type, bool newline, const char* format);
template<typename T, typename... P>
void dbgln(Log type, bool newline, const char* format, T value, P&&... parameters)
std::string_view view { format };
for (uint32_t i = 0; format[i] != '\0'; i++) {
if (format[i] == '{' && format[i + 1] == '}') {
DebugLogStream(type, false) << view.substr(0, i) << value;
dbgln(type, newline, format + i + 2, parameters...);
// possible c++17 improvent
// -----------------------------------------
StringLogStream str(std::string* fill);
} // namespace Inferno


@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "ruc/meta/assert.h"
namespace Inferno {
template<typename T>
class Singleton {
// Application is allowed to access its Singleton instance for early setting
friend class Application;
static inline void initialize()
VERIFY(!s_instance, "singleton already exists");
s_instance = new T { s {} };
static inline void destroy()
VERIFY(s_instance, "singleton does not exist");
delete s_instance;
s_instance = nullptr;
static inline T& the()
VERIFY(s_instance, "singleton does not exist");
return *s_instance;
// Remove copy constructor and copy assignment operator
Singleton(const Singleton&) = delete;
Singleton& operator=(const Singleton&) = delete;
Singleton(Singleton&&) = delete;
Singleton& operator=(Singleton&&) = delete;
Singleton() {}
// Constructor token
struct s {};
static T* s_instance;
template<typename T>
T* Singleton<T>::s_instance = nullptr;
} // namespace Inferno


@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <iomanip> // std::setfill, std::setw
#include <sstream> // std::stringstream
namespace Inferno {
template<typename T>
std::string intToHex(T i)
std::stringstream stream;
stream << "0x"
<< std::setfill('0') << std::setw(sizeof(T) * 2)
<< std::hex << i;
return stream.str();
} // namespace Inferno