Inferno Game Engine
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#version 450 core
layout(location = 0) out vec4 albedoSpec; // RGB diffuse color
layout(location = 1) out vec4 position;
layout(location = 2) out vec4 normal;
in vec3 v_position;
in vec3 v_normal;
in vec4 v_color;
in vec2 v_textureCoordinates;
in flat uint v_textureIndex;
uniform sampler2D u_textures[32];
void main()
vec4 textureColor = v_color;
switch(v_textureIndex) {
case 0: break; // Texture unit 0 is reserved for no texture
case 1: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[1], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 2: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[2], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 3: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[3], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 4: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[4], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 5: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[5], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 6: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[6], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 7: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[7], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 8: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[8], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 9: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[9], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 10: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[10], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 11: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[11], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 12: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[12], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 13: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[13], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 14: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[14], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 15: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[15], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 16: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[16], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 17: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[17], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 18: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[18], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 19: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[19], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 20: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[20], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 21: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[21], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 22: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[22], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 23: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[23], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 24: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[24], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 25: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[25], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 26: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[26], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 27: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[27], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 28: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[28], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 29: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[29], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 30: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[30], v_textureCoordinates); break;
case 31: textureColor *= texture(u_textures[31], v_textureCoordinates); break;
albedoSpec.rgb = textureColor.rgb;
albedoSpec.a = 1.0; // TODO: read specular from model material
position = vec4(v_position, 1.0f);
normal = vec4(normalize(v_normal), 1.0f);